Family day

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Nayeon's POV

"I didn't know you'd bring company." I hear Jeongyeon say as he looks at Chaeyoung standing behind me, our son who immediately ran to his dad the moment he saw him is currently clinging on Jeongyeon's neck like a monkey.

We're currently standing at the entrance of the largest amusement park in South Korea that's partly owned by Yoo Corporation.
It's funny how his son who's always timid feels so connected with his estranged father like he has known him all his life despite not actually knowing that the man he clings on to is his father who also abandoned him before he was even born.

"Ah, no! Don't worry. I just drove them here for safety, hyun-" I touched Chaeyoung's shoulder to remind him to not call Jeongyeon hyung since my boss gets heated when people who he doesn't know treats him casually. Jeongyeon doesn't remember Chaeyoung as his closest friend and more like his brother in college after all.

I see Chaeyoung's eyes started to gloss now that he is seeing Jeongyeon up close. He probably misses his hyung but there's no sense in reminding him of the past when he has moved on. Our group of friends has decided to just let Jeongyeon live his life the way it was meant to be before meeting me. We figured we don't want to stress him out especially when his wedding is just a few days away. No matter how much it hurts me to know that the person I love will marry another woman, our story doesn't center on ourselves anymore. I have a child now to protect and love more than my own selfish want for Jeongyeon.

"Actually Chaeyoung is one of the underground artists I am talking to right now about the project you want to launch next month sir. I've seen some of his work and I think he's one of the artists that can really make relaunching our street brand more appropriate for the masses." I said while I take Youngjae from Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon fixes his suit and tie that got ruined when his son was all affectionate to him earlier as he looks at me and Chaeyoung.

"I think we could discuss about that some other time. It's the weekend and we should spend some quality time with our family, right Chaeyoung?" Jeongyeon's voice is cold, making a clear point to Chaeyoung that he doesn't belong in the said family outing. I just looked at Jeongyeon sharply, irritation starting to be visible in my face for his irrational attitude towards Chaeyoung. He doesn't need to be rude.

"Okay. I guess that's my cue to leave you guys for now. Just text me later when you're done so we can eat dinner together, okay?" Chaeyoung just said to me and kissed me and Youngjae's cheeks before waving goodbye to usa.

"Do you usually allow any man to just kiss you?" I hear Jeongyeon's voice as we're walking towards a carousel ride which Youngie has been dying to ride.

Our son is running ahead of us out of excitement so he couldn't hear his parents bickering over the most useless things.

"What are you even talking about? Chaeyoung is not just any man. May I remind you that it's the weekend. I am your employee, SIR, but we are currently out of our office. You can't boss me around like you own me." I said and it made Jeongyeon clench his jaw but he didn't say anything anymore and he just focused on looking after Young Jae. Good.

This is going to be a long day.
Jeongyeon's POV

Why did Nayeon even have to bring that little man along? I had this whole day planned from where we'll ride as a family down to where we will eat but seeing that man go walking around with my family didn't sit right in my stomach that it made me lose my temper at Nayeon. I just choose to shut up and keep it all in cause I don't want this day to get ruined anymore.

Watching my son giggle and laugh while he's riding the carousel up and down makes all of my earlier irritation from that Chaeyoung guy disappear. My son looks like a little cherub and just watching him enjoy what he's doing makes me smile a lot.

I moved my gaze towards Nayeon and saw that she was smiling at him as well. Taking pictures while reminding our son to hold on tight so he won't fall. A few minutes more and the ride was over and our son is already up in my arms while we walk along the crowd of patrons searching for other rides.
Young Jae suggested that we should ride the mini roller coaster meant for families since he couldn't ride the bigger and much scarier one.
I agreed and we all immediately went to the ride.

"You take him. I'll just wait for you two at the exit." I hear Nayeon say. I furrowed my brows at her and said we three can ride together since it's a three seater ride.

"Mommy is scared of heights uncle!" Young Jae explains.

"You can hold Young Jae's hand. It's for kids too so it wouldn't be too crazy of a ride. It can also help you relieve some stress to scream a little. C'mon." I encouraged Nayeon.

Nayeon takes a look at our son and sees that he also wants his mom to ride with us so she reluctantly nods and goes with us to the roller coaster.

The three of us took our seats with our son in between us. The staff checks our seatbelts and reminds us to hold on and enjoy the ride before the ride starts.

While me and Young Jae are screaming and laughing, his mom was just silent and had her eyes shut the whole ride that we made fun of her even after the five minute ride is over.

"It's not that bad." I jested when I see her hair slightly disheveled and her face pale.

"You knew I hated heights and those type of rides Yoo Jeongyeon!" Nayeon says before she can even stop herself from getting mad at me, her boss.

"I'm sorry sir." She adds after.

"No. No it's fine. Can you please just do that miss Im? Just call me Jeongyeon when we're outside of the office and I'll... I'll call you Nayeon." I said while leading us to the closest ice cream shop to cool down.

"I don't think that's necessary. I'm fine with calling you sir. And we shouldn't lose our boundaries just because we have a-" I interrupted Nayeon from talking by putting my hand over her shoulder and asking Young Jae what flavor he wants to eat. Nayeon caught on what I meant and just proceeded to choose vanilla and strawberry for both her and our son. I chose mint chocolate since it's my favorite.

"What flavor is that uncle? Mint? With choco?Wouldn't that taste like toothpaste?" Youngie innocently asks me which I only smiled at and I offered for him to scoop some of my ice cream so he will have an idea of what it tastes like.

"Yum! It's delicious!" My son says and he continued to take my ice cream. Nayeon asks Young Jae to not take my ice cream but I told her it's fine. Seeing my son comfortable with me is more that fine by me.

Nayeon and I shared a glance at each other, as if asking if this could be the right moment we tell the little man of who I really am. We both slightly gave each other a nod and Nayeon started speaking.

"Youngie, remember what we talked about the last time? About... about your... father? You still want to meet him right?" Nayeon hesitantly asks our son while I look at our son's face for any negative reaction. So far nothing.

"Of course mommy. I wanna meet him. You said he went down from heaven right?" Young Jae excitedly asks, almost dropping his ice cream.

"Ye-yeah. He... went down from heaven baby." Nayeon gets all choked up so I knew I had to step up.

"Youngie. You know we just met a couple of days ago right?" I asked which the child gently nods at. "And you know how uncle Jeongyeon will always protect you, right? You told me at your house that your classmates always laugh at you for not having your daddy around... Well, Youngie, baby, you have your daddy here. Right now..." I looked at Nayeon, silently asking for her permission to continue.

"Youngie, I am your dad. And I really, really, really love you."

[A/N: sorry for being mia. But I wanted to put this out for those who are still waiting for an update. Let's support Twice's Kura Kura!]

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