Whoa. What Is Going On?

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Nayeon's POV

"Hey are you listening? I can't afford to hire an airhead." I felt a poke on my face which shook me off what I was thinking. Maybe I'm hungry? After all it's already 12:30 PM and I haven't had lunch yet. I skipped breakfast earlier because if I ate I'll be late. I felt sorry for not eating what Chaeyoung cooked though.
I saw my boss poking my cheeks with the eraser part of his pencil.
What was I thinking?
"As I said, you have to deliver these reports back to each departments. I am very disappointed with their work. I am not paying everyone huge salaries only to be given crap like this." he said as he throw the ledgers on the table. I sighed and took everything.
I bowed to him and started walking out of his office.

"By the way Miss Im, please cancel my dinner appointments today. I have something important to do later." he said. I paused and ask, "May I know the reason sir?" he chuckled. "Why do you have to know miss Im?" he cracked his fingers and the sound of his bones cracking echoed throughout his office.
"Well it will help me explain to our big client why my boss is cancelling on him the last minute." I replied sarcastically.
Why does he make me suffer like this.
He looked like he was thinking if what I said make sense.
"I'm having my fitting schedule for my wedding with my fiancée later. I can't disappoint her by being late for our rescheduled fitting again." I heard him say.
His face showed remorse towards what he said is his fiancee.
I felt like the world started to crumble around me.
My legs felt weak. Of course he's getting married.
It's been 6 years.

"Oh-" was all I could say. I started to head towards the door to get out of his office to go into my separate office just next door to his office. I felt suffocated.
I went inside my personal office and sat on my desk. It's been a month since I started working for him and I still can't believe everything that happened. He's acting like he never met me and that I didn't mean a thing to him.
I still remember everything about him like it was yesterday but I guess the feeling isn't mutual.
I still remember what he told me before he left for the US.

"I promise not to look at other girls."
"I love you so much Im Nayeon. "

I was waiting for him to explain why he just went and disappeared from my life but he never did.
I looked at the ring on my fingers and smiled bitterly.

I thought you'll marry me the moment you see me wearing the ring you gave me.
How can you still hurt me after disappearing from mine and our son's life Yoo Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon's POV

I chuckled at my secretary's reaction before she went out of my office . Her face literally gave out her feelings for me when I told her that I'm getting married. She's been working for me for a month now and it's the first time I told her about my personal affairs since I'm starting to trust her like I trust my on-leave secretary, Kim Min Young.
I know I might sound assuming but my new secretary really give off the vibe that she likes me the moment she first saw me.
Her jaws dropped as if she's amazed by seeing me.
I get that stare from the ladies a lot that's why Mina always gets jealous everytime a woman eyes me.

But... I can't fire my secretary for liking me right? Just as long as she stays in her lane, she can keep the job.
I really have zero to none complaints about her. She's actually really a good employee. Except that she sometimes zones out from thinking God knows what.
Also she can't even go to her own welcome party because apparently, she has a child to come home to.
On her resume she said she's single so I assumed that the father of her child just went out and left them like an asshole. I really hate that type of man. They don't deserve the title "father". I kinda pity her situation so as much as possible I don't put her in overtime work.

I started working. Typing away on my computer and signing documents that I didn't noticed that I've been working for almost 3 hours already. Time really flies so fast when I'm at work.
I saw my phone screen light up and I grabbed it from my desk and saw a notification from my mother reminding me about meeting Mina later for our scheduled fitting.
I decided to give Mina a text.

Me: 3:15 PM
Babe I cancelled my meetings, c u at Vera's, 5:30pm?

Minari: 3:17 PM
Yay! I'll come to ur office at 5, we can go there together. 😘

Me: 3:18 PM

Minari: 3:18 PM
I love you hubby. 😍😍😘

I grinned when I read her text.
Aigoo my Minari is so cute.

Me: 3:21 PM
C u

Me: 3:21 PM
Wifey. 😁

I then heard a knock at the door of my office and it creaked creaked open so I put my phone in my suit's pocket. I saw Miss Im, my secretary entered and walked towards me. I don't know why but everytime I see her enter my office I kinda feel something tugging in my heart.
I shook the thought away since my fiancée is way beautiful than she is so I can't be feeling things for her no matter how minimal the feeling is.
"These are the files you asked for yesterday sir." she handed me a ledger. "hm. Okay I'll look into it tomorrow Miss Im. You can leave at 4:30." I said and got back into typing onto my computer.
"Thank you sir." I heard her say without me looking at her.

Then I remembered about my plan and called for miss Im's attention as she was leaving.
"Miss Im, do you have any contacts with underground artist? I was planning on changing our company's strategy by hiring street wise people. I want to launch our new products as people friendly.
I read the reports about people thinking our company only puts out expensive products. This time can you look into it if we can do different concepts that can appeal to the masses? Report it back to me tomorrow afternoon. That's all. " I said and turned to reading and approving the files on my table again so I won't have backed up work.
"I think I know someone sir. I'll do some research and I'll submit to you my report tomorrow." she said and left.

Momo's POV

"Heey!!! Mitang!!! I missed you!" I screamed when I saw Myoui Mina walked in to the private viewing room I was at. I was browsing limited edition jewelries from a luxurious well known jeweler in South Korea. I haven't been to Korea for years since I debuted as a fashion model in Japan.
"Oh..Momoring, I never thought I'd see you in Korea again. How's Japan?" she chuckled slightly and hugged me.
"Japan is great! You should go see your mother land sometimes Mitang. I'm currently on my break for 2 months. I'll be spending it here in Korea catching up with everyone we know." I said.

I noticed that she wears a ring on her ring finger. I looked at her face and she seemed nervous that I noticed her ring.
"Yah..Minari...Are you... Getting married? That's an engagement ring right?" I eyed her and her expressions. I'm her best friend since forever so I know her expressions well. It annoys me that she never told me anything. Her face showed hesitation but then she answered me.
"Uhm... Yes Momoring. I'm getting married in 3 months." she smiled and held the ring on her finger.
"Wow. I'm pissed that we didn't get an invite? I'm more pissed that you didn't even told us you have a boyfriend and he proposed?!" I spat at her.
"Mianhe Momoring. It's just that we're both very busy."she said referring to her and her fiance. "Actually you know him Momoring. He's from Sungkyungwan." what the actual fu-
"It's Jeongyeon oppa that I'm getting married with." She gave me a smile.
"WHAT?!!" To say that I'm shocked is an understatement.

Jeongyeon oppa disappeared from our lives months after he went to America. I haven't seen him for years. The last news I heard about him was when Mina called me to inform me that Jeongyeon oppa is in a coma.
Then Mina never contacted me until I saw her in the US after I joined Gucci's and Saint Lauren's fashion show but we haven't talked about Jeongyeon at all.

Does Nayeon eonnie know?
Does he even know Nayeon eonnie got pregnant and now he has a very bright kid named Yeon Gu? I'm Yeon Gu's Godmother so I'm updated about Nayeon's life.
I'm losing my shit in front of Mina and Mina just smiles at me.
I haven't been in South Korea for a day but my mind just exploded with Mina's news.

What the heck is going on?!

[Author's Note: It's me again! The creative juices just started flowing in my brain that I can't stop writing these days.


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