~Chapter 32~

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Jesse's Pov:
(5hrs before Sophia came home)

"Sir, I'm afraid I don't understand. I've done so much for this company in the past couple years that I've been here. I work harder than any of the other employees who do the exact same job as me. Why am I the only one being let go?"

My boss sighs and looks down at the open file in front of him on his desk. "Look Mr.Gonzales, both myself and the company appreciate everything you've done for us, especially while dealing with your family struggles, but I'm afraid it's out of my hands. We need to fire one person from each department in order to stay within our monthly budget."

"What if I worked for less money? Could I keep my job if you cut my wage in half?" I stand up to try and keep my nerves in check. Sitting down would only make me more anxious and I need a clear head if I'm gonna attempt to persuade him.

"I'm sorry but I can't, Jesse. If we did that, then I'd have to make exceptions for all the other people who are being fired." He leans forward to type something into his computer and prints out a document. "Now, I've taken the time to write up a very good recommendation letter for you to find another job. Hopefully you'll find someplace better that will give you the pay you deserve."

Placing the letter into the file, he closes it and hands it to me. I stand there staring at it trying to process the fact that I'm actually losing my job today. What am I gonna tell Sophie?

"Mr.Gonzales?" He asks cautiously.

"So that's it then? You write me up a fucking 'thank you' note and kick me out?" Welp, there's goes staying calm. I feel the anger beginning to boil in my chest and I know that it won't go away until I've punched something.

"Listen son, i-"

I slam my fist down on his desk, "I'm not your son! My dad is in fucking jail right now for beating my little sister!" He looks a bit terrified at my outburst and I don't blame him. I'm always professional while at work so none of then have seen this kind of behavior.

"Okay, I understand but I need you to calm down" he raises his hands in surrender but once I've already started, I can't stop.

"Calm down?! How am I supposed to fucking calm down when I've just lost my job and I need to somehow find a way to provide a roof over my sister's head? I don't need your shitty understanding, I need to pay the damn bills!" I turn and kick the chair I was sitting in earlier so hard that one of the legs broke. I'm surprised he hasn't called security to come get me out of here yet.

"I know you're not thinking clearly right now but I need you to listen to me. I may not get how it feels to be in your position, but I do understand the pressure you're under. You're only twenty-two years old and already have to worry about all these things that were placed on your shoulders unfairly. You should've been out there living your life, going to college and partying with friends. Not struggling to take care of yourself and your sister on a monthly wage that doesn't even leave you with enough to let you buy yourself a new pair of shoes."

He's not wrong about not being able to buy new things. These shoes are barely keeping themselves together.

My boss walks around his desk to be in front of me and careful places a hand on my shoulder. "I'm gonna give you some advice. You can choose to not use it but I really think this is the best option you've got. Take care of yourself first. Be selfish for a change and go do whatever it is you want to do with your life. Your sister can stay with someone else for a while until you're stable enough to provide for her. Do it now while you've still got a chance."

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