I Wonder What Happened

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March 2019

Jeongyeon's POV

"Please make sure to send every status report to me before the end of the month. We will have a meeting again after I've read through every proposal that the board has presented... That's all for today. Good job everyone." I said as I left the boardroom and hurriedly went to my company's exit to go get my car that's already waiting for me outside.

My driver was inside the car waiting when I headed straight to the driver's side.
"You're dismissed now Ahjussi. I'll just drive myself there since it's a personal appointment."
I told him and he immediately exited my car to thank me and he left.

It's already 6:40 PM and the scheduled fitting for my wedding suit and Minari's wedding dress was at 6 PM. My fiancée has been calling me since then but I couldn't pick up since I left my phone in my office as I held an emergency meeting.

Our competitor decided to release their product ahead of us at a much cheaper price so everyone at the company crammed on how to counter their move.
I dialed Mina's phone number as I pulled out of my company's building.
She picked up after four rings.
"Mina-ya... Mianhe. I had an emergency meeting with the board members and I didn't get to call you earlier since it was hectic. Are you still at the designer's place? I'm heading that way now." I said.
I heard Mina sigh on the phone which made me feel guilty for doing this to her.
"I rescheduled our fitting today a few minutes ago since I don't want to try the dress without you seeing it. I'm at Lux bar right now. You don't have to come if you're busy." Mina said at the end of the line. Her voice was laced with disappointment that I can't miss.

"I'm sorry Minari. I'll come pick you up since I've already dismissed everyone at the company. Let's grab some dinner. We haven't seen each other for a month now." I said trying to console my fiancée for the mess that I've done.
I hurriedly driven to the place that Mina was in.

I looked around to see where Mina is and I found her at the bar slump drunk while a man is trying to give her another glass of whisky.
He also seem to whisper something in her ears that made Mina's face turn to a confused one.
I clenched my fist as I headed to their direction.
This asshole!
"Babe, I'm here." I said as I wrap my arm around Mina's waist.
They both looked at me.
"Yah! Who are you? What do you think you're doing to my lady?" the man said to me as he grabs Mina's hand, pulling her away from me. I can see the lust and malice in his eyes that made me infuriated even more.
"I'm sorry to break it to you, but can you please let go of my fiancée? I'm here to pick her up. " I said, not breaking eye contact with him. I was ready to punch him in the face and start a commotion when Mina suddenly chuckled.
Go punch me first asshole and I'll put you in a stretcher. I thought while looking at his smug face.
The man looked at her and said, "Mina is this really your fiancé?" Mina nodded drunkenly. "Then he doesn't deserve you if he makes you drink all by yourself in this bar." the man said while looking at me.
"Let's go." I said as I helped Mina get out of the bar and in to my car.
We sat in the car with the deafening silence while I drive.
My head was full of thoughts.
My emotions are starting to get heavy as I hold my car's steering wheel tightly.
In the corner of my eye I see Mina noticed my stiffness and then she started crying.
I looked at her and felt pain inside my heart.
"Jeong, I'm sorry." she said while she's sobbing and looking down on her lap.
She's starting to bite down on her fingernails again which clearly shows that she's now anxious.
I pulled the car to a stop on the side of the road to talk to her.
I held her hand and wiped the tears off of her face.
"Babe, It's alright. I'm the one at fault here. Had I made it to our fitting schedule, you wouldn't have felt bad. Mianhe..." I said while cupping her face. She really has a face of an angel.
"Have you eaten dinner? Do you want to come to my place to chat?" I said. After a long day, I just wanted to spend time with my fiancée.
She then cheered up to give me her rare gummy smile and continued to nod endlessly like a kid with tears still glistening in her eyes.
I kissed her cheeks.
I would give everything to see you happy Minari.


February 2011

Chaeyoung's POV

I was losing my mind with boredom since it's the weekend and I've got nothing to do.
I thought of Jeongyeon hyung and texted him asking his whereabouts.

Me: Now
Hyung! Wr r u?

Jeong Hyung: 1:04 PM
home. Why?

Me: 1:06 PM
Can we hangout? I'm bored hyung. :(

Jeong Hyung: 1:15 PM
Do you mind if we hang out at my place? Nayeon is here cub.

Me: 1:16 PM
oh. Pft. But I don't want to disturb u and ur <3, hyung.

Jeong Hyung: 1:24 PM
You won't. Come here. Bring some carbonara pizza with you baby cub. I'll ask eomma to prepare your favorite strawberry milkshake. See you! 👍

Me: 1:25 PM
okay thanks! C u hyung! Do everything that u'd want to do with Nayeon noona before I get there. >;)

I washed up to change clothes then got out of our house and proceeded to ride my bike going to hyung's place.
But before that I have to stop by my sister's small pizzaria.
"Hello Yoona noona! Can you make me a carbonara pizza? To go please." I greeted as soon as I entered the place. My sister who's currently making pizza dough smiled at me. Her pizzaria maybe small but everyone can't get enough of it. Even my friends from the wealthy family like Momo noona and Jeongyeon hyung loves it.
"Will you pay this time?" my sister asked, her brows raised. This pizzaria is owned by my sister and brother in law. The second floor of this small building that my brother in law owns also serves as their family's house so its quite convenient since their only child and my only nephew's school, who's in his second grade, is infront of the building.
"I'll pay you when I get a job after college noona. Just put it in my tab for now. Hehe." I said while grinning at her and rubbing my hands together as if I was begging.
"Is it for a girl? Hmm." She said as she started preparing for my order.
"No. It's for Jeongyeon hyung. I'm visiting him at his house today since I'm bored" I replied, now sitting on one of the available seats in front of the counter where she's putting pizza toppings. There are quite a few seats available now since it's past lunch time.
"Oh? Did he invite you? How is he doing?" my sister asked.
"Of course! Why would I come uninvited. He's fine. He actually brought gifts for you and and the kiddo since he went to America. Come by at our house to take it." I said.
"Aigoo. Why do he keep bringing us gifts? It's not like we are his family. Aish that kid... He's gonna take a beating from me when I see him." she said smiling.
My sister and everyone from our family really loves Jeongyeon hyung since we've known he is from a rich household. Hyung doesn't judge us when he first went with me to our house to work on a project. I didn't know then that he was super rich.

Our house in nothing like their place. It's not even ours since we're just renting it but it's the cheapest place my family could afford.
He ate what we ate, he used our utensils without flinching like other rich kids do, he even washed the dishes since he was embarrassed to do nothing.
From that moment onwards, he would always give us gifts that we lack in our household without trying to make it look like we're a charity case.
He only gives us gifts on occasions. Even if we knew that what he was giving us are brand new things, he'll tell us that it's an old item from his house and that it's no longer in use so he brought it over for us to use.
"Well you have to add additional bacon since hyung loves it." I just said.
"I'm way ahead of you. Wait for 15 minutes. You can use one of my delivery motorcycle so you can deliver this pizza while it's hot." she said as she puts the pizza in the brick oven.

"Wow. You don't even let me eat warm dishes. Is Jeongyeon hyung your brother, huh? Tsk. Tsk." I fake hurt.
"I wish he's my brother. But I'm stuck with a dwarf like you, right?" she then laughed like a maniac.
Aishhh. This woman, really.
Just when I was about to talk down on my sister, the door chime sounded gently, giving us a signal that someone entered the pizzaria.
"Good afternoon pretty girl. Welcome to our pizzaria! "my sister greeted enthusiastically.
My back was facing the entrance so I turned around to greet our customer.
"Good af-" I was cut short and dumbfounded when the girl ran and headed straight towards our direction to hug me while crying uncontrollably.
"M-Mi-Mina noona?..."
I wonder what happened to bring Mina noona at my sister's pizzaria for the first time.

Love is timing (2yeon x JeongMi)Where stories live. Discover now