Before the fall

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The chapter, as promised. ;)

[Somewhere in Seoul, Before Miss Lee met with Mister Yoo]

"Is everything ready Mr. Kang? I want everything to be perfect once my daughter and my grandson arrives here." A woman exuding a vibrant and luxurious aura signs the last piece of paper on her desk while her assistant, Mister Kang waits for her to finish signing a brand new deal with Myoui Technologies to develop the hardware for their own top of the line of computers.

"So far, Everything is moving according to your plans Chairwoman Lee. The only thing we can't predict is if Miss Nayeon would want to come back to Seoul with your grand child. My team is securing the acquisition of her current apartment complex, even her position at Yoo Corps for our last possible course of action. Do you wish to send me out to Suwon so I can talk to her personally?" The assistant asked as he checks on the woman's schedule for today on his ipad.

"No. I'll come to Suwon myself Mr. Kang. It's been awhile since I've seen my daughter in the flesh and I think it's about time she meets her mother again. Be prepared with everything. I will bring back that daughter of mine no matter what happens and give her and my grandson the life they should've been living. I'll take the chopper, it'll be faster than riding a car." The woman said dismissing her assistant.

"As you wish chairwoman. I will take my leave now." Mister Kang bows and exits the spacious office.

The woman reads a highlighted news article about her from her computer.

"Chairwoman Lee Se Ha of Technon industries, an aspiring widow takes on the business world with her business acquisitions from left to right. Currently, Technon owns one of the biggest technology advancement facility in SK but we've noticed that the powerful chairwoman is trying her hand at acquiring chains of hotels all throughout South Korea! She is the ex wife of the late and former businessman and hotelier Im Nam-Il. It is expected that her company might be a close rival of the Myoui's from Japan if Technon's stocks keeps on going through the roof."

Lee Se Ah can only smile while reading the news. She's just getting started.

Jeongyeon's POV

"Minari." I called out to my fiancée once I noticed that she's in a bad mood after getting a call from her mom.

We're both preparing for our dinner at her apartment since we've been busy packing some of her personal stuff that we'll move to our new house after we get married. It's our last weekend as single people since we will get married on Friday.

"What's wrong babe? Tell me." I said as I wrapped her in an embrace. She was cooking our dinner when she received a call from her mom. After the call Pans have been clanking for a whole minute and I just had to stop her before she sets the kitchen on fire.

Before I knew it, she started sobbing on my chest. "Babe... when we get married, can you promise me we'll live far away from them? I don't know, maybe we can manage the company without actually being here? Can we go back to the US? I'm tired of having my parents meddle with our relationship." I heard Mina mutter under her breath. Her mom must've called and told her about what she should and shouldn't do again and knowing Mina, she always hated being told what to do but she still remains an obedient child of the Myoui's. Lately I noticed that her parent's orders are taking a toll on her. She doesn't smile much nor does she hang out with her friends. She just goes to work as a director for Myoui Tech and comes home to eat and sleep.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. That's impossible. Not until my parents hands over the company to me. We can stay as far as our honeymoon is concerned but we have to get back here and work. You know that's how we're supposed to function, right? This is the life we're set out to live Minari." I cupped Mina's cheeks with both of my hands and looked at her with sad eyes.

We both know we are just two pieces of a chess game our parent's are playing in the field of business.

We are never in control of our lives even before we were born.

Nayeon's POV

"Mom, can we see uncle Jeongyeon again? He promised to give me a starwars lego set the next time I see him." Youngie asks while I tuck him to bed.

"You.. you don't need to see him for a lego set. You can always ask mommy to buy you one, darling." I kissed my son's forehead lovingly and brushed his hair.

"I know. But I also wanna see him again mom. He's funny! His jokes are the same as mine and he gets me. Unlike you." Youngie pouts while speaking. A clear copy of his father. It's because of this that I think he deserves to know the whole truth of who he really is.

"Baby, remember when I told you that your father is already in heaven?" I started, Gently assessing how my son would react. His expression didn't changed so it's a good sign I guess.

"Yep. And-and you said good people go to heaven first that's why daddy is already up there." Youngie said while pointing above his head. I smiled at his innocence, at the way his eyes light up with curiosity.

"Yes. I did say that baby. But... but what if I told you, you can see him again? Would you want to see your daddy?" I asked softly. Almost out of breath with the way my son's eyes started to water.

"Will-will I see him mommy? Will we go to heaven?!" Youngie stood on the bed and faced me. I laughed at his sudden remark.

"No! Of course not. We can't go to heaven yet... but your father went down from heaven so he could see you again. Do you wish to see him? Do you want to know him, hm?" I pulled my son in my arms and wrapped him in a tight hug. This is it. There's no turning back now. Youngjae will know who his real father.

"As long as meeting daddy won't hurt mommy.. I'd want that. But if meeting him would make mommy cry again then, no mommy." Youngjae hugged my neck with his little arms and I can't help the tears that started to flow out of my eyes. He is just a little kid but he already knows a lot. I just hugged his small body closer to me until I can stop my tears from falling.

"Let's meet up with uncle Jeongyeon tomorrow then baby."

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