👑72| Relish

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A stash on her neck makes her hands tremble and collapse by her body dependently. Ji Min's face turns pale and expressionless while the ministers gasp in shock with their mouths covered.

"Queen Dowager." Before anyone can relate with the situation, her body weakens and relapses before falling down with her breath shaking terribly.

"Soo Hyang!" Ji Min screams and quickly rushes to grasp her in his arms. Wet tears fill her eyelids and run snakelike across her face. Her fingers attempt to raise but her body is too weak to control her movements.

The ministers are taken aback by the situation and a few run out to yell in agony to announce for a physician. The rest left to spectate the situation watch in horror as she utters a few last words with her shaky tone.

"T-there's nothing left for me if he will die-" . She pauses for a moment when she realizes that Ji Min is almost in tears, for the first time, and now realizes what she meant for him, even if he never showed it.

"Call the physician now!" He turns around with vicious red eyes warning the ministers around but they are too astounded to lift even a finger.

The atmosphere becomes more chaotic when she begins to laugh for a while spitting blood.

"I'm happy to die t-this way. You won't have anyone to blackmail my son with, and y-you will live with the guilt of mur-"

"-murdering me." He shakes his head impatiently and clings to her hand but she pushes his hand away with the remaining strength she has bottled up in her.

"You can't die! The physician will be here soon. Hang on... please." A scoff puffs her pale red lips as her eyes search for his eyes. A guard dashes in immediately bowing before Ji Min with his hands crossed.

"There's another man assisting the Crown Prince by the Western Gate... it's possible he'll make it!"

With a little triumphant smile forming from the corner of her mouth, she turns to Ji Min for the last time laughing before her hand falls on the ground.

"Soo Hyang!" He screams and moves his trembling fingers towards her face. Gently caressing her face, he realizes that she isn't breathing but dead.

Throwing her body into his arms, he cries helplessly while holding her hand with tears running down his face.

"Why did you do this." Ministers who witness the situation turn to each other horrified to death. With their pointing fingers, they yell at him.

"You killed the Queen Dowager! The Crown Prince will not spare you!"

Ji Min slowly opens his red raging eyes as his fists clench in anger at the mention of The Crown Prince. His head quickly turns to Minister Jo and Minister Tae and aims two daggers at them, stabbing them in the chest.

The remaining ministers gape with their mouths open and stepping back in shock.

"Woo Hyun! Watch what I'll do to you!"

I pull off the hat I disguised myself in by the town square and look around studying the situation. Most of the people are going about their duties, but most are absent.

"Scholar Kim is dead. They say he died in the same manner. I'm sure the author of that book did it!"

The others nod with their angry faces. But their eyes widen when they see the huge mob at the gate and they are rattling the same thing.


"Have you heard? A large amount of won will be awarded to anyone who reveals and captures the author."

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