Different types of Parents

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Jeongyeon's POV

"My... my dad? Ahjussi... You're my dad?" Yeon Gu's eyes starts to tear up and his lips started quivering that I had to wrap my arms around his little body to comfort him.

"Yes son. I am your dad. You have a daddy, okay? I'm here and I won't ever leave you to go to heaven again. Are you fine with me being your dad?" I gently caressed his back while I turned to face Nayeon. She had tears in her eyes while her hand is covering her mouth to stop herself from sobbing.

"I'm glad you're my dad ahjussi but why did you leave us and made mommy cry? You made her lonely. I'm lonely without you too but mommy sometimes cries on her own." My son moves his head that's resting on my neck so he can look at my face. He has tear stains on his face and a small pout on his lips that I can't help but kiss his chubby cheeks. He really looks like a younger version of me. My parents will be in cloud nine if they see my son knowing how much they wanted to have grandchildren.

"I'm so sorry baby. Daddy got lost on his way back to you... and mommy. I tried- I tried my best to get back to you as fast as I could but daddy was too slow to figure things out but I'm here now." I said.

"Will we be a family now? My classmates have a daddy and mommy and baby brothers and sisters while I only have mommy and papa Chaeyoung and my aunties. My classmates make fun of me because papa is not my dad but my uncle." Yeon Gu keeps the pout on his lips as he keeps on telling me about his problems. It warms my heart that this little boy trusts me with his life.

"Youngie-" Nayeon's voice is demanding for our son to stop talking but I gently put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from reprimanding our son.

"We will. We are a family. No one will ever make fun of you again. Daddy will make sure of it. I love you, my boy. Can daddy have a tight hug and a kiss?" I asked as I ruffled his bowl cut hair.

"Yehey! I love you so much Daddy. Thank you for making me and mommy happy." Yeon Gu kisses me on the lips and wraps his tiny arms around my neck that it almost suffocates me but I couldn't be bothered to stop my son.

I could die in this moment out of happiness.


Nayeon's POV

"Can we have a family picture? I want to have a picture of us in my room." My son, me and Jeongyeon are walking around the family park when my son suddenly asks the question. Youngie is holding my hand with his left hand while his right hand is clinging on Jeongyeon's thumb.

"Of course baby. I was about to suggest that we head to the photo studio to get a professional to take our family picture. You really are my son, you seem to think like me." Jeongyeon chuckles as he looks down on his son.

"I don't think that's necessary. We can just take a picture with my phone." I said as I took out my phone from my purse.

"That's also a good idea. Let's take one for now." Jeongyeon says as he leads us towards where a fountain is located. "Hand your phone to me, Nayeon." He adds as he takes Yeon Gu in his arms and scoots closer to where I am standing. I gave it to him without much thinking and he gestures for me to stand closer to him as he aims the camera towards us.


The three of us did a peace sign.


The three of us then pouted at the camera.


"There we go. Now let me take one using my phone. Can you take Youngie first?" Jeongyeon asks as he hands me our son. I easily took him in my arms as Jeongyeon takes his phone out of his pocket. He scoots closer to me and snaps a photo.

Love is timing (2yeon x JeongMi)Where stories live. Discover now