Push and Pull

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Nayeon's POV

"That Nayeon is sleeping with one of our directors."

"Im Nayeon?! Doesn't she have a son? How can she live recklessly. She probably does it so she can have money for her son but damn-"

"What a bitch. Maybe she's sleeping around with the directors because she can't sleep with our company's President. Mr. Yoo already has the prettiest woman I've ever laid my eyes on. He won't trade all that for a lowly single mom who had her coochie owned by multiple men."

I furrow my eyebrows as I listen to some ladies gossip in the comfort room. I'm inside a stall and was about to go out when I heard my name from them. I wanted to let them know that I was there but I also got curious why these people know and gossip about me. None of what they're saying makes any sense and it angers me but I tried to keep my cool. I need my job and doing something I might regret that can cause me to lose this job is out of my options. As long as they don't speak ill of my son, I can endure this.

Me? Sleeping with a company director? I haven't even had sex in years. Haven't even thought about it.

A few minutes more and I hear the people outside the stall walk out of the comfort room. I counted one to twenty before leaving as well to avoid any unnecessary confrontations.


"Miss Im, I've looked at your friend's portfolio and I hate to say it but I'm impressed. Out of the four portfolios, his were the best. Can you schedule an appointment with him as soon as possible?" I hear Jeongyeon speaking but my mind can't seem to understand any of his words.

"Miss Im? Is something wrong?" I noticed Jeongyeon's face moving closer to mine so I tried my best to snap out of my frozen state.

"N-none. Nothing. I'm so sorry sir. I'm just feeling a bit unwell but I'll talk to him and ask him to meet with you soon, before your wedding." I said as I take a step back away from my boss.

"Right..." He says as he straightens his posture while looking at me, I moved my gaze away from him, looking at the wall is better than seeing his eyes staring straight towards me.

"Will that be all? I'm gonna head back to my office now." I bowed to show courtesy.

"Nayeon... Can I... Can I come home with you later?" He said instead of dismissing me.

"Huh? Wh-why?"

"I've bought toys for Youngie and some stuff that can help him with school. I actually wanted to ask your permission to enroll him at Joongdong all boys school. It's my alma mater and I really wanted my first son to get in that school. I've always dreamed of it. I promise you their education is top tier, they always are the number one school in producing top quality students." Jeongyeon confidently says, his hands are now in his pockets while waiting for me to agree.

"I think seeing you will make Youngie happy so you're welcome to visit him later. He's already enrolled at a private school near our apartment and it's a good school too. Joongdong is super expensive, I don't think my salary as your secretary and Chaeyoung's salary can pay for it. I believe he's gonna be fine with his current school." I replied.

"Chaeyoung pays my son's school? Why?" His face contorts, he looks mad at this information.

"He's... He's always been responsible for me and Yeon Gu ever since you... left. He's been very good to us and I'm thankful to have him in our lives." I explained.

"Do we... Do I also know him before? Why does a single man like him do this? Does he even have a girlfriend? If he does why does he always hang around you?"

Love is timing (2yeon x JeongMi)Where stories live. Discover now