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Mina's POV

I glanced at my wristwatch to see that it's already 4:20 PM. I'm already at Jeongyeon's company an hour ago but I don't wanna show him I'm too giddy and excited to fit in my wedding dress and to see how dashing he is in his custom made tuxedo.
I was seated at the waiting area when I decided to go inside the elevator and pressed the button to his office floor. I smiled at the thought of seeing him all busy with his work.

After a few minutes the elevator stopped at his floor and I got out. Silence engulfed me. Jeongyeon really likes to keep his privacy that's why no one is allowed to be here unless it's him and his secretary. The elevator has even a password only chosen people know to avoid unwanted visitors.
Speaking of which, Min Young was on leave now so I wonder who is Jeongyeon's replacement secretary?

I proceeded to walk towards his office. As I was about to turn the knob, the door of the secretary's office opened and I looked at the woman who got out.
Im Nayeon. What the -
"What are you doing here?" I snapped.
"Oh." I just heard her say.
"I said why are you he-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when I felt the door of my fiancé's office opened.

Me and Nayeon both looked at Jeongyeon who's only staring at the both of us.
"Babe? what are you doing here? I thought we'll meet at 5 sharp. You're 30 minutes early. "
He said as he looked at me trying to read my expression.
I saw him looked at Nayeon and then Nayeon just bowed at the both of us and went back to the secretary's office.
"Jeongyeonah-why-why is Nayeon eonnie here?!" I asked exasperated. I can't believe what I saw earlier! The woman who stole Jeongyeon from me is here, in this very building.
Is this a nightmare?
"What? Why are you reacting like this Minari? Nayeon is my temporary secretary. She has taken over Min Young's place for a month now.

... Do you know her Minari?" he asked as he lead me inside of his office and we both sat on the couch. He then held my hand and waited for my answer.
Of course! She's... Your girlfriend... before you have that accident that was in some way a blessing in disguise.
Jeongyeon loved me.
Or he learned to.

I was all that he had back in the US. After the accident, he went into a coma for 2 years, the doctors even wanted to pull the plug on him since it's been too long that his body never responded but I never gave up. I knew one day he'll come back to me.
And he did.
One day he just woke up from a 2 year sleep.
He was confused to say the least. He doesn't remember his own name or who I am, or what place is he at.
And we stayed in the US for 2 more years. Since Jeongyeon was in a coma for years, he lost all of his memories. To make everything short, He got amnesia.

***Flashbacks after Jeongyeon was discharged from the hospital:***

Mina was always beside Jeongyeon, they even slept together.

Mina fed, help him change clothes (never seen Jeongyeon's package! Mina is prude in this story😭🤣), took him on walks, taught him the basics on how to live like a normal person again.

Jeongyeon forgot about his own parents and when they visited him in their property in California, all he could really trust was Mina. Mina introduced his parents to him and Jeongyeon relaxed and eventually, became comfortable with his parents. Jeongyeon's parents were very happy about his progress, especially now that Nayeon was out of the picture and they can see that Jeongyeon has fallen for Mina.

One day Jeongyeon saw a photo of him and Mina on Mina's wallet. He then had an episode and recalled one memory where Mina was kissing him on the lips that's why he thought Mina was his girlfriend.

***End of flashbacks***

Until now, Jeongyeon never recalled some of his memories. His memories are fed to him by me and his parents.

Love is timing (2yeon x JeongMi)Where stories live. Discover now