Son Chaeyoung A Rap Genius.

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Nayeon's POV

I've finally arrived at Room 10 with Sana, Dahyun and Tzuyu for the freshmen and Transfer students briefing.
The room was full with students on their phones, probably still waiting for our teacher.
I'm just glad we weren't late on our first day.

There are a lot of seats available at the back of the huge hall that we were currently in so that's where all four of us seated.

I looked around and thought that
Room 10 isn't a room. It's a friggin hall!

Almost 5 minutes had passed when the door of the room opened and a man with a good posture and chinky eyes walked inside.
He looks like Brock from pokemon.
"Good morning new students! My name is Park Jin Young. I'm the school's principal. I came here today to welcome you.
I wish you prosper in your studies and may you enjoy your time here with everyone at Sunkyungwan University. Your classroom assignments are now posted outside. You can find your name and check which room you belong. There's also a map provided outside in case anyone is having a hard time finding their rooms.
Again, welcome to you all! "
Principal JYP smiled at his students then exited the room.
Everyone also started moving out to check which classroom we should be in now.

Im...Im Na-... Im...Hmm. Im Nayeon!
I finally found my name!
I belong to the 3rd year special class A.
I don't even know what that means but I hurriedly bid everyone from the group farewell, telling each other to meet for lunch and I started heading to my classroom.

I tried to take a deep breath before pulling out the door handle of the class I was a part of.
I must've pulled to hard that the door slammed on the wall and made a huge bang!
Every pair of eyes inside the our classroom then stared at me.
Good! What a great way to introduce yourself Im Nayeon! I told myself.
I quickly scanned around the room and saw a pair of eyes that didn't even bother to look at the sound I made. His eyes were glued to the book he was reading.
Oh. Is that the guy who helped me with directions from earlier?
"Good morning miss. Now that you've made your grand entrance, please come forward and introduce yourself to the class." A man in his 40s wearing a blue shiny suit said.
He must be our teacher.
I hesitantly moved forward to face everyone in class.
"H-hello. My name is Im-Na-Yeon. Nayeon. I'm 20 years old. Uhm.. I hope... we all get along w-well." I nervously said in class.
"Well, it looks like Miss Im is supposed to be in her 4th year already but since she's a transfer student, our school won't allow a student to graduate if he/she didn't get to spend a year in school. By the way I am Professor Gong. Welcome to 3rd year special class. All of the other seats are occupied except for the one beside Jeongyeon, please sit there Miss Im."
Professor Gong instructed.
Everyone in class then started whispering to each other.
A group near me said "please behave. One wrong move and you're dead for Jeongyeon."
What wrong could possibly happen between me and Jeongyeon?
After all, I'm his noona since I'm older than him.


Our professor was just checking our attendance when I heard the sudden opening of the door to our classroom and it made a huge BANG that distracted everyone.
I didn't look back to check what it was.
I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening inside our classroom since my attention was solely focused on the book about the 16th century plague that I'm reading.
God! Can you imagine a plague happening now and wiping millions of people? I sure do hope not, but these kind of books excite me!
I was disturbed by a knock on my table.
I looked at the person who disturbed me with annoyance written all over my face.
"What?!" I spat.
"Uhm. Mianhe... But our professor said that I should sit here. Can you please move your things?" the girl said with an apologetic smile on her lips.
Oh-it's the girl with no direction earlier. I thought she's a freshman.
I just ignored her.
She waited for my response for a whole minute just standing there and when she moved I noticed she took my pen and calculator on the table from my right which is where I usually put my things since nobody aside from Chaeyoung wants to sit with me since I easily lose my temper.
"What the hell do you think you're doing right now?!" I said, my voice laced with anger. If there's anything I hate the most in the world, it's when people touch my things.
"I'm just gonna put your things away. Tell me if you need them and I'll take them out of my bag." The girl said.
She's putting my things in her damned bag!
"You know you should've just brought a bag with you. Now I look like your girlfriend for keeping your things." she added and flashed me her bunny looking smile again.
I was dumbfounded.
I can feel my cheeks turning red with what she said.
What? Her? My girlfriend? Would I date a bunny?
My thoughts were cut short when I hear our professor laugh and say,
"Wow. It's the first time Yoo Jeongyeon had nothing to say! Yeorobun, I think love is blooming here. We now have a couple in 3rd year special class. YEEEE."  our professor, who I didn't noticed was right behind Nayeon started teasing us.
Some of our classmates started clapping.
Even Chaeyoung!
Some are just looking at me, waiting for me to say anything or do anything hostile.
I just turned to the glass window and pretended I didn't hear any of it.
I want to hide my burning red face right now.
Damn you Nayeon, whoever you are.

Chaeyoung's POV

I just smiled at hyung while Professor Gong who is like our father started teasing him with the transfer student.
I was seated in front of him so I was looking back at him.
Nayeon noona is sitting on his right side.
She's pretty. I thought about Nayeon.
I know hyung would lose it, scream at everyone, or throw a tantrum but this time he didn't.
I wonder why? Did hyung change while he's on school break?
I chuckled. Ahh. This tsundere will never change. But who knows?
I too... Started a little change during summer.
I started learning about rapping.
I know it doesn't suit me... A nerdy kid with thick glasses and short stature. But I just happen to start loving it.
Well Mina noona loves listening to it so I started learning about it.
Ahhh. Mina noona.
Why is she in love with Jeongyeon hyung when she can just be in love with me.
I love hyung and all but he just can't see Mina noona the way Mina noona likes him. I can see how sparkly Mina's eyes are when hyung is cracking a no jam joke.
She's the only one who laughs at those.
.... And every time she laughs, I can feel my heart love her a little more and break at the thought that she'll never see me cos she only sees Jeongyeon hyung.
I just sighed looked at our professor who's already started to introduce to us our subject outline.
I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket.
I checked it and it's a text from Dahyun.

From DubuTofu: 9:05 AM
Yo Chaengei! We'll have rap practice later before lunch. It will take about an hour and thirty minutes so you'll have to eat lunch with us. You in?

I thought for a second and replied,

Me: 9:06 AM
Yeah sure Dubu. Why not?

I looked back at Jeongyeon hyung only to see him bickering with Nayeon noona.
I sighed...
"Hyung! I have something to do at lunch so I can't eat with you. Eat lunch with Nayeon noona, okay.? She's new here so be good to her." I just said.
"What? Why would I? She's not a kid to be baby sat." Jeongyeon smirked at Nayeon.
"It's fine. I already know some people here Chaeng. Thanks for thinking of me though." Nayeon noona smiled brightly at me which made Jeongyeon's face turned irritated.
I just gave them a slight chuckle and mouthed "Mianhe noona" to Nayeon for Jeongyeon's actions towards her.
We just smiled at each other.
Then I faced my notebook.
I pretended to listen to our professor for a couple of minutes.
I sighed again, much deeper this time.
I have to write some rap lyrics that I can rap with for our session later.

Where do I even start writing?
Should I start thinking about Mina noona's smile?
And just like that, I started writing my rap lyrics.

Love is timing (2yeon x JeongMi)Where stories live. Discover now