👑30| I Give up

115 15 1


  My eyelids threaten to close after I fall against the floor. Watching the house crumble gradually, a tear glides down my cheeks. I extend my shaking hand towards the fire while mumbling under my breath in her arms.

"Omma." A warm wind brushes over my body hearing the loud screams of the people as the fire intensifies, corroding the whole structure.

   The house breaks down completely  allowing only dark heavy smoke to escape from its clutches into the atmosphere. My eyes slowly move around the place looking for mom.

Amidst the burnt broken wood lying two feet from the house's entrance, my eyes catch my jade necklace lying close to the burnt house.

I raise my body slowly before letting go of her to pick it up. Omma had entered to get it back. As long as I find it, I'll find her too.

Standing directly beside the burning house, Bo Mi screams as she watches her home diminish before her eyes. She repeatedly cries and calls out to mom after attempting to enter the building. Soo Bin stops her before she can get to the entrance which was no longer habitable.

Watching me crawling towards the fire makes her start shouting my name too. My legs shake tremendously at every step I take forward.

 My hair runs in the air hapazardly to the direction of the hot wind from the burning house. My hands lie beside my body in dependency while supporting me to take baby steps towards the broken wood in front of the door. My eyes start forcing to shut close but I didn't give up crawling.

With my blurry vision and black coated face covered with smoke and an unstable breath rate, I move my legs forward with much difficulty.

  My awkward movements trace through the people's gaze curiously. My legs feel totally numb and weak  causing me to crawl like a drunkard. I almost fall at every step, but I force myself to move forward.

My fingers quickly stretch to reach out to my necklace as I get a few feet to the broken and burnt wood. I find the necklace lying on the floor. Forcing my eyes open, I find countless broken wood lying over it. It is the only thing shining brightly in the dark so it is not difficult to locate it while I crawled.

  My body falls over it after I manage to get a little hold of the edges of my jade necklace. A rush of relief moves through my bones when I manage to feel a little part of the necklace. The cold jewellery heats my fingers as I try to get a total grasp of it.

Gliding over my fingers, I stretch my hands to hold it totally. It is when I get it that I see a hand beneath the broken wood. 

 I hear some noises coming from the  door of the house suddenly. My ears ache at the voices of someone coughing. I see a hand exposed under a pile of broken wood. "Omma!"

I yell but the words refuse to come out, only coughs from inhaling the awful dark smoke  from the burning wood. My fingers flicker at each movements I make over the heated wood lying across the floor.

Brushing off the dirt on my knees, I struggle to get back on my feet and run to her.

Immediately I recognize her hand, I start to swiftly push the wooden bricks and debris covering her body from her. As I dig into the burning wood, I can feel burns taking over the films of my palm.

  The desire to get her out as soon as possible makes me ignore the pain, but it doesn't take long to feel the wood burn my palm. Mt eyes waver when I gradually pull off most of the hot wood from her body.

  Spotting her full body now, my lips part from sorrowful watching her pale dying face. Her face is black totally black with ashes and covered with smoke. Her body has pierces, small cuts and her skin reveals smears of smoke as she coughs while trying to raise her hand.

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