Lesson 30

276 14 7

Ricky's POV:

"Ash, please can you just tell me what happend earlier?" I pleaded as I followed Ashley who had stormed out of the school. He didn't say anything as he went around to the driver side of his car and unlocked the door.

I'm not usually the aggressive type, but I went around the car and slammed his door shut just as he had opened it. My actions must've caught Ashley off guard because he just stood there with a shocked look on his face.

"Look I'm sorry, but I feel like I deserve some sort of explanation. Please tell me Ash."

Ashley just stood there looking down at the ground. Even when I asked him to look at me, he refused. He was making me feel extremely worried and I just kept asking him to tell me what was wrong. Who was that woman? Why was he acting like this all of a sudden? But no matter how many questions I asked, he wouldn't reply or even look at me. After several moments of a tense silence passed, Ashley finally lifted his head up so he was now facing me. He had tears running down his cheeks and just as I was about to ask him again, Ashley spoke first.

"I...I'm sorry Ricky, I just can't do this anymore..."

My heart dropped at his reply and I almost didn't believe his words.

"What are you saying?" I barely whispered out.

Ashley was quiet for a few moments before finally speaking again.

"I'm sorry Ricky...it's over..."

Tears began to swell in my eyes and I still couldn't believe what I was hearing. I placed my hands on my chest, tightly squeezing then together as I hung my head down. I didn't look up when I felt Ashley plant a kiss on top of my head and he mutter an 'I love you' before getting in his car. I took a few steps back giving him space to get out but he didn't leave without asking if I wanted a ride home. I didn't reply and he waited for a while but left when he knew I wasn't budging. That's when the tears started running down my cheeks and I let out a sob but covered my mouth.

Damnit, I should've took the ride home. I didn't even want to go back into school like this. I stood there trying to figure out what to do next when I finally decided to go to the football field. It was a pretty warm day out so I slipped out of my hoodie and set it on the ground to sit on. I was sitting just behind the bleachers so I wouldn't be spotted by anybody hopefully. That's when I let the tears flow. I hugged my knees against my chest and buried my face in them just sobbing.

"W-why...?" I whimpered in between sobs. Why would Ashley do this to me? How could he?

I wish he had just told me what was going on instead of just pushing me away. He was just fine until that woman who claimed to be his mom showed up. Now that I think about it, there's a reason Ashley never invited me over or introduced me to his family. But what's the reason?
So many thoughts were whirling through my head and I couldn't pick one to focus on. Ash was hiding something I just know it!

"Is he...seeing someone else?" I whispered to myself as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Ricky? There you are! We've been lookin for ya everywhere!" I turned my head slightly to see Ash and her girls standing there, all with worried looks on their faces.

I quickly brushed away my tears before giving them a small smile as they sat around me. Ash had her hand on my back, the other holding my hand.

"Ashley?" Kaya questioned, almost like she knew what had just happened. These girls are good.

I just nodded my head and I felt myself about to break down again. The girls all gave me a group hug, comforting me and telling me it was all going to be okay. Ash suggested we all skip the rest of the school day to go out for some Starbucks and shopping. I tried to decline but they insisted, and when girls insist, it really means you have no choice but to say yes. We all snuck over to the school parking lot and got into Ash' car. I sat in the front with Ash and we were off. On the outside I was forcing a smile, but inside I was literally  dying. It felt like my heart was sinking into the darkest pit of my body and there was no way to save it. I still had so many questions for Ashley but he's gone now...

"C'mon Ricky we're here now!" Ash pulled me out of my train of thoughts and I noticed we were already at Starbucks.

I got out with the girls who lead me inside and we all ordered our drinks before having a seat. The girls mostly talked about homework and asking each other for help. Then the topic of prom came up.

"Jeremy asked me if I plan on going to prom but that's as far as that conversation went. But Nikki is pretty cute too." Ash giggled.

"Yeah, I really wanna go with Jake. We just had our second date so hopefully soon he'll ask me." Kaya sighed.

"I wanna go, but I'm not even sure if Alex is single or not. Last I checked he was still with his girl." Dani shrugged.

The girls then turned to me and Ash was quick to apologize but I told her it was fine.

"It's okay, Ashley and I weren't planning on going anyways. So..." I trailed off before shrugging my shoulders.

I don't know what it is about about girls and comforting, but they were quick to do so. It felt good to have someone to talk to, even if it was a group of girls. They were all so nice to me and seemed to really care for me and my feelings. After we finished our drinks, we headed to the shops that were around and just admired outfits from the outside.

Later that day I was dropped off at home to find Sparrow waiting for me. My mom was still at work as usual so I made myself some food before flopping on the couch. I had a good time while I was with the girls but now that I was alone I felt myself about cry again. I pulled out my phone to see I had a text from Ashley which surprised me. I hesitated before finally opening the text.

Ash: 'Ricky, I'm really sorry about earlier. Please forgive me. Let me still pick you up Monday morning as usual but earlier so we can talk. I was just in the heat of the moment and didn't mean it. I'm really really sorry baby...'

I bit my lip as I read his message and I wanted to reply back so fast but I stopped myself. Should I? He was very frustrated so maybe he really didn't mean to be so....well, mean.

'Okay...'  is all I sent. Sparrow jumped onto my lap wagging his fluffy tail and I couldn't help but smile at him as I scratched between his ears.

I hope everything will be okay....am I making the right choice?

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