~Questions & Answers 2~

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I'm so happy to see that you're all loving the epilogue! The kind messages I've been receiving from you are so thoughtful and I appreciate them♡

From here on out if I ever post something to this book, it'll be things like promoting my other works or announcements regarding Amor just fyi. Thank you again for reading and sticking by me throughout this journey, it means the world!

As promised, I am back with one last character q&a for those of you who couldn't participate in the first one or just wanted to ask some more! Thank you for sending in your questions and I hope you enjoy!



Q: What is your favorite thing about your brother?
A: Well, there's so many ways I could go with this.. but I guess the simple answer would be his strength. Not physical strength of course, but mentally and emotionally. He's the strongest person I know and I admire that part of him.

Q: Do you still keep in touch with Isaiah?
A: I do actually! Although, not as often as I would like but the last I heard he was recruited for a major baseball league and is very happy.

Q: What happened to your bunny Thumper?
A: He went to bunny heaven the summer before my first semester at college😢 I miss him so much...

Q: What did you study while in college?
A: Women's Studies! It was a tough decision choosing a major but it all worked out in the end. I wanted to be an elementary school teacher originally, but now you're looking at a coordinator for a women's health clinic and advocate for sexual assault survivors.

Q: Who does your daughter like more? You or Donnie?
A: Me for sure, but if you ask Donovan, he'll say it's him🙄

Q: How many years after high school did you and Donovan get engaged/married?
A: It was a little after he and I had finished college actually. But the funny thing is, we asked each other on accident! He had this whole date planned and I got this feeling in my gut that he was going to propose and I started getting really nervous. So right as he got down on his knee, I did too and we blurted it out at the same time! We laughed it off and he accepted but it was still embarrassing that I couldn't handle the intensity of the moment😅


Q: What's your favorite thing about Sophie?
A: I think you're asking the wrong question here. I'm not sure if I can pick just one thing out of the whole list of favorites, but I'll bite. Her laugh.

Q: When are you asking Sophie to be your girlfriend?
A: She's my wife.

Q: When did you realize that Sophia was stronger and could protect herself than the girl you originally knew?
A: It wasn't a specific moment per se. The feeling gradually got bigger as time went by after I helped her and Jesse move boxes out of their old house. She had said something to me that really opened my eyes that day. She said, "I don't need you. I just want you" and that's when I noticed how far she had grown.

Q: How's life as a dad?
A: Incredible. I never knew my heart could fit so much love inside it for my wife and child, they're my everything.

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