👑3| First Exposure

487 44 1


Squashing my hanboks against a stone, I sap the water from it by squeezing. I raise my hands continuously to hang a few hanboks. My body occupies a sitting by the fence over my house while I rattle the same thing over and over again furiously.

My eyes refuse to acknowledge another presence as my thoughts are numb. Bo Mi enters from the main entrance with a basket in her hands.

"I'll make him pay. Stupid guy. How dare he?!"

Pouting while pulling out a bundle of hanboks from the bucket, I throw the dresses over the line at a go and dump them at the left corner side of the dry line. A few fall out and spank over the grass, but my eyes are too glued to the backyard to notice them. She quietly closes the fence behind her and moves towards me.

With a silent touch on my shoulders with her icy hands, my feet stumble back and compress the dirt fetched hanboks lying across the floor. Looking down, she returns a perplexed glare on her face before turning to the ones on the dry line. Still startled, my fingers slowly grasp the fallen hanboks as I brush off the dirt and dump them into the bucket of water.

I punch her arm slightly as I sigh, rinsing them out one by one. With her eyes moving according to my movements, she stops to block the next free space.

I look up slowly tracing her fingers covering the next free space I plan on moving next to.

"You scared me!" She looks around again before slowly studying the background with scrunity.

"What happened to your clothes? You never wash on weekdays."

My lips purse angrily as I turn my face away. The hens quickly walk in from the back of the house crowding over a bundle of corn which fell from my hanbok.

As my ears begin to irritate me from their noise, I quickly grab a hen circling around me loudly. I squeeze its feathers in a fit to make it shut up, but it begins to exceedingly create more noise.

"If not for that stupid guy! I feel like strangling him!" I complain further as I continue to twist the feathers and the legs of a hen in my hands as it cries.

Her eyes widen when she sees my reaction. "Hey, wait! Why are you taking it out on the poor chicken?"
She shakes her head for a while as I trace my eyes over the petrified hen.

I drop its body when I register what I was doing. It was true I was taking it out on the innocent hen. Staring at it, my hands fall beside me in silence. It starts to hop on a leg after managing to stand up squealing in pain.

With each attempt in trying to run for its life, it falls down and starts all over. As I watch its predicament, I lower my head and stare at the messed up hanboks on my bucket. She giggles at the confusion in my eyes and snickers with a pointed finger at me while her other hand covers her mouth in order not to expose her laughter.

I chuckle at her after thumping my feet as I enter the house. She follows me from behind but I can still hear her laughter behind me as I open the door. I pull a seat and throw my back on the chair.

To quench my anger, my fingers trap a pair of chopsticks from the table. Quickly, I fetch some soup noodles from the kitchen and stuff them in my mouth without a pause. At each stuff, I feel my throat stiffening.

I knew this will affect me but I am so angry to think twice of the effects doing this has on me. After the third stuff, I begin coughing repeatedly forcing me to rush to the sink . I throw countless amounts of water I collect from the tap into my palm in my mouth before I am able to take heavy breaths.

I wash my face thereafter and return a death glare to her. With a larger smile forming on her face, she says to me.

"I think I like this guy. I mean he's got my sister all worked up!". I don't react to her mockery as she's quite an expert in getting to me. This time, I am not that eager to reply as I turn to the messy hanboks.

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