👑66| Tainted

75 11 0


A horrific sensation runs down his veins when he feels someone's hand grab his feet. His trembling fingers grip every fibre of his leg to prevent him from taking a step away.

Ji Min slowly looks down in fear while staring at the dying man hesitate to let him go. His lips begin to bleed gradually making his breath diminish with time but he struggles to speak out his grievances.

His lips curve into a little smirk when he sees the look on Ji Min's face.

"T-The real Crown Prince..." He starts talking and pauses as blood spurs from his mouth.

"....is still a-alive....and he's coming for y-you."

Ending his threat with a stammering laugh, his lips go silent as his hand collapses on the floor.

Shiver runs down his face while his words echo through his head several times. His trembling hands clutch to his wounds which continues to drip of droplets of dark blood.

His head makes a turn when he realizes that he is alone with the dead Gu Mo.

His lips begin to stutter as his eyes rummag the whole area. The disciple he spoke of isn't there and he has managed to run off.


Birds immediately pop into the air chirping anxiously. Their flaps are immensely quick and enable them to fly.

Staring angrily at the sky, he moves his leg forward and walks slowly following the steep footsteps out of the forest.

A short grunt alerts a little woodpecker chopping off the word with its beak. Repeatedly hitting its beak against the wood, it abruptly flies away when a hand taps the stem for support.

Min Kyu's hand holds on to the stem of the baobab tree while his shaky legs keep struggling to keep him up on his feet. He looks forward with a tear running down his face when he hears some giggles from short memories in his head.

A little boy was standing over the palace wall. His eyes were mischievously looking around for any intruder. A scoff escaped his lips when he saw a little girl passing by.

She looked around cautiously and jumped over a tree, plucking some fruits from a tree in the palace. She dropped them in a basket and jumped again, again and over until she acquired a suitable number.

She was holding a little basket in her hand and balancing some fruits in the other. Her robe dragged over the floor and erupted quite some sound to alert the little boy.

He stepped up on a large stone he pulled to the spot and let out a sigh after he crossed his arms in a fit.

"Let's go!" He told himself and raised his body to step on the wall, gradually hanging over the wall. He looked back to see if someone was following him and unfortunately, one of the guards realized that.

Trembling in fear, he threw his body down and bashed on to the floor in a loud thud.

His eyes widened in shock when he fell over someone and pushed a basket down. The fruits splashed over them and emptied its entails all over their robes.

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