~Chapter 47~

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3 days later...

"So Christmas is tomorrow, got any special plans with your friends?"

Looking up from the plate of french toast I was currently working my way through, I watch as Jesse sits down across from me at our small kitchen table with a cup of semi sweet coffee in hand and a sci-fi novel in the other.

Most of the apartment has been decorated, excluding parts of my room, and things have settled in quite nicely. We're already so happy here and it's comforting to know that my brother is just a few steps away instead of all that empty space we had back in the old house. It's like the cold aura has been replaced by this warm glow and its helped me cope better with the pain of moving. Of course it still hurts, but not so much anymore and I'm grateful for that. This second chance, this turned leaf, is just what we needed.

Swallowing down the food I was chewing on with some almond milk, I try to respond but my brother's expression stops me when I notice the slight smirk playing at his lips. Lifting up his mug, Jesse makes straight eye contact with me before taking a sip and spewing out a snarky remark.

"Y'know, that don't include you getting drunk?"

Blushing, I pretend to be annoyed by rolling my eyes but he sees right through it and laughs at the expense of spilling a few drops of his coffee on the wooden table.

That night after we left the diner, Donnie and I dropped off Nate at his house before heading back to the apartment complex, but I was still a bit intoxicated and there was no hiding it. Perks of being a first time drinker and lightweight. We tried to be as quiet as possible while entering my apartment, but Jesse was right there waiting on the living room couch with a hot cocoa in hand and a rerun of his favorite show playing on the tv.

It didn't even take him a full minute to realize that I was out of it, as the smell of liquor is something he was familiar with, and I could barely stand up straight. Donovan had to hold my waist to keep me from falling as he explained to my brother what had happened. Granted, it wasn't the full truth since nobody can know about the racing, but it was a good enough lie to persuade him and Jesse thanked Donnie for taking care of me.

After he left, my brother carried me to the bathroom where I ended up vomiting not a second later as he comforted me and told me to brush my teeth while he went to the kitchen for some water. With a sore throat and a clearer mindset, I changed to my pajamas and waited for him in my room. The whole time he made sure I was okay, Jesse didn't even look as upset or angry as I thought he'd be.

In fact, he looked rather amused at this whole situation.

The next morning was rough and I didn't want to leave my bed, but Jesse came in with a stupid grin on his face and a glass of orange juice, making me take some Advil and hauling me out to the park for some sunlight. I had never wanted to slap him as much as I did then while he made jokes about how 'wild' and 'reckless' of a teenager I was being for getting drunk. He genuinely thought it was funny and it baffled me.

Seeing as I was avoiding his gaze, Jesse told me he was kidding and repeated his question from earlier, wanting a real answer this time. Narrowing my eyes at him, I wait for that sly smile to wipe off his features before clearing my throat.

"Well that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Go for it" he lifts his mug up to take another sip of the coffee, making sure to clean the table with a napkin after making a mess.

"Is it alright if I go out with Donovan tonight?" Taking my fork, I pick at the chopped fruit that accompanies my french toast, deciding which one I want to eat next. "He sort of sprung these last minute plans on me and he sounded excited over the phone."

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