~Chapter 51~

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Winter break had come and gone a lot sooner than I'd expected, but there's no time to dwell on that fact. The new semester has begun and things have gotten way more busy for me.

Our first week back flew by easily enough. Classes are going smoothly and I transferred from ballet to regular p.e which happened to be in the same class as Donovan and the boys. I'm not much of a physical person, but having them there definitely makes it worth while.

The teachers are ruthless this time around as we near the end of the school year and it's all reflecting in our work load. I'm pretty sure I have more assignments tucked away into my binder than I have clothes hanging in my closet. Thankfully though, I'm good at staying ahead of homework and not letting them pile up.

To top it all off, I recently just got hired for a part time job at the diner my friends and I go. My first shift was yesterday and it was spent following around one of the waitresses as she showed me the ropes. I even got one of those cute uniforms they wear that make it look like we're from the 50's.

And when I got home that night, I found my brother and Donovan waiting outside our apartment with a box of meat lovers pizza sitting between them. Apparently they wanted to be the first ones to congratulate me on my first day at work so they ordered food and sat there until I got back.

That's a lie. I knew that what they really wanted was to see me in my uniform since they were curious as to if I had to wear rollerskates like they do in the movies. Unfortunately for them, no skates. Just plain white sneakers.

It's a good thing too, since I'm clumsy as all heck and I wouldn't know how to use those while working. I just know I would drop food or trip over my own feet and that'd be so embarrassing. Not only that, but I'd have to carry an extra pair of shoes around and I don't like having more than necessary in my bag. It's not very convenient when I've got all these other things to worry about.

And well, that brings me to my current situation.

I sat on the curb outside of the diner after my shift ended with my chemistry textbook in my lap and phone in hand as I waited for Jesse to come pick me up. My feet were killing me and I was in desperate need of bunny cuddles with my baby Thumper, but it felt like my brother was taking forever to get here.

Sighing, I check my phone once more in the half hour I've been outside only to find a text from said boy. Jesse explained how his job interview was gonna take longer than expected and that I should try walking home or call Donovan.

Suddenly feeling a bit less irritated now at the fact that his interviewer wants him there instead of sending him home so soon, meaning it's looking good, I'm hoping this is the right step for Jesse to get the job. He'd been searching since before we moved and found no luck, not one person wanted him. Then in an unexpected turn of events, the following day after New Year's he got a call from one specific company he sent a resume to and they asked for him to come in.

I'd never seen him look so relieved for this chance. Especially since it's a company that works with different sports teams across the country and he's always loved playing in high school. They probably saw how many varsity teams he was on and were impressed by it.

With a soft smile on my face, I close my textbook and slip it into my school bag while hitting Donovan's name on the speed dial. It took two rings before I heard his voice on the other end, a strange clanking noise in the background.

"Hi baby, what's up?" he greets. "How was work?"

Heart instantly warming at how happy he sounds to be calling me, I have to lower my head so no passerby sees me blushing.

"I'm getting the hang of it" I respond earnestly. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"If you're not busy right now, do you think you could come pick me up?"

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