~Chapter 44~

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The weekend came and went quicker than I'd hoped and now it's finals week here at school. Well, in actuality it's the last day of finals but I'm too stressed out to even care about the specifics...

Since we never have classes on the Friday's before winter break, that means the administrators squeeze in all the student's testing into just four days total. Which means, it's pretty chaotic wherever you go on campus. All the underclassmen are busy cramming in as much information as they can for the first two days while the juniors and seniors are already in the gymnasium taking their tests.

Teachers had the older class grades prepare for the final last week since these results will go on their transcripts for college applications. So I didn't get to see much of the guys in the past few days cause they were occupied by filling in bubble answers and reading through short essay prompts. Nobody has gotten back the results, but I know theirs will come out great. Although none of the boys know exactly what they want to do in the future, nor what college they'll want to attend, whatever is eventually decided won't be a problem cause their grades will be amazing.

And even though these tests won't affect anything other than my semester grade right now, I'm still freaking out over if I'll do well or not. Because I'd missed so much of school after going to court and everything that happened that night, I fell behind my classmates. Sure, I got caught up on the assignments but it feels like everyone else is on a completely different wave length. Which is why I've recruited Lilly to help me study because she's one of the smartest people I know, besides Oliver.

"Okay we've got about forty five minutes until they need us back in the gym to continue testing, so let's review" she gets down to business as we walk into the library.

It's pretty crowded in here, as to be expected, but the two us managed to find a table in one of the back corners and got ourselves settled. For a good fifteen minutes there was nothing but algebra equations and chemical formulas running through my head as Lilly explained the parts that I was stuck on and made sure I understood before moving onto the next problem. Sometime during this grueling session, the librarian came over with his cart of books, ready to put them back in their rightful spots.

"Hi girls, long time no see" he greeted us with a kind smile.

Hearing his voice after what felt like a lifetime was strange. Not weird, but it certainly made me feel calm which always used to happen whenever I was in the library having a conversation with him. It's crazy how the last time I saw this man was the day I met Donovan. My, how things have changed since then...

"Hi Mr.Leonard" I put down my pencil to give him my attention, and to put a pause on this long division problem that was kicking my butt.

Lilly and I watched as the librarian sorted through the books on the cart and placed them alphabetically on the large mahogany shelves beside us. "How's the studying going so far?"

I let out a heavy sigh, "debilitating."

Mr.Leonard looks at me with slight amusement and confusion as Lilly chuckles.


"Debilitating" I repeat. "To make someone very weak, that's how it's going."

"Yikes, that bad huh?"

"Yeah..." I rest my chin in the palm of my hand as he continues sorting out Sci-fi novels.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, there's only five more hours of school left until winter break. Then it's time for Christmas and all that good stuff."

I nearly groaned in frustration when he said five hours. Can't time go by any quicker?!

Then, as if the universe heard my plea, the intercom came on and one of the office ladies announced that all underclassmen report back to their testing rooms to continue with the final. Her voice faded out and a second later the school bell rang, making almost everyone in the library begin to collect their things and leave.

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