Not Too Good At Good Bye.

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Jeongyeon's POV

A month after our graduation, me and Nayeon recharged by going on trips. We went to Switzerland since despite her fear of heights, she really wanted to see the Swiss mountains and experience the thrill walk. We stayed in Switzerland for a week. Just the two of us. It felt like we're on our honeymoon since all we do was move around the city during the day and make love at night. I can't stop smiling just thinking of it.
I guess it's really true that a couple would know their partners better when they travel.
Nayeon was a whiny woman. She complains that she's tired of walking, she's hungry, she's going to pee, she's afraid of this and that but never have I felt annoyed at her.
Okay I admit sometimes it's annoying, but I love her enough to smile at her even when she gets mad at me for petty things.

That was a 2 months ago. Now me and Nayeon are in the coast of Hawaii, watching the sun set, lounging about while drinking pina coladas. Suddenly, I heard her squeal while looking at her phone.
"Yiiii!!! I got the Job!!! I got the job, love!" Nayeon, who is sitting on the lounge chair on my right side got up and sat on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. She's excited so she's been moving in my lap for a whole minute.
"What job is it bunny?" I asked, trying to put aside the dirty thoughts creeping inside my head as my girlfriend continues to move while sitting on my lap.
"I applied at Technon in Seoul. It' used to be Im Corp., it's my father's company until he got swindled and had to give it up. I've always wanted to work there since I still have shares in the company, but I can't take it now since my father had strictly imposed that I'll have to get married first in order to claim my shares." she said nonchalantly but I can see the pain in her eyes because she's being reminded again that they were robbed of what's rightfully theirs.
"You know you already have a fiance right?" I said, wrapping my arms around her waist while she's sitting on my lap.
"Who? I don't remember anyone asking me to marry them?" she said teasingly. "Yaahh. Im Nayeon. I. Am. Your fiance. Just wear the ring and we'll get married this instant." I smiled at her. Her eyes are sparkling with joy. I guess mine too since I'm looking at the girl I really, really love.
"and I. Am. Yours love." she said and kissed me hungrily.
Awww. Shit. My heart.

I pulled away from our kiss after a minute.
"Whyyyyy?" she asked why I pulled away.
"Bunny, we're not in our hotel room right now. People might stare at us." I replied and caressed her cheeks.
"Who cares?" she said pouting.
"I care. I don't want to undress you here in the beach. Stop teasing me Bunny-ah." I just said. She always loves to tease me in public since she knows it's hard for me to resist her charm. She just grinned at me.
"What do you wanna do? Do you want to have dinner now?"
I asked her as I hugged her tightly and asked her to stand up so we can leave the lounging chairs and walk towards the resort's building where there's tons of restaurants to choose from.
While browsing on which restaurant looks promising to dine at Nayeon said, "Love... You're going to America again at the end of the month right?" She said while slowly kicking the sand beneath her feet.
"Yes I am. I'll stay there for months to train. Depends on how my supervisor will assess my performance and if he thinks I can manage to be the director in our company." I said. I saw a trace of sadness in her eyes. "Then you have to do well. I can't be away from you for a long time. I'll cry everyday because I'll miss you... So much." she said, now not hiding the tears falling from her eyes.
"Bunyy.. Love...I'll do my best okay? I'll miss you a thousand times more when I'm in America. You also have to do well with your work in Technon. When I come back, maybe then you can wear the ring." I said as I pull her to the side, an alley that no one seems to go to, so we can avoid the people roaming around the busy streets. I held her hand to my chest." I love you. You know that right? Nayeonie, you're the only woman for me." I cupped her chin and locked our lips.

Nayeon's POV

After we talked by the beach, Jeongyeon and I ate at a Hawaiian themed restaurant and headed back to our room to enjoy a warm Jacuzzi and wine time since we're going back to Korea tomorrow. As we entered our room, I pulled Jeongyeon closer to me and kissed him hard on the lips. He didn't protest and wrapped his arms on my waist, gently squeezing my butt. I smiled in between our kiss and uttered , "Yah." to playfully nag at him. "You know how I feel since we're at the beach bunny. It's your fault that you moved non stop on my lap earlier, you have to pay for it." He smirked and carried me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and continue to taste the sweetness of his mouth.
Aigoo. I've become a pervert because of this guy. Aish.

I felt him walk towards the bathroom, still kissing me. He then slowly started taking off my Hawaiian patterned polo shirt which matched what he's wearing. He looked at my exposed lacy red bra. "Hmmm. Yummy." I hear him mumble under his breath. I hit him on the shoulder which earned a chuckle from him. His hands moved to my shorts. He unbuttoned it while sucking on my neck.
When he took off every garment in my body, I started to take off his. I've seen him naked but his body never fails to impress me. That's why Jeongyeon made me in to a pervert Nayeon I am today.
"Like what you see, love? Hahaha." He grinned and before I can react he already opened the shower. I felt the cold water hit my bare back and I screamed. He just hugged me tightly so I can feel his warmth spread across my cold body. And as usual, both of our perverted souls entered heaven while the water keeps on hitting our bare bodies under the shower. What a great memory we made for our last day in Hawaii.

Today is the day we're going back to Korea from our Hawaii trip. It's also the day that Jeongyeon is 3 days away from leaving again for America for his training. Just thinking about it makes me cry. From the airport we headed straight to his apartment / house since I moved in with him after our trip to Switzerland. Jeongyeon even asked my dad to move in with us but my dad refused and gave up the apartment we're renting and he just lived at the employee quarters provided by the Royal Hotel so we can save some money on rent. When we entered his house, everything was dark. Then suddenly, Jeongyeon turned on the lights and we saw our friends holding bottles of champagne, balloons and Sana was holding a cake with lighted sparkling candles. "Welcome back!!! We miss our 2yeon couple!!!" shouted Jihyo. And she came forward to hug me and Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon had his mouth open, shocked to see everyone here. "This is also our farewell party for Jeongyeon hyung since he's going to the US for a year." Chaeyoung said smiling.
A year?
I thought he said it will only take a few months?
I was deep in thoughts when Jihyo interrupted when she saw the confused look in my face.
"We should just forget about everything and enjoy tonight." she said loudly for everyone to hear, but especially for me.
"We'll just change our clothes upstairs guys, we will be back in a minute. Please feel at home." I said and grabbed Jeongyeon's wrist and we headed upstairs in our room.
"What did Chaeyoung mean?! A year?! You said it would only take a few months!" I lashed out on him as soon as the door to our room closed. I was pissed at him for keeping secrets.
He was then too quiet for my liking, he just took off his shirt and pants. "Yah Yoo Jeongyeon!" I said,wanting an answer from him.
"Didn't Jihyo said that we should just forget about everything and enjoy the night?" his gaze went to me. He walked towards me and hugged me tightly. "I can't be away from you for that long Jeong. I'll drown in my tears everyday. What if some girl tries to make a move on you? Then what can I do? When you're a thousand miles away from me." I sobbed in his shoulders. I heard him chuckled. "If I don't leave, then we'll suffer Nayeonie. I can't provide for you-" I cut him off, "I can provide for us. I don't care about how much you earn Jeong. We graduated in Sungkyunkwan, we can make a simple living with that. I just want you." I hate to be a clingy girlfriend but what can I do? I hate to think about the girls that will flirt with him.
What if he gets lonely? What if he gets tempted because I'm not with him?
These thoughts keep replaying in my mind, it's driving me insane.
"Love, you're all that I want too. But I want to give you the best. Not just for you, but to our future children. Remember Yeon Gu and Yu Na? Our kids? They deserve the best Nayeonie. I want what's best for my future family." he said and kissed my temple. I cried remembering our planned name for our kids. We already brought up the topic of kids since we're sure about each other.
We both wanted at least a baby girl and a baby boy. Jeongyeon is just waiting for me to be happy with myself. He's just waiting for me to achieve everything I want to achieve. If I wear the ring he gave me, we can get married easily. But I have a lot of things to accomplish before I want to settle down.
I realize I was being unfair since Jeongyeon probably wants to achieve things too, so I just hugged him tightly until there's no more tears left to fall. "Let's go back to our friends now. They must be worried." He said as he held my hand and intertwined it with his. "Let's talk about it tomorrow. For now let's enjoy, love. I love you." he added and kissed me on the lips to assure me that everything's going to be alright.

[Author's Note: Hello guys! Please support Twice's comeback, Feel Special. I already pre ordered 3 albums cos that's all I can afford.(Jeongyeon is my Bias. Second Nayeon.) If you can't buy the albums, please stream it! It will be released on September 23, 6PM KST. Thank you for reading!]

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