~Chapter 42~

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It's been two days since our first date; a Friday to be exact, and I've got so much to do it's ridiculous.

But not only is it a busy day, it's also a sad one too because Isaiah is leaving tomorrow morning and I'll never see him again once school is over. I have to say goodbye to a short lived friendship and that's something I'm not emotionally prepared for.

The school bell rings loudly, signaling the end of class and the start of lunch hour. Packing up my stuff and grabbing my binder, I get up from the desk chair and walk out of the classroom with my shoulder bag lightly bumping into my hip with each step. Clutching the binder to my chest, I take my time heading to the cafeteria so I can hopefully spot Isaiah but he never showed. He wasn't even by his locker which is near the cafeteria doors.

With a disappointed sigh, I enter the large windowed room and skip the line for food to meet up with my friends. As I get closer to our table I realize that Lilly isn't here yet, so she must be in the library catching up on homework. I saw her this morning after Jesse dropped me off where she handed me one of her chocolate chip cookies she had baked the night before. It was really good and she promised to show me the recipe sometime.

"Hi everyone" I greet, placing my binder on the table and dumping my bag in my lap as I sit down beside Donovan. He leans over to kiss my cheek, making me smile.

Since our date, he's been a little more affectionate. Like he can't go an hour without showing me some kind of sweet gesture. I don't mind, it's really cute how he gets so excited to see me. Even if it's only for a minute in between classes. Yesterday he walked me to my fifth period class and risked being late just so he could give me a hug goodbye. I laughed to myself as I watched him run down the hallway, hoping to make it on time and avoid earning himself a detention.

Of course he's not the only one who's been looking to show the other how much they care. Although it still makes me a little nervous, I push myself to not worry so much whenever I hold his hand in the halls or play with his hair. It's nice to see how far we've come in terms of knowing what's comfortable for the two of us in public. It's progress. I mean, it's not like I'm eager to kiss him in front of so many people, because that in itself is always gonna be weird when you witness a couple in the halls making out. But it would be nice to not feel scared like the whole world is judging me for giving him a quick kiss.

This is why I'm taking everything one day at a time.

"Hey Soph, how was math?" Nathan's cheerful voice pulls me from my thoughts as he takes a bite out of his pizza.

I was about to question how he knew I just got out of math, but then I recalled that we all basically knew each others schedules by heart since it comes up in discussions a lot. Resting my head on Donnie's shoulder, I cringe. "Boring. I didn't understand a single thing."

Oliver speaks up this time from across the table, folding his arms over his chest lazily and raising a brow. "How come?"

I laugh softly, "because I wasn't actually paying attention the whole time." Not my fault math isn't fun. And even though I never have lower than a B in the class, doesn't mean I'm honestly smart in the subject. My strong suits for education are in English and History, always have been.

I feel Donnie turn his head a bit so he can whisper close to my ear. "Did you take your pills already?" He's referring to the multiple vitamins I need to take for my anorexia. Well, they're not specifically for that, but it's meant to help my body get adjusted to gaining weight again. Last night I weighed myself to find that I went up five whole digits. From being eighty something pounds in the beginning to now being one hundred, I can happily say that not only does my body feel better, but so does my mind. There's so much to go before I reach the doctor recommended weight, but I already feel proud of myself.

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