👑41| The News

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Some maids throw their palms over their lips to keep them from shouting as their eyes waver at each suspensive word in the book.

Most of them have a few copies so they gather around in groups to read. I find only a few groups but their behavior pretty makes me curious.

Moving closer to fulfill my curiosity, I hear more words, but as I listen more, they seem more familiar in my ears than they should be.

Soo Bin rushes over to me with a copy of a similar book. Seeing me engulfed in eavesdropping, she taps my shoulder with a twitched eyebrow.

"Don't tell me you're also into these paranormal stories?! I have one copy just here-"

Hearing that, I don't wait for her to continue talking. Turning to the copy in her hands, I snatch it from her before she could utter another word to me.

"That's rude you know! Why are you so interested in reading it anyway?" She asks while gazing at me. But my attention is focused on finding out what the book talks about. Her questions fall on deaf ears.

I take a short glance at the cover page before I start flipping through the pages quickly to analyze each word.

"Isn't it interesting? It's sad that the author is anonymous!" I raise my head thinking about what I have just read. They are the exact quotes and word for word from my missing diary!

Whoever took it published it without my consent, and might have even stolen it from me. No wonder i couldn't find it! But how come my writing has been published?

"Hey are you listening?" I nod quietly and hand over the book to her with a sign of relief. She smiles at me with a curious look. "Did you find your diary though?" My eyes widen at her sudden question.

I nod consistently thinking of what do do about this. Does that mean my diary ended up here? I need to talk to the book shopkeeper as soon as possible. No one has the right to publish anyone's writing without their permission. He has a lot of explaining to do!

"Where are you going?" I turn around in a haste while running.

"To do something very important! Wait for me." She raises her hand to make me stop but I have already turned my back on her to notice her wave.

I dash to the door while pushing my way through. The maidens are so engrossed in the book that they couldn't even hear my excuses to give way.

I had to push myself amidst them before I can get to the counter. "Oh Seong Ri! You're here!" I twitch my eyebrow at him. He can freely mention my name after illegally publishing the entails of my diary.

With my face plastered with fury, I march directly to the counter to question him. Just before I can ask him a question, a young woman rush over to him, demanding for a copy. "I want one of those!"

I push her aside angrily and turn to look at him while standing directly opposite him.

"I was here before her! Where did you get the entails of that book? Did you steal it?"

He looks at me curiously before blinking his eyes. Leaving me with just a stare, my blood starts to boil with fury.

Not only does he not answer me, but he's looking at me as if I am crazy. It's this shop and every manager under it that is crazy. Who actually does this to anyone?

The woman tosses me aside while other people rush in crowding the room. My body crashes over them as they push me aside to get to the counter. Watching them scowl for something I wrote isn't the best experience I need now.

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