👑68| Wither

52 11 0


Short murmurs run through the atmosphere while the winner exposes a crooked smirk on his face. His lips twitch into a smile which attracts a few to debate anxiously.

"Heist in the Kingdom goes to Mr Dong!"

Most of those gathered stare curiously at each other in awe as the winner waves happily to the crowd. His legs rise slowly moving towards the scholar.

"Who is he?"

Shrugs relapse among the townspeople while they keep their eyes on Mr. Dong when he receives the copy with a broad smile on his face.

He smirks from the corner of his mouth and gapes at the people quietly waiting for them to say something but they are too surprised to speak.

"Do you know what this book contains?"

He raises it into the air and turns around to check if anyone has an answer to his question but everyone keeps silent.

"Your death list!"

An evil laughter escapes his lips as he sees the horrified and confused looks returned from his reply on the faces of the townspeople.

Slowly, he lowers his hand and pushes the copy into his pocket.

They keep still silent and watch the distributor keenly. He laughs silently and taps Mr Dong's shoulders with a smile.

"He's exaggerating! Right...who wants one? You'll love it!"

No one responds. They just keep staring in awe when they realize that Mr Dong has disappeared amidst the crowd without clarifying the answer he gave them a few minutes back.

"One copy for just a slave!"

Two men stand up and reach for a tablet, just like Mr Dong had done. Three men follow up and surprise the rest gathered around.

In no time, the platform is full of anxious buyers waiting for their copies. People begin to gasp as that is the only thing they can do as of that very moment.

Contemplating on whether to ignore the man's words and the price for it, some start stepping back. After all who will sacrifice their worker for just a book.

It is indeed something unique to attract such attention!

A few more stand up and march towards Mr Chalk who is in charge of distributing the copies.

Sobs run through the ears of the survivors hiding behind each other for protection. Some start running towards the woods but retreat when they see vampires coming from that direction too.

Silently, a little girl gets out from her hideout when she sees someone coming from the woods. The hanbok of the vampires are all tattered and stained with blood. Mud is detained on the fabric so much that it creates another design in the middle.


She screams and runs to the man without hesitation. His dull eyes look down consistently while his mouth bleeds with dripping blood. His wrinkled face makes him look older than his current situation.

A woman drags her back but she pushes her aside and runs towards the man. Screams echo amidst the cries mainly to stop the little girl from going to him, but she is too emotional and little to understand what is going on.

"A-abeoji." She sobs while clinging to his legs. The man shakes his legs vigorously to push her off but she wouldn't let go.

The other vampires smile crookedly when they see the terror in the people's eyes.

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