Lesson 23

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Andy's POV:

"Alright class, I'm going to go around and collect your tests now. So please remain seated until I've collected all of them."

Work was going surprisingly smooth as it has been for the past couple of months. After the Halloween party, Chris and I did end up hooking up and one thing lead to another. Now he was my boyfriend. I was kind of surprised he asked me out that night but it was really cute seeing him get all flustered even though we already had sex. I guess he just didn't want to feel like he was taking advantage of me. Sure I was drunk but I honestly remember every moment of that night. It wasn't like that night I went out and woke up to a note from a stranger. Speaking of, I haven't heard from that sexy stranger in quite a while now. Guess there's no point in wondering now since I've found someone. Maybe they did too.

As I went around picking up my students tests, I made it to Ashley's desk where he was surprisingly quiet for once. He didn't look up from his notebook as I picked up his paper and I peeked to see him just drawing a bunch of doodles with his pen. Ricky's name was scribbled at the top of the sheet. I smiled slightly as I continued to go around the class and when I was done I went back to my desk to put up the tests.

"Thank you, I will be giving these back to you graded when I see you all again on Monday."

As I said this the final bell rung so I dismissed everyone and they immediately got up to rush out of the classroom. Everyone except for Ashley. He was still sitting at his desk, seemingly zoned out still drawing in his notebook.

"Ashley? Class is dismissed." I called out to the boy. Still nothing. I let out a small sigh as I walked over to his desk and gave him a gentle tap on his shoulder. Ashley jumped up slightly in his seat and looked up at me with sunken eyes. I examined his face and didn't realize until now how exhausted he looked. His eyes were usually lined with eyeliner but his face was bare and he had dark circles under his eyes.

"Sorry." He muttered as he gathered his belongings. I watched as he did so and raised a brow when I saw he was wearing a long sleeve shirt. It was almost 90° outside so it was rather odd he would be wearing that. Plus its rare to see him covering his arms since he was so proud of his tattoos and enjoyed showing them off. Although I was curious, I decided not to say anything and watched him as he exited my class, not saying a word.

Shrugging my shoulders I started getting my things ready for the next lesson. Thats when I heard a soft knock on my door. I turned my head to see Chris standing there with a smirk on his face. I smiled as he stepped over and gave me a quick peck on my lips.

"Hey you, what brings you by?" I asked. Chris shrugged his shoulders before lifting his hands up and thats when I noticed he was holding a metal to-go cup.

"Just thought you might need a little boost. So I brought you a shake I made this morning. It has strawberries."

I chuckled as I took the cup from him and leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're too sweet. Thank you. So how has your day been so far?" I asked as I popped the top off of the cup and took a sip. It was so delicious I almost let out a moan.

"Eh, same old situation. How about yourself bright eyes?"

I chuckled at this nick name he gave me and took another sip of the shake.

"Normal as well. Ashley's been abnormally quiet today though. Have you seen him today?"

Chris nodded his head as he leaned against my desk.

"Yeah, I almost didn't recognize him when I passed him in the hallway just a few moments ago."

"Do you think he and Ricky broke up?"

Chris shook his head explaining how he had saw them together before school started.

"They seemed happy. All smiley and shit so I don't think that's it. Maybe Ashley just didn't get enough sleep." Chris suggested.

Before I could say anything the bell rang so we said our goodbyes and I watched as Chris rushed out of the door. I quickly gathered my things and closed up my classroom to go to the music room. Luckily the students hadn't arrived yet so I opened up the room and got everything ready. After the warning bell, the students began to file inside. Despite liking math, I think music was my favorite class to teach. And I'm sure the students feel the same because they get to escape the boring long lectures and text books.

"Alright, welcome everyone. I hope everyone is having a good day so far. Now, let's pick up where we left off last time."
Class went on smoothly as usual, all of my students were doing amazing as always. After the bell rung, I dismissed my students and sat back in my seat covering my eyes with my arms. Just one more class to go, then I'll have my usual after school class and then go home for the weekend. Which means I get to spend more private time with Chris. Saturday I'm supposed to introduce him to Jake and CC again but I've been debating on it since I know how Chuppy gets. But, Chris insisted it'll be fun so I agreed.

But for some reason Ashley kept crossing my mind, mainly because of the condition I saw him in earlier. If he and Ricky didn't break up then I do wonder what was wrong. He was definitely hiding something, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe something was going on at home? I don't really know about any of my students private lives, especially not Ashley's, but it seems like something is wrong at his home life. I'll talk to Chris more about it after work.

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