Present Day

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6 years later...

March 2019

The present day.

Mina's POV

I woke up with a warm feeling. I was in a daze but I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist, spooning me. I was facing my back towards him as I smiled and turned around to see the face of the person I love. He now has growing stubbles which made him look a thousand times hot than when he's freshly and cleanly shaven like a good boy. He has his eyes closed and his breathing is soft and light which signalled that he's still in dream land. I cupped his face and gently planted soft kisses on his lips. He scrunched his nose and opened his eyes to reveal his brown orbs that took my breath away. "Good morning babe." He said, his voice slightly hoarse which I think is sexy.
"Morning." I replied and give him a gummy smile.
I can't help it. I am the happiest whenever I'm with him.
"Hmm." he just hummed and even pulled my body closer to his. I blushed and moved my face closer to his chest to hide my red face. "Babe are you hungry? You didn't get to eat that much last night. I'll cook for you." He was about to get up from his bed when I didn't let go of his body. I'm hugging him tightly. His warmth is really pushing away my stress from work and life. "No. Let's just stay here for a little longer babe, please?" I looked at him in the eyes and he just nodded and kissed my forehead. I still can't believe that our wedding is months away from now.

I'll finally be Mrs. Yoo.

Chaeyoung's POV

I was walking along the side walk of the apartment complex with grocery bags in my hands. When I was in front of the red door I shouted, "Youngie! Open the door for papa!" I then heard little footsteps coming near the front door.
When the door opened, it revealed a young boy with brown hair in his onesies. "Papa!" he then opened his arms, wanting to cling to my neck and hug me tight like he usually does. "Where's mommy?" I kissed his cheeks. He's really cute in his tiger onesie. "She's inside papa! She's cooking my favorite, Naengmyeon!" for a kid at the age of 6 years old, Youngie is really smart.
Just like his father, I guess.

I carried him inside the house and saw his mother stirring something in the pot inside the kitchen. I coughed to get her attention. She turned around and smiled at me. She's wearing a white dress covered with a red apron. "Oh. Changie, you're here." she greeted me. I let Youngie go to the living room to watch cartoons. I then opened the fridge and started to take out the items inside my grocery bags and put it inside the fridge.

"You bought a lot of groceries for Youngie again Chaeng. You didn't have to. You're spoiling him." I heard her say. I chuckled.

"I want to spoil our little kid here." I said to her and when I finished fixing the groceries, she suddenly said, "Can you please take care of him today Chae? I'm having a job interview today. I'm so sorry, I can't take him since it's the second and most important interview that decides whether I'll get accepted or not." she then put what she's cooking in a bowl and placed it on the table
"Okay no problem. I was actually gonna take him to the dentist today since it's my day off." I replied and sat on the table that she prepared. Everything on the table was complete with side dishes.

"Everything looks good by the way. I hope you get that job. I actually wanted to enroll Youngie in a private school. I already asked my workmate about their rates and I think I can manage to get him to study there." I said looking at her. She looked like she's a contemplating whether to agree on my decision or not.
"'s not your responsibility-"she was about to say for the nth time that it's not my responsibility to take care of them so I cut her off. "I want to take responsibility. Let me do it for you and Youngie. I love you both to not think of you as my responsibility." I said. She flashed me her bunny looking smile, that's when I know she's genuinely happy. "Thank you Chaeyoung. I wouldn't know what to do without you." she then proceeded to hug me while I was still seated. "I want a hug too! Let me join." We heard the little guy said and he proceeded to hug my legs with his little arms. I chucked and carried him and the three of us did a group hug.

Love is timing (2yeon x JeongMi)Where stories live. Discover now