What Are We

830 22 5

Nayeon's POV

"Good morning sir, what can I help you with?" I asked Jeongyeon since he rang me through the intercom a while ago, he only does call me to his office whenever he needs me to do something urgent.
He's seated on his office couch, reading a book. He looks so good with his polo unbuttoned by his neck, allowing me to see the flesh on his chest.
I gulped.

After he fainted the last time, he became more aloof to me and it looks like he's avoiding me.
Or maybe I'm just imagining things.
I miss him even when he's just a few meters away from me, working.
He seem to be so lost in his book that he might not heard what I said.

"Sir? " I said as I gently tapped his shoulder. One thing I learned when I was dating him is that he sometimes zones out a lot, so seeing and knowing this I made myself visible to him.
He paused, almost looking like he was interrupted while he was thinking.

"Nayeon..." escaped his lips and I tried to muffle a gasp that's wanting to escape.
I haven't heard my name from his lips for years now.
Yes I work for him but he's always just calling me "Miss Im", but now, looking at him, made me the Nayeon I was years ago. The Nayeon that surrendered her life for her first love, her first kiss, her everything.

He cleared his throat and looked at me.
"You... You won't lie to me will you?" he asked.
Why would he ask this now?
"Uhm.. Yeah. Of course sir. You're my boss. You have my undying loyalty." I said, trying to sound funny but his face is all serious.
"Okay so now let me ask you a question."
"Okay...? What is it sir?"
"Do you.. Uhm.. Believe in..." he paused and just stared at me. Maybe contemplating whether he should ask or not.
I just give him a nod, urging him to continue.

"perhaps do you believe in soulmates?" he finally said, his eyes look like that of a lost puppy.
I can't help but smile, he really looks like the Jeongyeon who would give me that look everytime he wants to ask me to kiss in the rooftop of our university.

"Well. Yeah, I guess? Why are you asking about this sir?" I try to ask him since the serious, President of South Korea's number 1 luxurious company, Yoo Jeongyeon, won't ever dare to ask me this.
"Just humor me once Nayeon." he said with a serious face so I just shrugged.
"I believe that someone out there is destined to be with us to complete what our hearts and souls are searching for... But our soulmates doesn't have to be our lovers you know. They can be in a form of our friends, our family, or a stranger, I guess." I just said.
For a moment, I saw in him the typical Jeongyeon that I know. Always asking the most random questions.

"Oh, okay." he just nodded in agreement.

Jeongyeon's POV

What if we're soulmates Nayeon?

I was about to ask her that when my phone rang.
I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was my fiancée.
It felt like I was snapped back to reality.
Why would I say that to another woman when I'm already getting married to the best woman in the world.
Stupid Yoo Jeongyeon.

"hello babe." I said on the phone, looking at Nayeon who asked my permission to leave.
I just nodded and looked at her while she closes the door behind her.
Why do I keep on thinking and calling her Nayeon? It's so weird, I feel like I'm not being myself these days whenever I'm around her.
"Baby... babe you're not listening." the voice on the other end of the line said, I heard her frustrated sigh.
"I'm sorry babe. Just... Just work." I said as an excuse.
"Ok, I'm just reminding you that we have to go to Seulgi's fashion show later. It's her first time walking the cat walk so we should be there to support her." Mina said a little hastily, letting me know she's tired of repeating herself. Seulgi is her close friend from boarding school.
"Ok babe. I'll pick you up after work. Bye." I said in a dismissing tone.
"Ok I love-" I heard her say but then I already pressed the end call button on my phone. I groaned.
What's wrong with me? Am I having wedding jitters now that my wedding day is drawing near?

Dahyun's POV

Baby please talk to me.

Baby we need to fix whatever it is that's upsetting you.

Dahyunie please answer my calls.

Dahyunie please reply. We need to talk.

Dahyunie did you blocked my number?

Let's talk.

Don't be this way.


Sana has been calling and leaving me voice messages everyday since the cafe incident.
I can't face her, I'll break down.
Today is the day we'll watch Momo eonnie's fashion show.
Well technically she won't be in the show but it's her company's show so she's there with us at the side of the cat walk, watching models make their own style of flaunting the brand. So the line of our chair goes from Me, Momo, Jihyo, Hyun Seok, Sana, Tzuyu, Nayeon and Chaeyoung.
I told Momo eonnie earlier about not wanting to be seated near Sana that's why she sat beside me. Good thing she never asked me why.

I'm watching the people's reaction to the models, so I'm considering hiring some of the well known models for my company that's why me and Momo eonnie have been talking a lot during the show.
Me and Momo decided to have lunch tomorrow with the model that I liked to be the face of my company when the model walked the runway.

After 2 hours, the show then wrapped up and everyone started to disperse from the vicinity. Momo ushered us to leave the place through the back exit since it's easier to walk that way than walk out from where they all entered the building because a lot of fashion people, celebrities and people from the media are swarming that area.

Our friends are walking to the exit when I noticed everyone in the group paused.
I looked up from my phone when I saw Jeongyeon oppa and Mina eonnie walking to the direction of the exit too. Their backs are facing us so they can't see that we were frozen in place just by seeing them.
I looked at Nayeon eonnie who now is gripping Chaeyoung's coat.
The sight of Jeongyeon with anothet woman still hurts her. I know the feeling.
We all just stand there looking at the backs of the couple who already walked out of the door.
"Why did we all stop? Who was that?" Hyun Seok oppa, Jihyo eonnie's husband asked. Of course he knew Jeongyeon's face but he wouldn't know Jeongyeon just by looking at his back although we all have gone to the same university and Jeongyeon and him were in the same year level, Hyun Seok was in the class of the hopeless while Jeongyeon was in the Special class.
Jihyo cleared her throat and shush her husband. Hyun Seok immediately stops asking.
Wow. The power this woman holds even on her husband, huh?
"Let's just all get out, maybe they're now gone." Nayeon eonnie said while she pulled Chaeyoung out with her, we just followed them and walked out of the building.

"Hey, I'll put my address on your car's gps and we can all just see each other at my place okay?" Momo said as she goes to put her address on the three cars owned by Hyun Seok, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu. Jihyo was riding with her husband of course, Chaeyoung was with Nayeon eonnie, and Tzuyu is with Sana.
"I'll just ride with Dahyunie to my place. See you guys." Momo said as she linked her arms onto mine.
I saw Sana was about to complain but she choose not to.

So me and Momo entered my car and she just instructed me to go to a mini mart near her company's building.
"Did you forget to buy something?" I asked.
"Nothing, Dahyunie... Can you buy me ice cream? I really like ice cream." Momo said with pleading eyes.
I smiled. She's really cute when she does that, she's older than me but she acts like a kid.
Like someone I know...
"Okay. Just wait for me, Momo eonnie." I said as I got out of the car and get her chocolate flavored ice cream. I also got some choco pie since it was at the shelf near where I got the ice cream.

"Here's your ice cream. Now, you can just put your address on the gps and I'll let you sleep. You look tired eonnie." I sair as soon as I got seated in my car.
"Maybe you're the one who's supposed to be tired Dahyunie." She said as she helps me buckle my seat belt.
I just gave her a puzzled look as her face is just inches away from mine.

"You've been running in my mind all day." she continued before she leaned in for a kiss.
I sat there frozen but as soon as I felt her lips on mine, I just found myself returning her kisses.
After a few minutes of sloppy kisses, we paused and looked at each other. I'm... Confused.
The last few hours, I had been grieving about seeing my supposedly lover, lying to me and obviously having an affair with Tzuyu.
Now I'm here inside my car, kissing another Japanese woman like a hot mess.

"So... Dahyunie..what are we now?"

Love is timing (2yeon x JeongMi)Where stories live. Discover now