👑75| Repercussions

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With the bare floor gradually being painted with blood, people slowly gather around the building whispering, pointing and debating on the situation.

"Ho Jin." Sobs Hye Ra desperately as she clings to him while his lips are pouting blood at each attempt he makes to speak.

Guards rush back panting from the heavy chase outside. A man beaten from his facial expression is forced to kneel down with a sword stashed harmlessly against his neck.

"Who sent you? Speak up?!" He lowers his head angrily and hesitates to talk, but when Seo Jin raises his sword, he quickly lifts his hand and nods quickly.

"Master Ji Min! He told me to do it. I had no other choice. Please don't kill me!"

Seo Jin's lips seal in silence while his sword moves down quietly. The assassin looks down sadly folding his hands in peace.

"Ji Min...he won't benefit from killing you, unless....Sun Hee?" Ho Jin begins to pout more blood with the mention of his daughter in a murder. Hye Ra shakes her head and hugs him tightly while crying.

"Why did you do this-" He slowly raises his hand and holds her hand as he tries to speak.

"I'm sorry.... for not believing you-" Her eyes drain silently in tears while she covers his wound but he is loosing more blood with time. From his situation, he isn't going to last much longer.

"I-I'm thankful that I could do something for you t-this time, to make up for my mistakes. I hope you can f-forgive me, and live freely-"

Tears glide down her cheeks and splash on his face gradually.

"I don't blame you. I've always love-"

He smiles for a short moment when his fingers attempt to wipe her tears off, but before they can reach her cheeks, his hand fall over turning down his heartbeat.

"HO JIN!" Seo Jin sighs while standing over to check his pulse. There is nothing to read, and he has breath his last breath under Ji Min's plot to kill Hye Ra.

She cries helplessly clinging to him amidst her sobs. Two guards rush over and turn to Seo Jin with folded arms.

"Min Kyu found the Crown Princess, but she's that girl, Eun Seong Ri from the town square. But Ji Min found out and accused her of killing scholars with the Heist in the kingdom-"

Her eyes waver in agony with the dead body of her lover in her hands. Now, her niece is also in his hands just when she is found.

A thump follows after Moon Bin collapsed on the floor on his knees. He stares at the floor with a dampened expression on his face.

"Why did you tell him?!" With Woo Hyun's hands clutching dangerously against his collar, he scoffs before pushing him away with his left hand.

"To get rid of you! I've always wanted to get back at you for everything you caused me!"

Min Kyu turns to Moon Bin curiously and rushes to put his sword on his neck.

"What? You want to kill me right here? After all, you took me from my hometown just to use me. It's because of you my family died! Your selfish need to acquire money took away my peaceful life, and you expect me to stay silent?"

Woo Hyun's eyes tremble in agony as he watches the hateful look in his eyes. The best friend he knew is different from the one in front of him now.

There is nothing but hate in his tone and he was pretending to be his friend all this while.

"I also informed your mom that you were dying, so that she'd attack Ji Min if he refused! But who would have thought that she'd die too-"

"-You dragged my mom in this?"

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