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Mina's POV

The sound of the bell rang across our classroom signalling everyone that It's time for lunch.
Our professor bid us goodbye for the day.
A smile curved on my lips as I immediately stood up to go to the bathroom to fix myself.
I have to look pretty for Jeongyeon oppa.
When I went out of the bathroom, Momo was there giving me a teasing look.
"Omo. Minari is so pretty. I hope Jeongyeon oppa likes it." she chirped.
"Yaaah. Be quiet. Someone might hear you." I whispered quietly to Momo, grabbing her arm and urging her to come to the cafeteria where we always eat with Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung.
We don't need to find tables in this cafeteria because there's always a table that's reserved for the four of us since my father tells the staff to save it for me and my friends.
Well, yeah. Maybe I'm kinda spoiled rotten by my father.
"Miss Myoui, would you like us to serve your lunch now?"
A staff asked.
"Hm, can you please serve it after 5 minutes? We're still waiting for my two other friends." I said.
"As you wish Miss Myoui." then he proceeds to leave me and Momo alone.
"Tell Jeongyeon oppa." Momo blurted out again.
"Yah!" I just said.
"Tell me what?" I suddenly hear my favorite voice.
"What is it that you want to tell me Minari? Is everything alright? Is this about the person you like?" Jeongyeon oppa asked me while he's sitting across me and momo from our table.
"Jeongyeon oppa-" my words were suddenly cut off by someone calling him.
"Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon, can we sit with you? The cafeteria is full." I looked at the girl who's now trying to sit next to Jeongyeon with two other girls. It was the same girl from earlier. Ahrgh! Why is she here again.
"No you can't. This table is only for us." I hear Jeongyeon say to the girl.
But the girl and her friends are already seated then.
Momo looked at me.
"No-" I try to say.
"Hello! Momoring, Minari, can we sit with you guys?" the girl with a baby's voice who's said.
Sana is a new transfer student and our classmate.
I just nodded then, accepting my defeat.
I saw Nayeon ask Jeongyeon if she can have his side dish.
The latter said No.
Then she looked at me, she saw me shooting her a look full of daggers.
She then proceeded to eat quietly.
"Minaya, are you okay? You're not eating well." I then heard Jeongyeon ask me. His hands are cupping my cheeks, checking my temperature. Of course my cheeks turned red all of a sudden.
"Your cheeks are burning Minari, do you want to go home if you're not feeling well?" he added.
"No it's alright Jeongyeon oppa. I'm just a little under the weather since it's our face day back in school." I smiled at him.
I somehow felt special to Jeongyeon since he was a full on jerk to Nayeon and sweet to me. Only to me.

Nayeon's POV

You don't need someone to tell you that Jeongyeon and Mina are a couple because their actions say it out loud.
I looked at the girl sitting beside Mina.
She's just looking at Mina as with approval in her eyes.
"So how's the first day of school for you?" I suddenly blurted out.
She looked at me as if trying to figure out if I was talking to her.
I nodded.
"It's fine. I just slept all the way anyway." She laughed.
"Why are you even in school if you're just going to sleep Eonnie." I hear Tzuyu said. Damn she's savage.
Momo then laughed again, as if she's enjoying everything.
"She's the president's daughter she doesn't even need to be here." I hear Jeongyeon butt in our conversation.
"Kyaah. Jeongyeon oppa you're making me embarrassed. They didn't need to know that." Momo said while resuming to eat her Jokbal.
Ahh. The president's daughter yet she eats pigs feet. Cool.
"The president is no match for Jeongyeon oppas parents though." Momo added.
Jeongyeon then said "anyway, Chaeyoung won't be joining us today since he has some things to do."
Hmm. I wonder what Jeongyeon's family is known for, after all, I don't think he's a scholar in this school since all he does is read books during classes and he doesn't even listen to our professor.
"Anyway, what's your family background Nayeon?" I then hear Mina ask. She's looking at my direction.
"Well... My father owns a hotel chain in Seoul and a few businesses here and there." I don't know what got into me but I don't want to look poor in front of Jeongyeon.
"Omo. Daebak. That's great Nayeon Eonnie! Maybe we can come and hang out at your hotel when we have our sem break. Minari and I have tons of things to buy in Seoul also, Minari could confess to her crush about her feelings there! Jeongyeon oppa's brother is in Seoul too. Ugghh he's my crush! "
"Uhm.. Yeah sure." I just replied.
So... That means Mina and Jeongyeon aren't together and Mina likes Jeongyeon.
But is Jeongyeon really that dumb to not know???
"Yah. Moguri. You'll never have Sehun's love. I'll never allow you to be my sister in law." Jeongyeon then said to Momo.
Everyone laughed.
I don't know what got into me but I kissed Jeongyeon's cheeks.
Maybe I was too happy to know that he and Mina aren't dating?
Everyone in our table suddenly stopped laughing.
Jeongyeon looked at me with a what-the-fuck face.
I just smiled at him and continued eating.
He then grabbed my wrist, urging me to walk away with him.
"Excuse us everyone but me and Nayeon have something to discuss. See you all later." He excused us from the shocked girls. Everyone was left speechless.
We walked along the school's corridor and he led me inside a dark and quiet room.
He pinned me to the wall and the words from my classmates earlier echoed in my head.
"please behave. One wrong move and you're dead for Jeongyeon."
"One wrong move and you're dead for Jeongyeon."
"You're dead."
It continued to echo inside my head.
I closed my eyes waiting for him to hurt me.
But then I suddenly felt warm lips touching my own.
I was shocked.
I can feel his lips slowly making the kiss deeper than it should be and like a crazed woman I followed his ways.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed like we're lovers who missed each other for a long long time.
Our kiss was full of longing.
He was my first kiss and I don't know what I was doing but all I know is that I'll follow him.
Suddenly he ended the kiss so he can catch his breath.
I was panting too.
In the dark I can feel that he's trying to pull me closer towards him.
"Nobody ever touches me without my permission. You should take responsibility for what you did to me in front of my friends." I heard him whisper to my ears.
I was confused so I whispered back, "What? Ho-"
I felt his lips on mine again, he then pulled away quickly.
Damn, I felt addicted to his kisses already.
Is this how it's supposed to be?
"From now on, Im Nayeon...
...you'll be my girlfriend." He said.
And he closed my mouth with his lips again and we continued kissing.

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