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Sungkyunkwan Batch 2013 Graduation day

Jeongyeon's POV

I arrived at Nayeon's place an hour and a half before our graduation ceremony. I pressed the door bell for their apartment until her father opened the door for me.
"Ohhh. It's Jeongyeon-ah! You look good! Congratulations on your graduation son!" her father then opened his arms wide to greet me with a hug. Ever since I drove Nayeon to her place, whenever her father sees me outside he would ask me to go inside their apartment to chat. Her father and I really get along well since we both like watching football. Her father also treated me like his own son since he knew that me and Nayeon are in a serious relationship for 2 years now, much to my delight.
I got inside and saw Nayeon fixing her hair infront of a large mirror in their living room. "Hey love." I greeted her as her father excused himself to prepare breakfast for us in their kitchen.
"Hey yourself." she smirked at me.
"Yahh~ what's that all about?" I asked her, smiling.
"You really tried your best to look good. Now all the girls in our batch will drool over you. Hmp!" she said as she crossed her arms and raised a brow at me.
"Well they know Im Nayeon owns me. I should be the one to get depressed seeing you look so breathtaking in that black dress. But all the guys can look, they just can't touch because I'll break their necks if they touch what's mine." I looked at her father who was busy cooking facing his back to us and I hurriedly give my girlfriend a quick peck on the lips. She had her mouth open after I shocked her with my sudden action. I chuckled.
"By the way, your dress needs something to bring out the goddess in you... So I thought I'd buy you a graduation present." I said as I pulled out a blue velvet box in my jacket's pocket. "Ohh.. Is this a ring?" she smiled mischievously.
"Whoa you must be a psychic." I smirked at her and opened the box to show her the necklace I got for her. It was a thin gold lace with a princess cut amethyst ring as a pendant. Her face looked shocked.

"First of all, this is cheap so no need to get mad at me again for buying expensive stuff like the last time I bought you shoes, second of all I already got you this ring the moment I first said I love you, and lastly, the most important thing of all, you have to wear the ring when you feel like you want to marry me and start a life with me. This is not a proposal, but a promise that when you're ready, it's you who I'll marry. " I explained. She smiled widely, showing her gummy and bunny teeth. I could not help myself, I kissed her on the lips longer than I should. We heard her dad cough so we let go of each other and just smiled like idiots. I then put the necklace on her while we both stood infront of the mirror to see how the necklace sparkles in her neck.
"Thank you love. I promise after I'm happy with myself, I'll marry you. I just want to be someone worthy of you so your parents will like me." she said with tears starting to form in her eyes.
"Hey. Hey... Why are you crying. I told you, you're all that matters to me. If I could, then I would've married you long before, but I know you'll just end up hating me for getting in between you and your dreams. So achieve everything you want, and I'll just be your supportive boyfriend." I said as I hugged her. Man, this girl really is a keeper. My parents are still against our relationship so I can no longer take her to my place so I just come over to hers and sleep over most of the time. Her father isn't really against it since he trusts me with his daughter and he'd rather have me at his home than leave Nayeon all alone while he's at work most of the time.

Me and Mina stopped talking after I never went to the family meetings which our parents deviced for us to talk about the wedding they wanted for me and Mina. My parents said that the Myoui's are insulted because of my actions, but I can't force myself to agree to that wedding. I was sad that Mina and I had to stop talking, but I just can't stand the thought of her and my parents not acknowledging my relationship with Nayeon.
Me and parents have a strained relationship even before Nayeon happened but still, they didn't disown me after I disobeyed their wishes for me to marry since they're the type of people who wouldn't allow anyone to inherit their hardwork, so they just continued showing me the ropes as the next 3 months, I will be announced as the new managing director in our company.
I'll have to undergo training again in our California branch but I don't question my parents anymore. It's better to just work my ass off than them forcing me to marry someone other than Nayeon to boost our wealth.

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