Present Girlfriend And Future Wife

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February 2011

Mina's POV

As soon as I stepped inside the quaint and small pizza shop, my eyes averted to Chaeyoung's back who's sitting near the counter.
The lady who's currently talking with Chaeyoung greeted me with a smile and that's the time he stood up and looked my way.
I didn't mind running into his arms and start sobbing.
"Chaeng..." I tried so hard to speak, but it feels like a knot has formed in my throat and I can't let my voice out.
"What is it Mina noona? What's the problem?" He said as he strokes my back.
"I-I'm... My parents... Chaeng..." I tried to figure out how to tell him about my parent's and Jeongyeon's parent's decision.
"Calm down noona... Breathe...and tell me what happened so I can help you." he then led me to an empty chair. I noticed that the customers and the lady in the counter was looking at us. I covered my face with my hoodie.
"Chaengie. Can-can we talk in private? P-please?" I managed to say.
"Okay Mina noona." he said.
"Bring your friend upstairs, Chae. She looks like she needs you. Your pizza won't be ready for a while. " The lady in the counter, who I assume is Chaeyoung's sister, said. I bowed to her the moment our eyes met to thank her.
Then Chaeyoung led me upstairs to a stairway at the side of the counter. We pushed passed a door and is welcomed by a small living room where a lot of kid's toys scattered on the floor. Chaeyoung ushered me to sit down as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and hand it to me.

"Now, Are you ready to tell me what's wrong?" he sat down beside me.
"Me and... Jeongyeon..oppa...are getting married Chaeng..."
I said sobbing
"What?!" I looked at his face which is now full of shock.
"My mother and I went to Jeongyeon oppa's father earlier... Apparently, my mother and Jeongyeon oppa's father already knew each other... and are already planning our wedding after graduation since Jeongyeon oppa will take over his father's company." I said, almost out of breath.
I noticed that Chaeyoung's expression went blank.
"T-then...why are you crying noona? Aren't you supposed to be happy since you like Jeongyeon hyung? You'd get to be together forever then." he said as his body stiffened.
"I don't like him Chaeng... I love him. That's why I'm having a dilemma since Jeongyeon oppa likes someone else. I don't want to punish him with our marriage. I don't want him to hate me." I started to sob again. I don't know what to do anymore. Should I just disappear?
"Hyung won't hate you noona. He adores you... so much. He'll probably know that it's his and your family that's doing this. You have to talk to him. Doesn't he already know?" Chaeyoung said while massaging his temple.
"I don't know...Maybe... his family hasn't... told him yet but I knew everything since... I was at the family meeting. My mother was... outraged because I got drunk last night and she wants to do this marriage earlier since she believes I'll mess this up. I've come for you since Momoring has been grounded by her mother since paparazzis stole some pictures of us at the Karaoke bar. "I explained while still sobbing.
I tried to compose myself after a minute of Chaeyoung not responding to what I said.
"Do you think Jeongyeon oppa will be okay with our marriage Chae? Should I talk to him to know if he's serious with Nayeon eonnie? Let's go to his place!" I said with a glimmer of hope in my eyes.
I heard Chaeyoung sigh deeply.
"I'm actually going to his house today, Mina noona."Chaeyoung looked at me.
"It's okay if you want to come with me noona, I know hyung will love the idea of you visiting him since he told me he misses you. He noticed that you didn't talk to him a lot now that he's dating Nayeon noona." Chaeyoung paused.
"But Nayeon noona is with him at his place now..."He continued.
I felt my whole world crashing down on me as soon as I hear it. Jeongyeon has had a lot of girlfriends in the past.
All of them from prominent families all over Korea but never had he brought anyone home with him.
Chaeyoung and I both looked at each other and know that Jeongyeon is now seriously in love with Nayeon and no one can ever get in his way.

Jeongyeon's POV

I woke up feeling disoriented because of jet lag. My body hasn't adjusted well yet since I've spent a whole month in America. I glanced up on my bed side clock to see that it's 1:24 PM and I closed my eyes.
I reached for Nayeon at the left side of my bed without opening my eyes. I felt my hand touched her shirt and I caressed it. I pulled her body close to me and cuddled with her for a while.
"Love, Chaeyoung is coming here in a while. Wake up." I said as I pulled her closer to me, feeling her warmth spread all over my body. I kissed her shoulder. "Nayeonie... Can we do another round?" I teased her when she didn't respond.
She automatically turned her face to me. Ahh. She's so damn lovely when I see her with her hair all messy.
"Yah! Are you a pervert?" she said while lifting a brow at me.
"I was just kidding...or else?" I then sucked on her earlobe. She hit my head and I laughed.
"Yah Yoo Jeongyeon stop it. Let's take a shower and grab some lunch with Chaeyoung. When is he coming?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"I don't know. Maybe in 30 minutes? You know we could do it in 10 minutes..." I again teased her.
She immediately stood up from the bed and headed straight to the bathroom. I hear her lock the door and I laughed.
Ahh Jinja. This girl.
I just walked out of my room and asked one of our staff to prepare Chaeyoung's favorite Strawberry milkshake and some lunch for us.
I felt my phone in my hand buzzed.
It's a message from Chaeyoung.

Chaecub: 2:01 PM
Hyung, Mina noona is coming over with me. Good?

Me: 2:02 PM
Really? Sure baby cub. We're waiting for you. 👍

I sat on my bed and scroll through reddit for memes I'll send my friends while I waited for Nayeon to finish taking a shower so I can shower too.
After 5 minutes, the door to the bathroom finally opened and she got out with her hair still wet and just in my black robe.
"Don't think of anything funny Yoo Jeongyeon." I hear her say while she walked to my walk in closet to change.
"I wasn't thinking of anything Im Nayeon. It's you who probably wants it." I smirked at her and got in the bathroom for a quick shower.
After a few minutes I got out of my bathroom using only a towel to cover my body since Nayeon used my robe.
"Yah! Why did you come out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel!" she hissed and throw a pillow at me.
I saw her sitting on my bed looking at her phone, her cheeks all red.
"It's not as if you've never seen what's behind the towel, sweetie." I teased her and ran to my walk in closet to change peacefully.
Subtle knocks came on my door and I hear Nayeon answer it. I was putting on my pants when Nayeon hugged me from behind.
"Young Master, your friends are hear." she imitated my staffs voice and bowed to me.
"Yah Im Nayeon." I said and pulled her in for a kiss on her cheeks. She blushed.
"Let's go meet them." I said while pulling her hand as we headed out of my room
"Them? I thought Chaeyoung was the only one coming?" she asked me.
"Oh. That. He said he's with Minari. Chaeng brought us my favorite pizza from his sister's shop. You should try it." I said to her. I saw her face went blank.
Aigoo. Why can't the two important girls in my life just get along.
I pulled her to the main door where we saw Chaeyoung with a serious face while holding a pizza box and Mina just staring straight at me.

I grabbed the pizza box from Chaeyoung's hand and gave it to eomma, my nanny since birth but now she's our head staff. Eomma was standing by the door as usual with two more of our staff to welcome the guests.
"Eomma. Please serve this pizza as well as the lunch I asked to be prepared at the veranda. We'll just stay there." I said.
I looked at everyone being awkward and silent. I just sigh and tell everyone to come with me to our veranda to wait for our lunch.
We all gathered at a table for four in our veranda surrounded by tall pine trees.
" We're having late lunch everyone, is that okay?" I said, and the three of them just give me a nod. As we sat down, some of the staff served some salad and garlic bread on the table.
"So...Minari... What brings you here with Chaeyoung?" I asked Mina who's sitting beside Chaeyoung while I was sitting beside Nayeon. Chaeyoung and I are facing each other, while Nayeon and Mina do the same.
"I... I Just have something to tell you, oppa." She said as she's playing with her fork. Uncertainty is spreading across her face.
"You know you can tell me anything Minari."I assured her.
"Why don't you tell it here now Mina?" I hear Nayeon stated.
I gripped her hand tightly under the table, as if telling her not to probe Mina.
"Are you sure you can handle what I'm about to say to Jeongyeon oppa, Nayeon eonnie?" Mina then said with her voice louder that usual.
"Huh! I know that you don't like me Mina, but I am Jeongyeon's girlfriend now, and there's nothing you can do about it. So be nice." Nayeon said, her voice sounds mad now.
"When was I ever not nice to you? I am always civil even if I don't like you. And sure.. You're currently his girlfriend Nayeon eonnie, but I am his future wife! Jeongyeon oppa doesn't need a poor woman like you!" Mina bursted out saying. I see Chaeyoung holding Mina down since Mina then got up from her chair and wanted to leave. I looked at Nayeon and her face gave out a puzzled look.
I, too, is confused about what Mina said.
"What are you talking about Mina?" I said.
What? Why would Mina call Nayeon poor when her family owns a chain of hotels in Korea? Me and Mina are getting married? What? What's going on???

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