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Mina's POV

"Baby where were you? I've been calling your phone earlier and you never picked up. Is everything okay?" I immediately took Jeongyeon's tie off his neck when I saw him walk inside his apartment.

I've been waiting for him to return from work since my father has asked me to go and discuss with him some minor details of who to send out our wedding invitations to.

Our wedding will be all in one - for our family, business and political ties to grow stronger, that's why everything has to be planned out well.

Jeongyeon just looked at me strangely, as if he's staring straight into my soul and I start to get conscious so I moved away from him. I walked back to the living room sofa where I was seated and reading books before he came in and I put his neck tie on one of his chairs.

"I just had to see an old friend." He said as he moved past me and walked inside his bedroom. I decided to follow him and saw him taking his shirt off but I ignored it because I feel worried that he might've started to remember things and people from his past.

"Old friend? Who? Did you remember anything today?" I asked instead, trying to hide my anxiousness behind a nervous smile.

"No... I didn't remember anything. It's just an old work friend with her kid. You know, I wanted to ask her what it's like to raise a child so that... once we... we decide to have our own someday, at least I'll have an idea about kids. Mom and dad keeps on bugging me about us giving them grandkids, you know." He said and he puts on a fresh white shirt.

"Grandkids? I thought you're not ready to have children yet? I mean, I want to have your children, I really do but I just don't want our parents to pressure us on something that basically should be our decision to make. You know how I hate getting controlled by my parents." I said, sitting on the edge of his bed while he went inside his bathroom.

If I'm being honest, I really want to have a child. Not only will that child secure my position as Jeongyeon's wife, but it can seal our relationship as well. I'm still afraid that one day he'll wake up and remember everything and wonder why am I lying next to him instead of Nayeon.
Me bearing his child would mean him not being able to leave me once shit hits the fan. Having children with him can even make him love me more, enough to completely erase Nayeon's traces from his life.

I don't ever want him to remember... that's why I replaced his medicine with placebo medication and he's been taking it ever since we left the US.

Nayeon's POV

"Why did you allow Jeongyeon oppa to be with Youngie? What did he say?! I was so scared shitless for you two when you texted me that you're with him in your apartment!" Jihyo said frantically, now pacing back and forth inside my kitchen.

Jeongyeon left the apartment not long after we had the parenting talk. Despite all of the years I spent loathing him, I must admit that it felt good to be wrapped in his arms again, even if it meant it's probably the last time.

I love Mina.

His words continues to echo inside my head as I talk to Jihyo about everything that had occurred with Jeongyeon.

Apparently, Jihyo was frantic when Jeongyeon hired her husband as his private investigator last week and what her husband had discovered made everything that has happened in the last few years make sense.

"I'm telling you, Mina must've caused this but Hyun Seok can't find any evidence that can link her to Jeongyeon oppa's accident so he's still doing some more digging. Is this even fair? You told me yourself that Jeongyeon said that Mina told him they didn't know you?! You, who's Jeongyeon's world! How can she lie to his face like that? I feel she already knows you guys even have a child together knowing her connections. I bet he's going to go ballistic once his memories-" before Jihyo can continue, I let out a small "No."

"What do you mean? Don't you want him to remember you? As he should remember you? The person he's so in love with that he even followed his parent's wishes to send him to America just so his family can't harm you and allow you two to live together comfortably when he comes back?! But he couldn't come back to you because he had an accident eonnie, this isn't Jeongyeon's fault."

"He remembers me. He said he sees me in his dreams but that's it. He told me... he loves Mina so there's no point in making Mina the evil one in this. Everything that we know is already in place. I no longer want any complications Jih, especially not when it can possibly ruin my son's life." I said, trying to hold back the tears from falling.

It's unfair really, when I was younger I kept thinking of all the ways me and Jeongyeon's future could've ended.
It was never like this.

It's never as complicated as this.

"I'm... I probably should accept Chaeyoung's proposal right? He's a good guy and Youngie... Youngie already treats him like his father. I just... I just want Youngie to grow up without missing anything from his life, Jih. My son deserves the world."

Jihyo takes a seat next to me and holds my hand.

"But what about your happiness eonnie? You can't force yourself to love someone else when all of us knows it's only Jeongyeon oppa who can make your heart love like crazy. You two are a bunch of idiots but you two belong together. I appreciate Chaeyoung's kindness, I really do. That kid took on a huge role because he loves his hyung and wants his family to be taken care of but he can't fill the hole that Jeongyeon leaves when we allow Jeongyeon oppa to face the altar with Mina. You can't do that to everyone eonnie. You can't sacrifice yours and Jeongyeon oppa's happiness just because you think it's convenient. Think about it first, okay? I'm with you all the way." Jihyo wrapped her arms around me as I sob my heart out.

I just wish this is all nothing but a long nightmare. That when I wake up, I'm back to the time before Jeongyeon leaves for the US. I wish I'm back in Jeongyeon's arms, in our bed with nothing but the sound of his soft breathing distracting me from the world.

[A/N: Short? Update? Happy MORE AND MORE 101st WIN!!! PLS IF YOU HAVE THE MEANS, continue to vote and stream for our girls. ]

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