Own Up.

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Sana's POV

"Wow! Earlier was... Something." I try to say something since the silence inside Momo's house is suffocating me for unknown reasons.
We all got inside Momo's house without Momo and Dahyun since Momo gave us her pass code earlier, telling us that she and Dahyun would be a little late since they decided to buy something to eat.

"Yeah. The models are all good looking, You definitely look like one of those models Tzuyu!" Jihyo said her eyes glaring at me as if she's trying to tell me to stop reminding everyone about the JeongMi incident from earlier.
We all looked at Nayeon eonnie and Chaeyoung who's outside, their backs facing us.
She and Chaeyoung are sharing the phone and talking to Yeon Gu so the child can fall asleep without Nayeon in their house.

I just shrugged everything off, needing something to take me off the edge.
I went to what I assumed was where the drinks are located to get some soju and red wine.
To my utter shock, Momo has tons of liquor that it almost looks like a display from %the mall. I was standing in front of the shelves when I felt somebody's presence near me and when I turned around, I saw Tzuyu tapping her fingers on the kitchen counter in front of me.

She looks... Bothered.
"Tzu, something wrong?" I asked as I put the bottles on the counter to take a good look at the Yoda.
"Uhm... Eonnie... Have...have you talked to Dahyun eonnie?" she asked instead of answering my question.
The girl I can't get out of my mind yet she can easily ignore me for weeks.
"No...she wouldn't answer my calls, doesn't even read my messages. When I came over to her office last week, her secretary made excuses that she's busy and not accepting guests but I know damn well that she doesn't have any schedules. Maybe she forgot that we're business partners." I said with a chuckle of bitterness. I'm so frustrated with my situation with Dahyun.
I miss her.
So much.

I've been crying non stop ever since I went back to my apartment since my apartment is so cold that now it is just a place to sleep and nothing more.
I can't sleep without her.
I cry every time I wake up without her.
It sucks without her.
"It hurts Tzuyu. I don't even know what's our problem because she won't talk to me." I said, tears starting to form in my eyes.
Tzuyu saw this and like what she always does, she walked in front of me to wrap her arms around my waist and brought my face to her chest so I can sob without anyone hearing my cries.
"Shhh.. I'm sorry eonnie. I hope I can help you but I, too, have no idea on what's going on inside Dahyun's mind."

Then we both hear the door of the kitchen open and a chuckling Dahyun and Momo entered. They stopped when they saw me and Tzuyu.
"Ohh..hey. Sorry Satang, we didn't mean to ruin your moment with your Yoda." Momo said teasingly.
Only Momo and Mina knows about the truth that Tzuyu isn't my real cousin.

Then my eyes darted to the girl who's white as snow. For a moment I'd like to believe that I saw sadness in her eyes but it suddenly died in a blink of an eye.
"Sana eonnie just have problems with her supposedly lover leaving her behind without clearing things out between them." I hear Tzuyu said, emphasizing the word lover and looking Dahyun in the eye.
Dahyun's face clearly showed guilt but Momo laughed.

"Wow! I'm sorry Satang, but is this the same lover that you brought to Japan? The one who's your business partner? Wow... You were really serious with her huh? The campus flirt is now crying over the love of her life! And lemme tell you guys that it's a good thing because after Sana got hurt because of her break up with Eunha in our second year, she never took love seriously. " Momo then claps and came closer to me to hug me.
"Dahyun must know who that partner is right? Dahyun is one of your business partners too!" Momo happily said.

Dahyun was just standing there. Not even minding as the tears started swelling out of my eyes while I was wrapped in Momo's hug and my eyes just fixated on the love of my life that doesn't bother to tell me what I did that's so wrong in her eyes.


" Shit! " I screamed from our bedroom.
"What! What happened??!" Dahyun then entered the room quickly, like lightning.
I started crying while crouching down on the floor because of the throbbing pain that I'm feeling all over my body.
"No no no, baby what happened? Please tell me. Don't cry please." she said while she helped me get up and ushered me onto our bed. Well technically hers since we're in her apartment.
"Baby...Baby I...stub my toes on the bed frame l." I manage to say despite the pain. I started to sob again.
Her face then gave out a relieved expression and she smiled and wrapped me in her arms. She made cooing noises like she was consoling a baby and it made me giggle while kissing her cheeks. Her innocence sometimes makes me so attached to her. Out of all the people I dated, she's the most refreshing.

End of flashback.

I saw Dahyun then went out of the kitchen ignoring me and Tzuyu while dragging Momo with her.
Knowing that she's no longer affected by my tears makes me realize that she doesn't care about me anymore.
With the realization, I continued to sob on Tzuyu's chest.

Nayeon's POV

"Alright, me and Appa Chaeng will go home later tonight Yeongie, so sleep now with your aunt Seungyeon okay? Eomma loves you so much." <Seungyeon who's Nayeon's sister. Nayeon Jeongyeon and Jihyo have sisters named Seungyeon.>
I said as I coo my child to sleep. He really has a separation anxiety whenever I'm not there with him to tell him stories before he heads to bed.
"Appa loves you too, son." I heard Chaeyoung said as he chucked at whatever Yeongie said and he hang up the phone.
He looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back and proceeded to hug him.
I'm so thankful for having Chaeyoung during times like this.

"Thank you for everything Chaeng. You didn't have to but you still care for Yeongie." Tears are starting to well up again but Chaeyoung just chuckled and moved away from my embrace. "Noona, you know I'll do anything for all of you right?" he said smiling.
"Noona, can I ask you a question?"Then his face turned to a serious one after he asked.
"You know you can ask me anything." I answered as I gently rubbed his hands.

"Do you still want Jeongyeon hyung back in your life? You and Yeon Gu's life." he asked, seriousness is visible in his eyes so I never cracked a joke.
"I... Honestly? I don't know Chaeng. Yeongie needs a father. His father. Just recently he keeps on asking about his father since his teacher told him you are not his father because you're a "Son" and Yeongie is a "Yoo" and it breaks my heart to lie to him, over and over again."
"Hmm. Okay. Don't laugh at my second question noona.. But, is there.. Is there a possibility that you would want to marry another man to replace as Yeongie's father? After all, you, yourself know that he needs a father figure while growing up." He asked and I was left speechless.
I never really thought of getting married. The last time I gave marriage a thought was when I was in a long distance relationship with my son's father who promised to marry me when I feel like I've achieved my dreams.
" I... I would want to Chaeng, but... It's not that easy you know? Dating.. Especially dating a woman who already has a son isn't that much appealing to men." I simply said.

"But I'm not like all the men in the world noona." He said.
"I.. Wanna be the Father Yeongie never got. I wanna be his real father now Nayeon, if you'll allow me." He said all these words but my mind is still processing.
He? As Yeon Gu's father? What?
"What do you mean? You'll adopt Yeongie? But I'm still alive Chaeyoung!" I'm starting to get exasperated.

"No!" he said with a sigh. His shoulders starting to move downwards like he's carrying the weight of the world.
He paused for a bit and sighed.

"Nayeon... what I'm trying to say is... Marry me. Let me be a father to Yeongie. It's about time someone owns up to that little angel."

[A/N: Okay I said I'll update on Saturday but I got caught up with work that I had no time to upload this chapter. I'm really sorry!
Thank you readers for waiting. I'll post another update this week.]

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