~Chapter 20~

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Donovan's Pov:

Walking out of that house was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Hearing her scream and cry out for me broke my heart with every step I took, but I knew I couldn't go back.

I needed to let her go.

My face was killing me and the dried blood was getting on my nerves. Jesse got a good number on me earlier when he attacked me by the sidewalk. I got a few on him too but if I had known sooner that I left bruises on her beautiful skin, I would've let him pummel me until I couldn't see straight. Lord knows I fucking deserve it after what I did.

The image of her standing in front of me with her hoodie lifted up to show me what I created makes me want to punch something.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" I shout angrily and clutch at my hair.

I hate myself so much right now and what I don't understand is why she doesn't. Sophie, my sweet girl, she didn't have an ounce of judgement or anger in those gorgeous eyes of hers as she looked at me. My conscious would probably feel a little bit better knowing she hated me too but no. Instead she tried to comfort me, me! I was the prick who hurt her and made her cry yet she tried to make me feel like I did nothing wrong.

I never deserved her.

When she tried her hardest to hold onto me after I told her we're breaking up, I swear I almost gave in to her pleas and held her tight. Poor thing locked her arms around me as hard as she could but I just stood there as Nathan pulled her off.

Breaking that beautiful girls heart made me see how cruel I am but I know that I can at least say confidently that she'll be better with me gone. I'm not sure what will happen at school or what I'll do if she bumps into me in the hallways. I'm certain Oliver and Nathan will want her to be around considering they're good friends, but who knows what I'll do. I don't want to make her uncomfortable with my presence if she wants to hang out with them and I don't think I can meet those pretty eyes without begging her to take me back.

Walking all the way home, I ignored the strange looks I recieved from strangers when they saw my bruised bloody face and teary eyes. I probably looked like a zombie but I didn't care.

As soon as I opened the front door, Aunt Marie greeted me from her spot on the couch with a magazine in her hands. "Hey sweetie, how was school?"

When I didn't respond, she glanced up at me briefly but did a double take when she saw the condition my face was in. "Oh my god! What happened?"

"I messed up bad Marie" my voice cracked at the end as she inspected my injuries.

"What do you mean? What'd you do?" The concern in her voice makes my guilt tenfold and I managed to speak before breaking.

"I hurt Sophie" I cried and she immediately held me in her arms. I don't remember the last time I shed a tear in front of my aunt. She knows I'm not one for being very emotional so this is most likely a shock to her.

Neither of us spoke for those five minutes as she rubbed my back and let me sob. Words weren't needed for this kind of moment and we both understood that. Silently, she led me to the bathroom where I sat on the closed toilet seat and she went through the cupboard searching for the aid kit.

I knew she had many questions but held them back for my sake, which I appreciated, but I didn't want to leave her in the dark. She's the only family I've got left and I can't hide this from her. Opening the first-aid, she took out everything needed to fix me up.

"You can ask" I told her softly as she came up to me with a wet wipe in hand. A sigh escaped her lips when she began cleaning the blood off and I could see the way she cringed at my bruises. Marie always hated violence.

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