~Chapter 12~

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"Okay girls, give me five more pirouettes and then you're free to go. Don't forget our next practice is the day after tomorrow so don't be late!"

Ms.Hannah our instructor dismisses us and we complete our last task of the day before going to collect our things in the back of the dance studio. I crouch down grabbing my water bottle and thin light grey sweater to put over my ballet attire.

The rest of the dancers pack up their bags as they chat or keep hydrated. I stay to myself mostly besides when we have partner work, then I have to communicate with the others. I swap my pointe shoes for black flats and place my dance bag on my shoulder before walking out. With my bottle in one hand and my phone in the other, I walk to the front entrance of the school to wait for Jesse to pick me up.

I take a seat at the steps a little ways from the doors and cross my arms to keep warm from the slighty windy weather. The strap of my bag slips off but I leave it as it is and drink more water. Although I love dancing, the fact that I don't eat much makes me tired quicker than the others so I need to constantly drink something.

It's been three days since the fight in the cafeteria and when the boys brought me home that day, I leapt into action to clean their faces of the blood. I got a little nauseous while wiping it off and when Donnie saw me get dizzy, he took me to the couch where I then fell asleep. Everyone involved in the violence got suspended for two days and today they were able to come back.

Throughout the day I didn't see Kole or any of his friends but Donnie was very protective and rarely left my side unless it was class time. I chuckle thinking about the constant text messages he'd sent me during those two days cause he was bored. I almost got my phone taken away by my math teacher but I don't regret it.

The feeling of my phone buzzing catches my attention so I check who it is. A smile finds it's way to my face when I find out it's Donnie.

Donnie: how was practice princess? do you need me to pick you up?

I open the chat bubble and respond quickly.

Me: it was good and no need. my brother is getting me, thank you though :)

Donnie: anytime. let me know when you get home :))

I was going to respond but the sound of footsteps ahead of me cause my eyes to look up. My heart stops when I'm met with Kole's bruised face.

"Wh-what do you w-want?"

He chuckles at my expense for a moment as he slowly walks closer to me. I'm too scared to move from my sitting position on the steps so I take my bag and hug it to my chest as some form of barrier.

"Oh Sophie, how stupid are you? I haven't recieved the favor you owe me. I came here to collect it. Would've done it sooner but that asshole Donovan Costa ruined things."

The pounding of my heart rings loud in my ears as he crouches in front of me with his face centimeters away from mine.

"I'm s-sorry he d-did that... but you w-wouldn't let me go" I whisper loud enough for him to hear. The smirk he gives me is scary and when his cold rough hand caresses my cheek, I flinch.

"Yeah well guess what, I'm not planning on letting go this time either."

"Wha-?" He grabs my arms harshly and pins me against the nearest wall. The impact makes me gasp and he uses one hand to hold both of mine above my head. His body is so close to mine as his free hand grips my waist tightly. I squirm trying to get him off but his hold is too tight that I'm sure it will leave bruises on my wrists.

"S-stop Kole" I cry letting the tears fall. He places his head in the crook of my neck and takes a deep breath before planting a small kiss. I stiffen and whimper out of pure fear. Nobody has ever touched me like this and I feel so dirty. I don't like this...

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