👑16| Secrets

197 22 7


When my thoughts settle down, my fingers run over the jade necklace. Fir the first time, I was now looking at it properly. Although I keep it with me at all times, I am too busy to notice any difference.

But as I stare at it for minutes, I can now describe it perfectly. A long golden chain holds the green jade at the centre bottom. Golden designs are also carved over the jade which sparks up whenever I pass it over the sunlight.

My eyes spark up when I see some Korean characters carved beneath the jade. Looking closer, I realize it had the name So Yeon carved on it. As I think back, I don't remember any townspeople with that name.

Could I have accidentally picked it up during my run that night? Or was it gifted to me?

When I try to think deeper, my head begins to hurt bad. I quickly toss my necklace into a box and put it in a shelf beside my bed. Massaging my forehead, my head drops down. Bo Mi sets the table quickly arranging the bowls in line. After she places three pairs of chopsticks on the table, she turns to me.

"It's done! Seong Ri?" Her eyes settle in silence when she sees me sitting still with my head down. Just as she moves to my direction, she swiftly turns around after seeing omma step into the house from the backyard. She makes a turn for the hot pot with soup noodles in it.

But as her attention is unsettled, one of her hands slips from the pot making the noodles fall over the floor. The crashing sound of the pot and her scream makes my head jerk up. My eyes flicker seeing the hot noodles lying across the room. Her hand moves down to pick the pot up while omma steps in yelling.

"With our poor state, you manage to spill the food? What's that?" When Bo Mi turns to her direction, she quickly picks the other pot of noodles and place it on the table.

"Nevermind. Leftovers from yesterday." With a relieved gulp, she waves her hands towards the back of the house. I squabble in return before dashing to her. Her eyes study omma before she hands over the pot she inquired on.

Rushing to the backyard, my eyes screen over the house carefully before I am able to bring myself to bring the bowl out. I lower my eyes while gazing at it hungrily. My eyes rolls back which ends up devouring my black pupil.

I open my eyes suddenly and they light dangerously with igniting red sparks. My hands begin to tremble and shake as my body starts to react again.

I move the bowl to the tip of my mouth and gulp the blood hungrily as some trickle down my chin before dropping on the floor. I scream in pain when my body starts shaking again. The bowl unconsciously slips from my grip and bounce hapazardly on the floor unleasing screeching noises.

Erupting a loud noise, it manages to scare the hens in their coop.

My hands tremble vigorously and continues to shake with a massive energy bursting within me. I feel my body disengage as it scrambles for more.

My lips attempt to yell but I manage to control myself before I alert omma here. Kneeling with my head looking down the floor, my eyes light dangerously again. My body starts to feel heavy.

Remnants of the blood on the corner of my mouth drips over my robe and paints the once white robe into red. My vision becomes blurry while I feel really dizzy. My lips mutter slowly before my body collapses on the floor. "B-Bo Mi."

I was moving hapazardly, with my vision blurry. The streets were serene and too quiet as the wind blew over my skin sending shivers down my spine. I felt sick to the stomach, weak and tantamount to a dead person.

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