~Chapter 29~

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Oliver's Pov:
(mature sexual content ahead!!)

"Ah c'mon, not this asshole again" Nate nudges my arm and nods in the direction of our wannabe competition, James Marshall. After the whole incident where he punched Don after he lost their race, we haven't seen much of him around here. Guess he was just too embarrassed to be seen in public.

"You think he's gonna go up against Don for a round two?"

I shrug my shoulders, "not if he knows what's good for him." Nathan chuckles at my response as we watch James walk across the dirt field towards the track. He glances our way for a moment as he passes and winks at me with a cocky smirk on his face. Raising a brow, I scoff and turn my back to him so I can keep a look out for Donovan.

"Where is he anyway? He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago"

"I don't- oh hold on, my phone is ringing." Nate takes it out of his front pocket and answers the call. "Yeah?.... dude where are you? The race is gonna start in like five minutes and you're not here.... uh huh.... alright fine.... okay we'll see you tomorrow then."

He hangs up and puts his phone back in his pocket. "So?" I ask and he shakes his head. "He's not coming. Marie got sick at work and he's gonna stay home to take care of her. Told me that whatever we earn tonight, we should just split it in half between us two."

"He doesn't want his cut?"

"Apparently not" he shrugs. I run a hand through my hair and let out a tired sigh. It's been a week since Sophie's birthday and to say that we've all been busy would be an understatement. We haven't been able to hang out with her since that day and we all just miss having fun at her place, watching movies and messing around.

Every night this week, the guys and I have been out here at the track earning as much money as we could before christmas break. Races close during that time and won't be back until after new years so we gotta save up enough to last us during that time. Especially Donovan and I because we have to help provide for ourselves since there's not many people who will do that for us. At least Don has his aunt to love him and Nate has his dad and brothers. The only person I've got is my alcoholic mother who's never even home.

"Alright then, we should head up and get ready. It's almost our turn" Nate pats my shoulder and we make our way to the bidding tables where the four guys who run these events greet us.

"Hey man, you ready to go?" The one called Harvey asks Nate as he's counting the handful of money in his hands.

"Yeah, who we up against tonight?" Nate grabs a beer from the cooler next to their table and tries to hand me one too but I decline with a shake of my head. I usually don't drink before a race but Don and Nate like to drive with a bit of a buzz, something about the adrenaline of it all.

"Well you're racing that new kid over there in the red sweatshirt who thinks he's a hot shot for finding this place. Oliver, you're up with Marshall this time." Harvey finishes counting the bills and puts them safely away in the metal box where the rest of it goes, only to then move onto the next stack.

I was too distracted by what he was doing to realize what he'd said until I see the look of worry on Nate's face. "What?" I raise a brow confused.

He scoffs and lightly punches me in the bicep with his free hand. "The fuck you mean, what? You're racing James you idiot!"

My jaw clenches and my heart beats a little quicker at the sound of his name. I can't race him, I just can't. Looking at Harvey I ask "is there any way I can trade with someone else?"

Sighing, he shakes his head and gives me a knowing look. This isn't the first time I get paired up with James and try to swap. The other times Harvey was able to find someone to trade with me but the look on his face is suggesting differently tonight which is why he appears a little annoyed.

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