Lesson 29

333 13 6

*WARNING: talk of abuse

Andy's POV:

"Hey blue eyes! How was your birthday weekend hm?" 

I looked up from grading papers to see Maria standing at the doorway with a cheesy smirk across her red lips. I chuckled at the blonde who stepped into my classroom and I scooted my papers over so she could take a seat on the edge of my desk. 

"It was great, got to spend it with Chris and my friends. Although it would've been better if CC didn't get me a cake with a pink dildo inside of it." I sighed. Maria snickered as she pushed her glasses up her nose. 

"Well what a sweetheart. Anywho, now that vacation is over and its a new year, we gotta start working on finals and the senior prom. The prom committee is going to meet after school today to discuss possible themes as well as other things. Wanna join us?" 

Oh shit...I can deal with finals but prom is a whole other shit show. I've only been to a few proms since I started working here and they always end up getting messy. Some bubbling blonde cheerleader gets voted prom queen, everyone either cheers or boos, some riot breaks out and we have to shut it down early. It's been a while since i've attended prom, and so far I haven't heard any crazy stories about it going to shit. 

"Oh, and Chris already agreed to it...FYI." Maria hummed as she checked out her long red fingernails. 

Fuck. She's good. 

"Fine i'll go but only because I'm a dedicated member of the faculty." 

Maria let out a laugh before standing to her feet. We said our goodbyes and she walked out of my classroom. I looked back down at the graded papers and took my time to finish up. It was lunch period but I couldn't join Chris due to falling behind on grading. I checked the time on my watch to see I had 10 more minutes before my next class so I graded the papers as quickly as I could while also not trying to make mistakes. I was nearly done when someone barged in holding a paper in their hand that was covering half of their face. 

"S'cuse me i'm trying to find the principle's office. I've circled this damn school like a million times but still can't-." The person lowered the paper and a surprised look crossed their face. That's when I remembered her as the lady from the grocery store a while ago that was trying to hit on me. 

"Oh, well hello Mr. Handsome. Didn't expect to see you otherwise I would've worn something a bit nicer." She giggled as she smoothed the top of her hair. 

"Can I help you ma'am?" 

"Ya I was looking for the principle's office or whoever I need to talk to about taking my kid out of school. I'm making plans on moving so I'm gonna home school him till then." The lady twirled a strand of her bouncy hair around her finger as she smacked her gum. 

"Uh yeah I can walk you there real quick. It's not too far."  I got up brushing my suit off before leading her down the hall. Class would be starting soon so I wanted to make this quick. 

The walk was quiet and awkward even though the office wasn't that far away. The hall wasn't too crowded besides some students wandering and talking among themselves and even Ashley was standing there with Ricky. He had his arms around the smaller boys waist and the two were smiling and whispering something to each other. I couldn't help but smile at the cute couple and Ashley looked up at as as we got closer. His entire demeanor instantly changed and he looked like he had just seen a ghost. That's when the woman I was walking with suddenly stormed over towards the couple and grabbed Ashley by the wrist yanking him away from Ricky. Now everybody was looking at her. Ashley's chest was rising up and down with each heavy breath he took, a panicked look on his face as he looked down at this woman with a look of....fear? The silence in the air was so tense you could cut it with a knife. My first initial thought was to come to Ashley's aid, but what could I do? I couldn't put my hands on this woman I didn't know what she was capable of, and the whole school was watching. My eyes wandered a bit and that's when I noticed Chris standing not too far away with his jaw nearly on the floor. The silence was finally cut when the woman slowly smiled up at Ashley and she let go of his wrist before gently reaching up to ruffle his hair. 

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