👑25| Rumors

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The atmosphere is quite eerie with crowd calls initiating the day. The heavy dark clouds move slowly in the skies while erupting the calmness of the town. Cold wind from the forest emancipates the bare skin of the people sending shivers.

As the dust escapes the floor, it runs aimlessly through the air blurring our vision. No one needed to tell us to pack up. It is pretty obvious that the rain will dismantle the whole place in no time.

My hands rest on the old woman's shoulders while my eyes scrutinize the situation.

Glaring around, I find the townspeople running around busily moving according to their own business. It was quite easy to find my way here, but doing so later under this bustling streets would be different.

In all, I needed to get all the information from her before the rain starts.

Biting my lips, my hands fall behind me as my eyes flutter from the sparking clouds.

Unnoticed, my deep thoughts make my fingers loosen grip on the portrait which I had my hands on.

The portrait slowly slips through my fingers. Immediately my fingers unconsciously lets go, the portrait flies according to the tune of the strong winds.

Unable to see through, my hands move up to cover my blurry eyes before I force myself to search for the portrait. As if not bothered by anything, it starts to roll on the floor unsettling.

Forcing my body through the strong wind, I dash after it immediately as my body feels the cold breeze brush over my face. This makes me unconsciously close my eyes each second along the way.

The elderly woman attempts to call me as her throat runs dry but no words came no matter how much she tried. The only thing her feeble body could process was to call me by lifting her hand.

But as I already stood a bit far from her, I do not realize her call in time. Holding my body up against the strong wind, the edges of my baggy robe floats on the floor.

When I manage to get to the settled portrait, I sigh while bending over the portrait to retrieve it. Breathing a sigh of relief, I quickly turn it around and drop my hands as I got it back in good shape.

My hair runs wild in the air when the cold winds begin to dive higher into the atmosphere. Leaning on to the intensity of the speed of the wind, my hair falls back floating in the air.

I fold the paper neatly as I watch the traders pack up their stuffs into the baskets. People brush past me hurriedly and push me backwards continuously. The old woman calls up to me with her hand when she spots me less entangled in finding the portrait.

Smiling, I rush over to her as my hair dangles over my neck and my baggy robe feels a little heavy due to the occupancy of the air.

"Thank you for helping me child." I nod happily while returning a smile at her. She smiles back to me and turns around to pick up her things lying over the seat.

"You should get going. It's going to rain soon," I rescinded before kneeling in front of her. She laughs at me for a while and when I realize why I start to laugh back.

Behind me, a young lady probably just my age shows up flinging her hands from the tire of running around in search of her.

Her face beams with worry but seeing her safely sitting by the town square makes her worried look peel off immediately she spots her. She simpers seeing me sit beside her. As she picks her things from the seat, she taps the elderly woman's shoulders.

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