~Questions & Answers~

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Q: how did you feel when Nathan told you he liked you for a bit?
A: well, i was surprised because nobody has ever told me they liked me except for Donnie. i'm happy he trusted me enough to tell me though!

Q: if you hadn't met Donovan but you did meet his friends, which one would you date?
A: oh um... i don't know what to say here honestly. Nathy is basically a brother to me so that'd be weird. I'll say Olly but don't tell Donovan cause he might get jealous🤫

Q: if blood freaks you out, how do you handle your period?
A: being on my period is different from a cut so whenever it's shark week, i don't worry too much about the red stuff coming out of me. i hope that makes sense...

Q: what will you do if Donovan decides to propose to you?
A: what?! did he say something like that? i'm barely 17 so i don't think that's a good idea right now, sorry Donnie😟

Q: what happened to Pinky the stuffed pig that Donnie bought you?
A: Pinky is safe and protecting my bed when I'm not home. I cuddle him at night.


Q: how do you feel when you're around Sophie?
A: complete

Q: why do you lose your temper so easily?
A: cause i'm a fucking idiot, that's why

Q: name five of your favorite things about Sophia please!
A: only five? alright then. her eyes, her smile, her laugh, her beautiful heart, and pretty much everything about her.

Q: what're you going to do when you graduate and Sophie still has one year to go in high school?
A: we'll see when we get there but i'd never want to leave her

Q: where can i find myself a guy like Donovan?
A: i don't know. i'm not that great so i don't see why you'd want someone like me anyway


Q: can you PLEASE be my boyfriend?
A: maybe😎

Q: how do you feel about Sophia?
A: she's family, i adore her

Q: how was it when the squirrel attacked you?
A: fucking animal could've scratched my eyes out. i hope it died cause if i ever see that thing again, it's not going to be pretty

Q: who do you consider you're closest friend out of all of them?
A: easy, Oliver. we bicker a lot but that's just how we are. i know i can count on him for anything because he's gotten me through so much shit. we've got secrets that nobody else knows.

Q: how have you not had a girlfriend? you're like the perfect boyfriend material!
A: thanks for the compliment but no girl has ever wanted to be with me. guess i'm just not appealing to them


Q: how does it feel to be the dad of the group?
A: i'm guessing you're asking this cause i'm the most mature out of all of them so... it feels fucking stressful

Q: why do you seem to always hide the sensitive side of yourself unless Sophie gets hurt?
A: it's not that i'm not compassionate or try to hide what i'm feeling, i just find it more reliable to be smart in tough situations rather than get emotional over them. the problem gets solved quicker that way but when it comes to Soph, i just gotta make sure she's taken care of first or i'll go nuts

Q: is there any chance that you're in a relationship with anybody?
A: not at the moment, no. but i've got some people in mind

Q: besides racing, do you have any other hobbies?
A: nothing that sticks really, i mainly try out whatever i find interesting and do that for a couple days until i get bored of it. i watch a lot of movies though if you wanna call that a hobby

Q: can you tell us a few things about yourself that nobody else knows?
A: shit um, i repeated the second grade which no one knows about. i don't have a gag reflex and there's a mole on my right buttcheek. don't ask about the gag reflex🙄


Q: how do you feel about your sister?
A: i love her to death. she's my everything and the only family i've got so i'd do anything for her.

Q: can we be friends?
A: sure, as long as you're 18 or older cause then i might catch a case

Q: do you wish you'd got to experience high school better and not have had to deal with practically raising your sister on your own?
A: i don't regret a single thing. i did what i had to do and i'd do it all over again in a heartbeat just so she wouldn't suffer alone. besides, 'normal' high school experiences weren't my thing.

Q: what is one thing your future girlfriend/wife must have?
A: loyalty, hands down.

Q: are you going to teach Sophie how to drive or will you let one of the guys do it?
A: whoever she wants. i think i'm the better choice but if she picks any of them to do it, i'm not gonna be upset about it


Q: do you want to be more than a friend?
A: with who?

Q: are you going to steal Sophia away from Don?
A: i'm not that kind of guy and she likes him too much for me to do that

Q: if the news about Sophie was on tv, how come you didn't go visit her to see how she was doing?
A: i wanted to but she told me that she just needed time to process and asked if i could keep my distance. i waited until she said she was feeling better for me to see her


Q: are all of the characters straight?
A: nope😏

Q: how many more chapters will there be for Amor?
A: i have material/ideas to get me to at least 35 more chapters for this book. it's gonna be a long one, sorry lol.

Q: can we get a second book for Jesse?
A: i thought a lot about this and decided that once this story is complete, i'll make a short book about him. it'll be around 20 chapters and will include when he was little, during parts of this story, and snippets of their future. so, be excited for that!

Q: how do you deal with negative comments?
A: i do three things. first, i laugh at what the person said to lighten my mood. then i try to see it from their perspective so if they say that one of my characters is being stupid for the way they reacted to a situation, i tell myself "well they aren't wrong" and then i move on with my day. negative comments are good feedback for me as a writer. helps me grow

Well that was it for the character q&a! Thank you to everyone who sent in questions and for allowing me the opportunity to make this. It was fun :)

The next chapter will be up in two days (maybe even sooner if i manage to finish it early) so stay tuned. Lots of love! -kait

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