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I hope people actually read this and not skip because it isn't a chapter, but who knows. If you read through to the end, I love you♡

Okay so, I have a few announcements that I wanted to post about separately from a real chapter because I feel like nobody looks at my author's note at the end of every update. I want to make sure that you're getting this information as I talk about it.

First, I recently made a Spotify playlist inspired by Amor! It's about three hours worth of songs that I think suit the book best or my characters best so please feel free to go give it a listen! If you do not have Spotify, I made a copy of the list on my Instagram for you to screenshot (@ kait.writesthings) and let me know if you have any song suggestions that I can add on there!

writesthings) and let me know if you have any song suggestions that I can add on there!

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Next, I'm planning on doing another character q&a for those of you who wanted more and for those who are new readers and weren't able to participate in the first one

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Next, I'm planning on doing another character q&a for those of you who wanted more and for those who are new readers and weren't able to participate in the first one. You can ask as many questions as you and it can be for whichever character you want! There's no limit, just send the questions in and they will be in the q&a for sure. You can even ask me something if you'd like!

Just make sure that you address which character you are talking to when commenting so that way it's easier for me to sort through.

{Comment your questions here!}

And for the final announcement today, I have something that I've been holding off on doing for a while. I figured that it was about time I get around to finishing it since we have a bunch of new readers now and the story/characters have progressed a lot.

I did a recasting of the characters!!!

Right, so I was looking at the original cast and found myself not liking them anymore for multiple reasons. One being that the picture quality was wack and janky, and the other being that I realized those people weren't what I imagined my characters to look like anymore. As the chapters kept coming along and their lives and stories progressed, my vision of them also changed and developed. I wanted this new cast to reflect that change, that growth, and I wanted to make an updated version for you to enjoy with me.

Now before I show you, just please remember that you do not have to envision the characters the same way. This is just fun for me and I wanted to share it with you all since you're the reason this book has grown as much as it has and I'm so grateful for everything you've done. I know that in the first casting, a lot of people were upset or hated the pictures I chose, so I hope this makes up for it.

(Keep in mind that it took me two days to find this new Donovan because nobody I saw on Pinterest made me think of Donnie and I was so close to giving up until I found this guy who is as accurate as could be to what I imagine him to look like!)

Here is the before:

I know, right? Like I said

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I know, right? Like I said... wack and janky. Anyways, cue the drum roll!!!

Here is the after:

*all of a sudden the readers can hear Kaitlyn screaming in excitement from a far distance*

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*all of a sudden the readers can hear Kaitlyn screaming in excitement from a far distance*

TA DA! I love them so much I could cry!!! They're just so pretty and as an author, seeing an accurate representation of what your characters would look like if they were real is so incredible. I'm smiling so much right now ahahahahah!!!

So I'm sure you noticed that Sophie, Jesse, and Isaiah stayed the same and that's only because the way I imagined them didn't change. They were and still are the spitting image of how I see them in the book. Can you hear me squealing? Cause I am hehe.

If you want to know where I got these pictures or who the real names of the people are, I always use Pinterest for inspiration so that's where they're from. The names will be down below in order of the collage:

Sophia Gonzales - Dina Denoire
Donovan Costa - Raf Miller
Jesse Gonzales - Tom Cornelisse
Oliver Hall - Jackson Passaglia
Lilly Mineta - Katya Sitak
Nathan Lee - Dylan Wang
Crystal Jameson - Kennedy Walsh
Isaiah Aguilar - Reece King

(I sadly couldn't find the real name for James' inspo but if any of you wanna work your FBI skills and find him, go ahead!)

I'm very happy with how this turned out and I hope you like it too. If you made it to the end of this announcement, CONGRATS YOU'RE AWESOME!

Have a great rest of your day, drink water, eat something, get some rest, and take care of yourself. You are loved, you are appreciated, you are worthy, you are perfect just as you are! I love you all very much and thank you for being here.

♡♡♡ - Kaitlyn

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