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Jihyo's POV

"What did you just say eonnie?!" "I gasped. Nayeon eonnie just told us that she thinks Jeongyeon oppa lost his memories. Amnesia? What the fuck.
Sorry I cursed. But...
Are we living in a drama that plays every night for lonely housewives and hopeless romantic teenagers?
This is certainly not!
This is real life so how the hell did Jeongyeon got amnesia?!

It's the weekend and everyone in the group gathered to meet except Mina eonnie and Jeongyeon oppa for understandable reasons. We're all having coffee at our regular cafe.
"Jihyo, he asked his mother if he loved me. How can you explain that? I was so shocked. I felt like I'm still dreaming that time. Maybe that's the reason why he didn't even flinched when he saw me again face to face. " Nayeon eonnie looks so lost.

"Wow eonnie I really can't believe our group got involved with an amnesia story. It feels like we're in a tragic love story and you and our Jeongyeon appa are the main characters. I'll kill the author in his sleep if he does something wrong!" (ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) Tzuyu said while clenching her fists.
Sana, even when worried at the situation, can't help but smile at Tzuyu's cuteness and she hugged her little cousin.
"Isn't his heart supposed to jump out of his chest when he saw you again eonnie? Like something is tugging in his chest but he won't know what it is but in the end, it's the love he has for you. At least that's what happens in dramas." Dahyun said while squinting her eyes like she's thinking too hard.

"What should we do now? If this is true, I'm really worried for hyung. He doesn't deserve this. " Chaeyoung said as he took his mug and brought the coffee closer to his lips while clenching his right fist. His face now has a gloomy expression as he tries to take in what Nayeon eonnie just told us. We all know Chaeyoung had it hard than the rest of us since he had to take responsibility for a family that isn't even his in behalf of his Jeongyeon hyung.

"Is Mina eonnie a part of this scheme? I mean... We all know Mina eonnie likes Jeongyeon oppa right?" Dahyun said as she furrowed her brows.

"Yah! Dahyun-ah. You don't know that! Stop assuming things!" Momo snapped.
Right, even if the possibility of Mina being involved in this scheme is high, we can't erase the fact that Momo is Mina's best friend that's why it hurts Momo every time someone badmouths Mina. But in the end, we all know Momo won't tolerate Mina's actions if this accusations happens to be true.

"Don't worry. I'll try to dig into everything that happened. You just have to give me specific details so we can somehow solve this puzzle." Suddenly, my husband who was quiet earlier, spoke up.
Right. My husband is a private investigator!
Jeez Jihyo how can you be so dumb in this kind of situation!
"Oh my, I totally forgot you're a PI babe." I said and kissed his cheeks. I know he doesn't mind but i wanna show him how thankful I am for having him.
Everyone then just chuckled at how I can forget my own husband's occupation except Nayeon eonnie, which is understandable since she's really concerned for Jeongyeon oppa.

"Nayeon eonnie, it will be okay, alright? Don't think too much. We can figure everything out." I said as I held her hand to comfort her.

Tzuyu's POV

Me and Sana eonnie excused ourselves after the conversation started to move to different things with the group.
I hope we can somehow help Nayeon eonnie get back Jeongyeon oppa if it's true that he had amnesia and his parents are keeping it from him. Jeongyeon oppa has been an "appa" for me and Dahyun eonnie. I don't even know when we started calling him that, but it got stuck so yeah.
Me, Dahyun and Chaeyoung are the youngest, so we are like the adopted children of Nayeon eonnie and Jeongyeon oppa when we were in college.

I just sigh heavily and looked at Sana eonnie.
Sana eonnie asked me to sit outside with her at the cafe tables so she can have some privacy while calling someone important.
I looked at her and she just gave me a quivering smile because the night is cold and she's wearing thin clothes. She took a deep breath before dialing the number on her phone.

"Hello...outosan? Yes... I'm sorry for calling you late but, Can you please ask your men to look into something for me? I have a friend that needs help, outosan... He's like a family to me... Yeah...of course... I'll go back to Japan to personally hand you the things we find out... Nah... I have something to do there too.. Thank you so much outosan, tell okaachan I love her... you too, outusan. Bye."

"Eonnie, don't you want to tell them the truth? Maybe they'll ask like crazy where you get your information." I said as I held her hand.
The look in her face tells me that she's not ready.
She still thinks that our friends won't understand her and they might abandon her like her friends in Japan.
I just hugged her tightly the moment I saw the tears that are slowly pushing their way out of her eyes.

"Aishh. You know I love you my fake cousin. I love you so much." I kissed her forehead to ease her mind from her trauma of people leaving her behind.

I guess I can't force her to tell the truth if she doesn't feel like telling everyone yet.

Momo's POV

God I hate this feeling.
Mina is my best friend and all, but the thought of her deceiving Jeongyeon oppa just to have her way with him is not far fetched.
I sighed and stirred my straw inside my venti cup of coffee.
Then the door to our private space opened and Tzuyu and Sana came back to their seats.

"By the way, all the sponsored dresses arrived yesterday! We can go check it tomorrow so you can find whatever you want to wear to the fashion show. I ordered some suits and shoes for Chaeyoungie and Hyun Seok oppa. " I said as I noticed that everyone in our table was starting to be quiet.

"Thank you Momoring!"
"Momo is the best!"
I just smiled at their comments.

"Momo eonnie, I'm sorry I sounded accusing to Mina eonnie. I know she's your best friend, I'm sorry for being insensitive." I heard Dahyun said as she snaked her arms around my neck.


Dahyunie is really testing my gay hormones everytime she clings onto my neck and kisses my cheeks like a kid.
"Stop it Dahyunie or else I won't give you the choco pie I brought from Japan." I said as I took off her arms around my neck. "Does it have macha flavored pie?" Dahyun then kissed my cheeks for no apparent reason. I blushed. Of course! How can I not when her body is wrapped around me.
Way back, Dahyun was never the clingy type. Among all of our three maknaes, she always proved that she's matured so we considered her as a part of the grown ups. Now just by looking at her, she looks like a kid clinging to her mom.
I guess we all changed over time. It took me some moment but I managed to ask,
"Dahyunie, are you single?"

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