Lesson 11

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Chris's POV:

After school let out and I finished packing up, I locked up my classroom and made my way to the back door where the staff parking was. When I got to my car I caught a glimpse of something in the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw Ricky walking towards the auditorium. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't help but smile at the young boy. So he decided to try music with Andy. I was so proud of him. I wanted to follow him and catch a peek but I had I didn't want to seem like some stalker. I'm sure Ricky or even Andy will let me know how it goes on Monday. I unlocked my car and climbed in, shutting the door. Just as I was about to put my keys in the ignition, I heard a loud banging on my window causing me to literally jump out of my skin. I clutched at my chest as I looked put my window down to see Ash and her friend.

"Miss Costello, what on earth?"

The half headed girl just giggled and shrugged her shoulders.

"Ya going home? Aren't you gonna go see Ricky in his first music class?" Ash leaned against the open window of my car with a Cheshire cat smile. If she had a tail i know it would be wagging around. I sighed as I shook my head.

"I won't be able to I have a lot of papers to grade this weekend." I went to put my keys in the ignition but was quickly stopped by Ash opening my door and grabbing me by my arm. I kept protesting but her and her friend forcefully dragged me towards the auditorium. As much as I wanted to pull away I didn't want to seem like I was hurting them. In anyones eyes it looked strange to see students dragging a teacher around like a puppy.

I finally just gave in and let these girls just take me to where I they wanted me to go. When we made it to the auditorium the girls shuffled us all in the very back row and I sat between the girls. Now I was really stuck. I mentally rolled my eyes but my attention was caught when I heard some footsteps echo through the large room. It was Mr. Biersack and several other students, including Ricky. He had an acoustic guitar in his hands and took a seat on one of the risers on stage. I sat back in my seat to try and hide myself so nobody could see me but Ash and her friend were just leaning forward in theirs with huge smiles on their faces.

"Alright students places. We'll start from the right and work our way to the end. I want you to play or sing the song you have prepared for the show coming up. If you make a mistake it's okay just keep going until the end alright? Denis you'll start us off."

A young man with long brown hair nodded and looked towards the guy sitting next to him who I recognized as Ben. Ben was holding a guitar in hands and began playing a tune. Denis was a really great singer and it made me more excited to see how Ricky would do. As each student went I was very impressed. We had so much young talent here and they all had a bright future in music. Ricky was second to last and he took a deep breath as he held his guitar up on his lap.

As he played I admired him. He was adorable with his shy features and fingers just strumming the instrument like an expert. But his voice...

"I use the dead wood to make the fire rise
The blood of innocence burning in the skies
I filled my cup with the rising of the sea
And poured it out in an ocean of debris"

His voice was angelic. I almost fell out of my seat and that's when I noticed how far I was leaning forward. I knocked over Ash's bag causing a bunch of stuff to fall out and make a loud noise. The students on stage now had their eyes on me including Ricky and Andy. I quickly covered my face and made my way out of the auditorium feeling completely embarrassed.

As I rushed to my car I kept mentally slapping myself for even following those girls in their. I completely embarrassed myself and messed Rickys set up in the process. I got inside of my car starting it up and quickly pulled out of the parking lot not looking back. I drove straight home and sat in my drive way for a good 20 minutes before I decided to finally go inside.

Monday was going to be interesting...

Sorry about the short chapters. I've been busy with work and other things in life. But I'm doing my best to keep you all updated and entertained. I hope you like the chapter i know there's been people asking to see this story updated. Next chapter will be longer I promise. Stay safe and wash your hands my Purdy people.

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