Myoui Mina, The Black Swan In Love

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Jeongyeon's POV

I sat beside Mina on the couch to wait for our dongsaeng Chaeyoung. He's younger than me, Mina and Momo but he's my classmate since he's super smart and his IQ belongs to a 3rd year student instead of a first year. He's a son of a local farmer and he got in school because of a scholarship.
That's why I'm close with him cos he's not a part of the rich bullies.
I wonder why he's late. He was never late since he always arrives an hour before class.
"Minaya, do you like him?" Momo then said out of the blue.
"Huh?... Does our Minari like someone? Who is he? Is he from our school? Does he like you back? He better treat you right. " I said like a big brother, looking at Mina.
"I-I-No I don't like anyone!!! Momoya, what are you even saying!" Mina said while glaring at Momo, she looked like she could eat Momo alive right there and then.
Mina's cheeks are all red. I chuckled.
"Alright. I get it. You're now both keeping secrets from me. You're all grown up, I raised you well.
I feel like I'm gonna cry." I said, smiling and teasing both of them.
"Mina likes someone Jeongyeon oppa but she's afraid that he might not like her back!" Momo said again, not minding that Mina is pinching her right arm to stop her from talking.
"Yah! Minari, you don't have to be afraid. You should know that you're every boy's dream girl! So be brave and tell him you like him. I won't be mean and oppose your relationship since I trust your standards Minari." I said to Mina, I put my right hand on her shoulder, assuring her that it's alright to tell me everything. My heart is full of curiosity as to who is the luckiest guy to have our Minari's attention.
Momo then burst out laughing. She's clutching her stomach, almost rolling on the floor.
"Who's in a relationship with Mina noona?"
I then heard a squeaky yet manly voice.
I turned and looked at the short guy dressed with a complete and neat uniform. "Our Chaeng Chaeng is here!" Momo said happily still clutching her stomach from laughing.
"Yah! Chaeyoungah why did you arrive just now? We're not used to you arriving after us. I thought you're already here much more earlier than me." I said.
"Mianhe, hyung. I have to process my requirements for attending an art convention next week. So anyway, is Mina noona in a relationship now? " Chaeyoung said while scratching his head.
Ahh. Right. Our Chaeyoung loves art more than anything.
"That's what I'm trying to figure out right now." I smirked.
"Oh! Look at the time! It's almost time for our class now Jeongyeon oppa. We'll see you both at lunch!" Mina instantly got up from the couch, gathered her books and pulled Momo away from us. "See you later Jeongyeon oppa and Chaengie!" Momo smiled at us and followed Mina.
I just sat there smiling. I looked at both of their silhouettes getting farther away from us, thinking how proud I am that Mina has finally started to develop feelings and is now a grown up.

Chaeyoung's POV

I look at hyung while he's smiling and staring at Mina noona's back. A pang of jealousy hit me like a truck but I managed to ask, "Hyung... Do you know who Mina noona is in love with?" There. I finally said it. Maybe hyung knows that it's him.
"No. They didn't spill the beans on me. Why? Does my dongsaeng know who the lucky guy is?" he gave me a playful smile.
"I-it's... I don't know too hyung. I wish I knew so that we can beat him up." I'm beating myself inside.
"No. Why would we do that? If Mina is happy, then we should be happy for her Chaeng..."he said.
"But on the other hand..." hyung said and just paused.
"What's on the other hand, hyung?" I said.
"... On the other hand, I've always wanted Mina to be with you Chaeng. You're the only one I can entrust Mina with. As for Momo, I doubt she'd be in love soon since she's still blindly in love with 5 spice jokbal, until then I have to find friends that I can entrust with your Momo noona...

... Mianhe, Chaeng. I know Mina is your first love. It's a shame she's in love with someone else." He then looked at me and gave me a brotherly smile.
I was stunned.
How did hyung know about my feelings for Mina noona? Was I obvious? Did noona know about my feelings too?
And as if he can read my mind, "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. Let's go to our classroom now. " he then stood up and grabbed his calculator ang pen, which by the way, is the only two things he brings to school with him.
I know people call me a genius in our class but they don't know that Jeongyeon hyung was the real ace.

Mina's POV

I was about to faint when I grabbed Momo away from Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung. I was too afraid that Jeongyeon oppa would know about my feelings for him if Momo continued what she was doing.
"Yah! Momo! Do you want to start a fight? What were you thinking saying all of those things to Jeongyeon oppa?!" I said, my voice grew louder than the usual.
I'm anxious as hell right now.
What if he got an idea that I like him?
Nooo. I don't want to lose our friendship just because of my stupid crush for him.
Alright I admit it.
What I feel for him now started as a happy crush when I first saw him.
Jeongyeon oppa was mean in a Prankster kind of way to most of the students here. He's a bit of a player since he gives off a push and pull vibe to women, one day he flirts with a girl nonstop then the next day he's gone.
But he's different when he's with me. He treats me gently and protects me all the time.
That's when my little feelings for him turned into full bloom called love.
"You know at some point you have to be honest with your own self and tell Jeongyeon oppa that you like him right?" Momo said, a sign of frustration can be seen on her face.
"But Momoring... He's our good friend. I can't lose him just because I have feelings for him." I said.
"You know Mina, you're thinking ahead already! You won't know what he feels unless you tell him. Who knows? Maybe he feels the same for you." Momo said as she pulled me close to her for a hug.
"You're a great woman Minari. Every guy in school is in love with you. You're just living up to your reputation as the black swan that you never give people and yourself a chance." Momo whispered to my ear as she's still wrapping me in a warm embrace.
I held her tightly.
Truly, Momoring is my best friend.
"But Jeongyeon oppa doesn't see me that way... But thank you Momoring...
I don't know what I'll do without you. "
I held out my hand and link our pinky fingers together to form a promise.
"And I may not confess now, but I promise one of these days I'll tell him how I feel. I'll just save up the courage to finally ask him out." I said to Momo.
Momo knows me better than I know myself since we were young.
She's one of my closest friends, she's like a sister who doesn't treat me like a black swan that other students think I am.
A black swan that is an epitome of grace, of beauty and out of everyone's league.
They see me as all high and mighty but I'm not like all that...
and only our group of friends know that.
I'm just a girl who wants to find her own self just like everybody else.
I get insecure a lot.
I'm a very introverted person too.
My heart isn't always at ease.
I have a lot of flaws.
My family isn't perfect either.
My love life...
I'm just another girl who's deeply in love with Yoo Jeongyeon.

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