Mini Reunion

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[Sorry for errors I didn't get to proofread]

Momo's POV

It's a quarter to 9 PM and I'm waiting for my friends at sweet talker cafe. I texted them earlier that we should meet at 9 PM today since Sana already landed from Japan to Suwon earlier.
I looked around the cafe and noticed that a lot has changed, like the interior and some waiters but the owner is still the same. I greeted him earlier and he asked for my autograph knowing that I'm an international model now.
I'm really glad that the cafe is still striving after all these years.
I'm seated inside a private room. I was just browsing through my social media accounts and my emails if there's a clothing brand that wants my services.
So far there's a lot of brands.

I suddenly jolted when I hear a "Hi!" coming from a person who's already seated infront of me. I looked up and smiled when I saw god infront of me.
"Oh my gosh. Hi Jihyo!!!" I screamed since I'm very excited and happy to see her again. "Shush!!" she said and I just noticed she's seated with a stroller beside our table. "Eh?" I wanna know what's up.
"Momoring, this is Jiseo, my princess. She's five months old." she smiled, proud of the little bundle of joy on the stroller. I take a look at the baby who's wrapped up in pink clothes from head to toe. I smiled at the cuteness of the baby.
"When did this happened? Why don't I know?! " I whispered but still it managed to wake up the sleeping baby and the baby started to cry.

Just then a man entered the cafe and walked towards the stroller to carry the baby.
"Yes. He's now my husband Momoring." she smiled at me when she saw the confused look in my eyes.
"Hello Momo. I'm Gong Hyun Seok from college. I don't know if you remember?" he said as he lull the baby to sleep.
"Wow... Of course. I didn't know Jihyo would end up with you! What a surprise." I smiled at him and offered him a seat next to Jihyo.
"Yeah me too. We've been married for a year and a half now Momoring. I'm sorry I didn't get to keep in touch much with you since you're always busy." Jihyo said with a smile on her face. I gave her a warm smile back and pressed the button on the table to call for a waiter.
Me and Jihyo talked a lot with her husband just laughing whenever me and Jihyo talked about our memories in college. He smiles whenever he sees Jihyo smiling and laughing. He's really not the school bully I remember.
Wow. Jihyo the leader/ school president and Gong Hyun Seok, the school bully huh?
I guess opposites really do attract.
Jihyo managed to turn the bully into a loving husband and a caring father to their daughter.
We ordered some coffee, tea and cakes while waiting for the others. 

Suddenly the door to our private room opened and revealed Sana and Dahyun doing rapping gestures while approaching my way to hug me.
Then a little boy entered, wearing an Iron man tshirt and black pants. Even without introduction, you'll know it's Jeongyeon's child just by his eyes, nose and lips. He has a playfull face like Nayeon's, thank god Jihyo for that or else this little kid might have a death stare like his father.
The kid ran to Jihyo and hugged her.
"Aunt Jihyoooo." the kid said as he planted kisses all over Jihyo's face.
"Aigoo, aigoo my favorite first child is here." Jihyo said and she asked the kid to hug me too. The little kid hesitated first but a little push from Jihyo made him cling onto my neck tightly. I smiled and hugged his little body too. "What's your name auntie?" he asked.
I'm shocked. He's only six but he's really good in speaking now. "I'm your aunt Momo, Youngie." I said which earned a little kiss on the cheeks from him. I chuckled at how cute he is.
"Mommy! Papa! he then blurted out which made everyone in the room turn to the direction Youngie ran to when he let go of our hug.

"Nayeon eonnie! Tzuyu-ah! Chaeyoungie!" Jihyo exclaimed, then everyone in the room got up to welcome the three people who entered the room. We exchanged hugs and kisses and we all ended up sitting back at the table with our food to continue our chitchat.
Everyone talked about their current situation and I'm very pleased with our lives.
I learned that Sana is now very single since she learned that her boyfriend cheated on her with a kpop idol he met when they were in Japan. She's now heading their manufacturing company in Japan.
Dahyun actually asked Sana for their company's to joined forces so that Dahyun can expand her business in Japan too. That's why they're now business partners.
Chaeyoung the rap genius is now working as a fire fighter. The little cub turned into a man.
Nayeon eonnie just said she's working as a secretary at a big company. She still looks like she did when we were in college except that she doesn't wear fashionable clothing like she used to. Nayeon is still the fake maknae of our group despite everything that happened in her life.
Everyone was just very happy to finally meet each other after a long time when I remembered the reason why I asked everyone to meet today.
I started clapping my hand softly to gather everyone's attention.

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