~Chapter 18~

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"How are you feeling sunshine?"

I yawn and rub my eyes as Oliver helps me sit up from my laying position on the couch. Just then Nathan walks in with a bottle of water in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. He gives me a small smile and takes a seat next to me on the couch. Oliver crouches down in front of me as I take a look at my surroundings.

We're in my living room and I'm guessing after I fell asleep, one of them carried me out of the car and put me here. I can tell it's still day out but I'm not sure how much time has passed.

"Wh-what time is it?"

Oliver checks his watch,"school will be over in about 15 minutes. Just enough time to get you to dance practice without being late. But how do you feel?"

"Fine, just a little sleepy but I'm o-okay Olly."

Nathan rips open the bag of doritos and munches on one,"what about the bruises?"

I look down and lift my shirt up for them to see. There's some kind of clear gel on my skin making the bruises look shiny. I poke at my side and wince when the pain surfaces.

"Wh-who put the cream?" I ask glancing between the two of them. Nate raises his hand,"guilty."

"Are you sure you're up for ballet Sophie?" Oliver gives me a look of concern as I pull my shirt down.

"I'm sure Olly."

"Promise me you'll take it easy okay sunshine? If it gets too much-"

"-i'll take a break, I know. I promise" I try to soothe his worries as best as i could. Sighing, he runs a hand through his hair and stands up.

"Ready to go? Don't want you to be late" Nathan asked in between chewing.

"I'm g-gonna go change real quick" I respond and get up heading towards the stairs and up to my room. I undress, being careful of my sides, and put on light pink tights with my black leotard over them. Deciding that I'll just change into my ballet shoes later, I slip on some black flats and head back downstairs.

The boys see me and get up as we walk to the front door. Nathan has my dance bag slung onto his shoulder and he puts the bottle of water he had into the bag then closes it.

"I'll carry that Nathy" I reach for it but he grasps my wrist and puts my arm down gently.

"Sorry honey but I'm designated bag carrier for today so don't fight me on this" he playfully scolds.

Oliver opens the door and we walk out, locking it behind us before going to the car. I quickly get into the backseat so the boys don't force me into the front. Laughing when Nathan gives me a glare, I hear my phone ringing from my dance bag. Nate hands my bag to me so I can answer it. The caller ID shows Jay Jay on the screen along with a picture of the two of us where he's giving me a piggy back ride and we're laughing.

I swipe the screen to answer and greet him happily. "Hi Jay Jay!"

"Hola mi amor. Are you home yet?"

"Well a-actually I'm just leaving for ballet practice right n-now." Oliver pulls out of my driveway and heads back onto the street for school.

"Oh right, I forgot about that. Do you need me to pick you up afterwards?"

"No thank you. Nathan is coming with me to watch and he'll take me home afterwards since I'm not gonna hang out with my new friend anymore."

"Espera, what new friend Sophia? You didn't tell me about this" I can hear the worry in his voice which makes me feel guilty.

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