~Chapter 11~

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The next couple of days that I'm at home healing, Donnie and his friends come over to show me a new movie each time. I've now seen an action movie that I didn't like so they tried a different genre. They showed me a comedy that I quite enjoyed so they put on another one the next day. Today we're currently watching a horror and Oliver warned me beforehand that it's gonna be scary.

I told them that I'm not good with scary things so they promised to protect me and wrapped me in a fluffy blanket to hide in. Right now I'm sitting between Nathan and Donnie on the couch. Oliver is sat on the ground in front of me. The living room lights are off which makes the scary movie even more scary.

"Wh-what is she d-doing?" The girl in the film is walking further into the forest alone but doesn't she realize that's where the murderer is? That's not smart at all, even I know that.

"Just watch sunshine" Oliver tells me. Both of these guys took it upon themselves to give me nicknames and I have to admit, I really like them. Oliver calls me sunshine and Nate calls me honey. It's nice having friends who care enough to give you a special name that only they can call you. Of all the names, Donnie calling me princess is still my favorite one.

Suddenly the girl on the screen gets attacked by the killer who came out of nowhere, making me scream and cover my eyes. I hear the girl getting murdered and the gross sounds of the knife makes me whimper. I feel a hand rub my back and another one gently pry my wrist from my face. When my eyes aren't hidden anymore I see Oliver crouched in front of me with a small smile on his face.

"We can turn this off and watch something else if you want."

I shake my head, "I don't w-want to be a s-scaredy pants Olly."

I forgot to mention that I also gave them nicknames too. Oliver is Olly and Nathan is Nathy. They laughed when I first told them cause they said that it all rhymes with Donnie. I laughed too when I found out but they liked the names I chose anyway so it's official.

"It's okay to be scared Soph. We all get scared sometimes so don't worry about it." Nate says.


"Yeah c'mon let's watch something else." Nate gets up from beside me to grab the remote.

"A c-comedy?" I ask.

"Anything you want" he responds with a smile. I take off the blanket and fold it on my lap but Donnie takes it and leaves it on the end of the couch. I watch him yawn, rubbing his face with his hand.

"Y-you can sleep" I suggest but he shakes his head.

"Here, l-lay your head on my lap." I shift a little to allow him some room to get comfortable. He sighs but does as I say. Once his head is resting on my thighs, I run my fingers through his hair.

"You two look comfy" Oliver smirks at us. "Can Soph play with my hair too?"

"S-sure" Donovan and I say at the same time. Nate laughs at us giving me a 'good luck' expression.

"Awe c'mon Don. Sharing is caring" Olly teases him.

"Don't fucking talk like that." Donovan glares in his direction. I flinch at the use of foul language and he notices cause he gives me a guilty looking face. I don't understand why he won't let me touch Olly's hair. He's my friend now too...

"D-donnie it's okay." He sighs and mutters a "fine" before laying back down. Oliver, who's sitting on the floor in front of me, leans his head back on my knee so I can touch his hair. Nate proceeds to put on a funny movie, going back to his spot on the couch next to me.

Thirty minutes later Jesse comes home with his hands full of groceries and an angry look on his face. He either ignores us or doesn't notice that we're here cause he immediately goes to the kitchen after slamming the door closed. The loud bang wakes up Donnie from his nap.

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