Im Nayeon, The Fake Maknae!

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Nayeon's POV

Me and my dad are now inside his 4 door black Porsche Panamera that is heading on its way to my new school. It's the only car that he hasn't sell yet.

I'm from Seoul but my dad decided to move to Suwon because his hotel and all other businesses in Seoul went bankrupt and he and my mom are now in the process of filing for a divorce since dad found out that mom has been cheating on dad with the person that embezzled our family's money.

I looked at my dad lovingly. He was never a bad father to me. Even when his business was striving and thriving before, he never choose work over me.
I know my dad loves me deeply, and so do I.

"Dad..." I said hesitantly.
"Yes, Nayeonah? " My father gave me a quick glimpse as he was still focused on driving.
"Dad...what if I just study at a public school? I mean, I don't need to go to a private one for college. I understand our current situation with your business being robbed from you and all..." I said, I can feel a lump forming in my throat as I said those words to him.

I've never experienced having difficulties when it comes to money before, but now that my dad is facing a lot of challenges I feel like we should focus on our money at hand since dad has a lot of debt now.

"I mean we can save a lot of money if I go to a public school dad. We can use the money for your hospital bi-." I continued saying then dad interrupted me.

"Nayeonah, It's alright. Don't feel burdened because of my mistakes. I am sorry if I've put you in this situation where we need to save money, but it's been my dream to have you enrolled at Sungkyunkwan University ever since you were born. I knew then that my Nayeonah will be someone that me or even the whole Korea can be proud of. I can still send you to school Nayeonah, just do what you love and do it well my dear. " My father said as he patted my head gently as if to assure me that everything's gonna be alright.

I broke down and let my tears fall right then.
I don't want my father to suffer just for me to study at a luxurious school for supposedly "rich and brilliant minds". We're not a well off family anymore, neither am I brilliant in any way.
But I can't really oppose what my father has set his mind to.
I sure do know where I got my stubbornness from.

It has been a 25 minute drive from our small apartment to Sungkyunkwan University. My father drove his car all the way to the luxurious school's lobby where students with drivers drop them off.

"Hwaiting my Nayeonah. Make new friends and enjoy your first day of college today." My father said as I was unbuckling my seat belt.
I got out of my dad's car, walked two steps away from the car then I turned around and leaned on the passenger side door,
"I will try my best dad. Thank you for dropping me off. Take care on your way home." I said to him then gave him a flying kiss.

He chuckled and pretended to catch the flying kiss and put his hand on his chest as if to save the kiss in his heart. I walked away from his car and he sped off.

I sighed.

Then I hear somebody let out a small chuckle on my right side.
I turned around and was greeted by a tall guy with blonde hair.
"I'm sorry but it's too early in the morning to sigh like that."
He said, a smile lingering on his lips.

"Excuse me?" I said as I point at myself to confirm if he's actually talking to me.

"Whatever it is that causes you to sigh like that in the morning is not worth it. You're too beautiful to have a lot on your mind. Miss--?" he said as he offer his hand to me- wanting to shake hands. He's still looking at me in the eyes as if he's waiting for my answer.

"Nayeon, Im Nayeon. " I said as I shook his hand.

"Hmm. What a beautiful name deserving of your beauty. My name's Hyun Seok. I'm in my 3rd year in University. Nice to meet you Nayeonssi." He said, still shaking my hand.

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