👑37| The Encounter

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"No!" I sob as my fingers crumple my robe. Staring right at the little girl, I remember her smile, and how I loved to cup her cheeks.

She used to remind me of myself when I was her age. But looking back at the person before me, she was different, dead and this time. I think I know what is going on in the town.

Whatever is killing little children and leaving them here is surely a vampire. I wasn't the only vampire living in this town. There might even be more than one of them.

But why are they targeting only little children? What is the history behind that? Is that how I also ended up like this?

My eyes move from her body when I feel someone's hand on my arm. Pulling me away, she turns to look at the dead body with horror forming from the crevices of her eyebrows.

This dead body is different from the other ones that appears in the town square. This time, not only her neck had bite marks, but her arms are marked with scratches all over both arms.

Her shoulder's sleeve from the robe has torn parts. Turning her eyes to her neck, she turns to my neck blinking her eyes.

"Your-", she states amidst stammers as she still processes her final analysis on the dead body.

I realize few seconds later as to why she can't speak. She has also realized it too on how I became a vampire. Whatever vampire attacked me then didn't have the chance to complete feeding on me.

His blood conformed with mine and made me like this-just like the vampiric child that appeared days ago.

It can be that whatever vampire is doing this to the children might be the one who made me a vampire and left me on the streets when abeoji came to my rescue.

Everyone's eyes suddenly trace a woman rushing over to where they stand. She sobs uncontrollably running through the crowd. She stops two feet from the dead girl and trembles seeing the state she is in.

Unable to control herself from screaming, she bends down with her knees as tears glide down her face. Her eyes waver in silence as they stare blankly at her daughter.

"Hae Soo.", she cries and hugs the corpse so tight while her hands drop over the floor. She shakes her lifeless body and shakes her head in disbelief.

All the people can do is just stare, but the look in their eyes isn't like usual. This time, one can see instant fear in them.

Bo Mi pulls me from there quickly and looks at me closely in silence.

"Seong Ri. Are you okay?" She asks shaking me up, but my mind is too preoccupied to answer back. Everything starts to become clearer in my mind now.

But I can't stop thinking of the little girl and all those who have died under the hands of that vampire. My lips purse remembering some last words.

"If you want to help this town...please find her."

Those words I am now coming to terms with. The appearance of the Crown Princess.

I raise my head to Bo Mi and nod. "I have something to do. You go home first. I'll come later."

She frowns at my answer.

Holding my hand, she retorts. "But you asked me to go with you. Are you sure you're okay? Is it because of-"

"Don't worry about me. I won't kill myself after what happened."

She gives me a quick nod and walks ahead. I lower my head still thinking about what Moon Bin said to me days ago.

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