👑43| Threats

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Pouting furiously from the encounter with the bookshop keeper, I can't help myself from wanting to scream.

I mean how could he publish my diary to make money out of it? I'm not even paid nor acknowledged for bringing it out.

With not much choice, I have to wait till tomorrow to get a better answer from that bookshop keeper as soon as possible. Looking through the books in my room, I kinda hope that maybe my diary has been returned, but I guess I am hoping for a bizarre situation.

There was nothing, no diary here, in fact nothing I place in it is here! He didn't even return it?

At this point, I feel like falling from the face of the earth, to visit the underworld. At least I won't have to give explanation to the people.

This is the worst case scenario for me. He just had to publish it when dead bodies started appearing in the town square!

Yes-I am in deep trouble. What if he questions me on the entails when I go there tomorrow?

A sudden knock on the door relapses my thoughts. I sigh a few minutes wondering who it is.

Soo Bin peeps at me with her head lying by the incomplete open door.

"I have good news for you!" I start to pack the rest of the books back to its original place and wave at her to come in.

In her hands, I spot a small paper as she enters and walks to me. I am more curious as to why she is smiling so much. The last time I saw her smile this big was when she was telling me about the Crown Prince.

Wait...don't tell me she saw him again? Was that her good news?

She stands by me with her hands hiding a paper behind her back. I could see a signature attached to it from the bottom and the imperial stamp beside it.

That is when I realize that there is something more to her smile. But what can it be?

Bending over, she pulls me up with her hands and before I can step back, she starts running in circles dragging me along.

"I finally got a job at the palace!" She rips out the paper from behind and waves it in the air as though she made a trophy. I stumble back when she loosens her grip on my hand and flicker my eyes to keep them open.

Raising my head, I extend my left hand to take the paper from her, but she acts quicker than me. She rolls the scroll down and smile, pointing to the last part of the writing.

The imperial stamp shows the authenticity of the scroll. Her name is boldly written on the paper with the signature of the Crown Prince beside it. I could tell it was him from the signature because his name is in between the scrapes.

My eyes flatter reading his name, but as she taps on my shoulder, I raise my head to look at her.

"You know what this is right?" She asks blinking her eyes playfully. I promise I almost lost my eyes trying to keep pace with her flickering eyes too. My fingers clasp against my forehead as I attempt to keep my eyes open from running in circles.

By looking at her, I wonder if she also took part in the circle running. She is standing so cool and still, unlike me who is literally almost falling behind.

She begins jumping with her hands in the air.

But the smile on her face doesn't make me happy for several reasons. Not that I am jealous of her, but there are already several death cases and she leaving alone to work in the palace isn't a good idea.

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