👑14| Crash

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I bite my lips by just looking at the strict expression each of the wore on their faces. I didn't need anyone to warn me of the consequences of staying back. I needed to run, now or never. Although I was standing just a feet from them, they were armed while I had nothing to defend with . With the lousy skills I learnt on my own, I would only be able to fend off a few.

As I check the stakes of the situation, they stare at me scanning my familiar  appearance. Just by looking at them, I could tell my cover is blown. "It's her!" Without waiting for them to alarm themselves, I turn around and begin running.

Dashing amidst the townspeople, I push whoever comes in my way. Shivering with the loud yell from behind, my breathing becomes heavy as I start to run. "Stop," the guards scream at me. I look away and I resume my long run. I turn back again to look behind me and still find them getting closer each passing minute.

Looking at my stakes, I have to find a way to get rid of them. But my legs start to feel worn out and feeble after running for a while. From running for almost ten minutes or so, I begin to feel more excruciatingly tired.

 But each time I look back, I find them  still behind me. If I stop to rest for even a second, they will catch up to me in no time. I need to keep running. "Hey! Watch it," some guy pounces after almost getting at me when I bump into him. He points a finger at me and yells in anger.

  "Sorry!" This continues all along the way as I bump into several people. My throat even start to feel dry from apologizing. When I suddenly bump over a table and row over, a young woman standing in front yells as her lips scream. Watching her food items squash on the floor, she turns to me angrily. I turn away quickly after brushing off the dirt on my hanbok continuously.  While running, I can still hear her screams and see people watching me surprised. But the fear of being caught by those guards were more important.

But when I feel a bump into someone hard on the chest, my mouth lets out a silent scream.

"Aaaaa!" I scream as I lose my  balance and gradually fall back. Just when I imagine falling over the streets with everyone stating at me, I feel someone's arms wrap around my waist to support my body.

My hands hang loose and almost touches the floor while my head balances with my body slightly. I open my eyes simply awestruck by what my eyes see the second after.

His eyes curiously look into mine with a mixture of emotions while the guards pause when they see him. I blink my eyes once, twice hoping that my eyes are not playing a prank on me.

It is Woo Hyun.

He stares at me in awe. An unending fire ignites in my heart as my eyes stare deep into his eyes. Forgetting that I'm being chased after, I get lost in his eyes.

They feel like a puzzle I'm lost in, but I still want to solve the puzzle.

  My body feels secure in his arms although it feels different this time. The look in his eyes seem relaxed unlike before, as though he can read through my soul.

  His arms grab me tighter when his grip on my body loosens as his mind focuses wholly on me. His sleek black hair falls perfectly beside his ear revealing  a full view of his smooth handsome face which captures my eyes any time I see him.

  He gazes at me pompously making my heart beat irregularly wanting to jump out of my body at any moment from now.

  "Your Majesty," they exclaim
after drawing their swords out of their sheaths together. "Your Majesty. She was secretly engaging in illegal tutoring of the children!" They exclaim through a bow of their heads.

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