Life Starts When A Life Ends

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Nayeon's POV

Today is the day Jeongyeon leaves for the US. I'm here with 7 of our friends at the airport waiting for him to enter the gates but he can't since I'm hugging him tightly. Mina isn't here to see Jeongyeon off. I don't know where she is. Maybe she's sad to see him go.
"Love, you look like a koala clinging on a tree. So cute. But I have to go." he said as he pinched my cheeks.
I don't want to ever let him go. Our friends are laughing at me but I don't care. I want to savor Jeongyeon's warmth for a minute longer as long as I can.
"Nayeon eonnie, Let Jeongyeon oppa go, he will be late for his flight." Momo said while licking a lollipop.
"My US shoe size is 8 hyung. Any brand will do. Hehehe." Chaeyoung playfully said while trying to hide his tears. He was the closest friend with Jeongyeon after all.
"We will miss you appa!" Said Dahyun and Tzuyu.
"Take care oppa. We will miss you so much. Bring me back a lover okay?" Sana joked.
"Okay guys group hug!" Jihyo chimed in. Then everyone formed a circle to hug us.
"Bye love. I really have to go. I'll call you when I get there. I promise I won't even look at other girls there. You're the only one for me. Trust me on this one and wait for me, okay?" Jeongyeon said as he cupped my chin and leaned in for a passionate kiss. "I love you so much Im Nayeon." He said and he let go of me. I let go of him and held my tears until I can no longer see his back and I started to wail.
Fast forward to two months.

I can feel that Jeongyeon was starting to have less and less time for me. It's a given since he's learning the ropes on how to be a director in their company.

I'm having coffee in the veranda of his place drowning in my thoughts. He haven't contacted me in a week and I'm lonely but still trying my best to wait by the phone for video calls from him.

Then my phone rang.
I perked up until I saw that it was from Momo.
Why did she called?

(Momo in bold, Nayeon normal text.)

H-Hello. N-Na-yeon eonnie?

Yes Momoring. What's up?

Eonnie. Ca-can you please come to Sweet Talker Cafe? I.. The group... Has something to tell you eonnie. Please.

I can hear her voice shaking and becoming weak.

What's wrong Momo? You're making me worried!

Please... Nayeon eonnie. We'll wait for you, okay?

Okay I'm coming.

I then hang up and headed to the cafe that's near Jeongyeon's apartment.

"Nayeon noona!" I saw Chaeyoung inside the cafe gesturing me to come over a private room to where everyone is.
"Nayeon noona is here yeorobun." Chaeyoung declared as we entered the room. In the room, there's Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu. All six of them now sitting with a serious expression and gesturing me to take a seat.

"What is this? A meeting?" I asked, trying to fake a chuckle.
"Momo eonnie, tell Nayeon Eonnie since you're the oldest. Tzuyu said."You guys are scaring me. What is it? "I said in a high pitched tone. I heard Jihyo sigh. And she said," Nayeon eonnie.. Eonnie... Please promise us you wont go ballistic after we tell you the news.. "Jihyo started.

"Just tell me what is it guys! Come on!" I wanted to scream because of what they're doing.
Everyone was pointing at each other of who they want to tell the news. Until finally they decided that it's Jihyo since she acts like a leader.

I heard Jihyo inhale a huge breath of air and looked at me while talking.
"Mina called Momo eonnie and she told her that Jeongyeon oppa was hospitalized because he was in a car accident.. He still hasn't recovered after a week eonnie..."Jihyo's voice trailed off. Her eyes can't meet mine.

I sobbed and asked,"Where is he in the US? I'll find him. He'll wake up when he hears my voice. He never disobeys me!" I am starting to get hysterical as soon as I heard that my boyfriend was in an accident and the girls along with Chaeyoung circled me. Trying to calm me down.

"I said where the hell is he at?!" I slammed my fist on the table that caused everyone to jerk up.

"Eonnie... Don't be like this. Jeongyeon oppa wouldn't want you to be like this." Sana said.
I grabbed Momo by the wrist and dropped on my knees to beg her to give me Jeongyeon's address in the US. I'm desperate. I have to see my boyfriend at all cost.

"Eonnie. Stop. You can't... Come near him. His... Family is with him and you know that they won't appreciate your presence. Let's just wait for Jeongyeon oppa to be better-"
That's all I heard from Momo until the world around me spun and everything went blank.

When I woke up I was lying on the bed inside a large white room with a flat screen tv in front of me. I see Chaeyoung is sleeping at a sofa on my left side.

Where am I?

"Chaeng..." I softly called out.
He quickly stood up and walked towards my bed.

"What is it Nayeon noona? Are you hurt?" he asked. His face full of worry. "No. I'm... I'm fine Chaeyoungie. But where are we?" I asked. "We're at the hospital now noona. We've.. We've brought you here after you fainted." He said and the door suddenly opened and revealed a doctor. Chaeyoung then bowed to the doctor and the doctor looked at me with his clipboard and pen ready to jot down notes. "Im Nayeon... Are you feeling alright now? You've been knocked out for 3 hours. Did you have lunch earlier?" he asked. "Y-yes doc. But I only ate a little since I was not feeling well." I truthfully answered. "Hm.. Miss Im, from now on please learn to eat more, okay? Since you're not the only one who needs nutrition. You should now eat for two." He said as he fixes his face mask. "Eat for two? What do you mean doc?" I'm confused.

"You're pregnant Miss Im. Haven't you took a pregnancy test? Did you check your regular menstrual cycle?" He said as he was looking at me and Chaeyoung.
"Sir didn't you know your girlfriend is pregnant?" "What no. No. Doc. My... My.. Boyfriend... is not here... yet." I said correcting the doctor who thought Chaeyoung is the father of the baby in my belly.

So me and Jeongyeon now have a baby?!

How can I be so dumb to not check why I keep vomiting every morning and my period didn't even come for 2 months now. It's a good news isn't it? But... Jeongyeon is not here and he got in a car accident. I cried when the thought entered my mind.
Chaeyoung rushed to my side and rubbed my back. "Nayeon noona, please don't cry. It's a good news that you're pregnant right?" his voice was a little unsure.
"Of course Chaeng... But... What about Jeongyeon? How is he now? I want to tell him about... Our child." I smiled bitterly. Ours. Mine and Jeongyeon's child. It felt right.

"Mina noona called Momo noona earlier when everyone was here. She informed us that Jeongyeon hyung isn't in a critical condition now. He hasn't just woken up though... But Jeongyeon hyung will get there noona." he said with an assuring smile on his face now. I just nodded. Mina is with Jeongyeon, somehow I feel secured cos I know Mina can tell us about Jeongyeon's condition.
I just hope he gets well soon so I can tell him the news. I'm sure he'll jump with joy.

Mina's POV

It's my fault that Jeongyeon oppa is lying in this hospital bed almost lifeless. Had I... Had I not forced myself into him.. He wouldn't have gotten drunk and drove as fast as he could away from me until the truck carrying bulk steels hit his car hard that sent his car flying and getting his body almost crushed.
It's been a week that he has not woken up and all I could do is stay beside him and cry, feeling sorry for what I've done.

[Author's Note: I dedicate this chapter to Nabong's birthday! Happy birthday our Fake Maknae!


ALSO This book is almost at 1k reads. Thank you for making it possible yeorobun!
sorry I didn't proof read some of my chapters so pardon the mistakes.]

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